Ch 4: The Path to Strength

Feng Chen couldn't stop grinning as he emerged from the cave, basking in the morning sunlight. The air felt fresher, the sky seemed bluer, and everything around him was more vibrant. The rewards he had received from the system were still swirling in his mind, each one a testament to how far he had come in such a short time.


System Notification:-

Mission Complete! Rewards Unlocked!


With a faint shimmer, the Qi Gathering Array dissipated, its energy spent after seven days of intense cultivation. Feng Chen watched as the array stones crumbled into dust, leaving no trace of their presence behind. But he didn't mind. The array had served its purpose, and now it was time to move forward.

Stepping out of the cave, he took a deep breath, letting the cool forest air fill his lungs. He felt lighter, stronger, and more confident than ever before. And just as he was about to take in the scenery, another system notification popped up.


System Notification:-

Seclusion Rewards:-

Congratulations! You have received the following rewards for spending 7 days in seclusion:

- Elixir of Endurance: Increases physical stamina and reduces fatigue during intense training.

- Minor Spirit Beast Core: A core that can be absorbed to enhance physical attributes and qi control.

- Lightfoot Talisman: Grants temporary speed and agility, perfect for quick escapes or dodging attacks.


Feng Chen's grin widened as he reviewed his rewards. Each one was a valuable tool that would assist him in the next phase of his journey. The Elixir of Endurance would help him endure the grueling physical training that lay ahead, ensuring that he could push his body to the limits without collapsing from exhaustion.

The Minor Spirit Beast Core was particularly intriguing... it was said that such cores contained the essence of powerful beasts, and absorbing it would not only strengthen his physical attributes but also enhance his control over qi.

And the Lightfoot Talisman… well, that would definitely come in handy if he ever needed to make a quick escape... or just impress himself with how fast he could move.

"Hmm… speed and agility?" Feng Chen mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"I guess this will come in handy if I ever need to pull a quick getaway... or, you know, just feel like outrunning a particularly grumpy bear."

Feeling more motivated than ever, Feng Chen decided it was time to check his status. He called up the familiar blue screen, eager to see how much he had progressed.


Status Window:-

Name: Feng Chen

Age: 15

Cultivation Level: Qi Condensation Realm - Stage 1

Physical Strength: Enhanced (Post-Body Refining)

Qi Capacity: Moderate

Mental Strength: Enhanced

Special Conditions: None


- Heavenly Thunder Palm (Low-Grade Martial Skill): Mastery Level: Basic

- Intermediate Qi Manipulation Technique: Mastery Level: Basic


Feng Chen nodded in satisfaction. His status had significantly improved, but he knew this was just the beginning. He had a long road ahead if he wanted to become truly powerful.

Suddenly, another system notification popped up, catching his attention.


System Notification:-

New Mission: Grow Your Power!

Objective: Strengthen your physique and breakthrough to the next realm. Intense physical training required.


Feng Chen raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden mission. "Grow my power, huh? Alright, system, what's the deal with this mission?"

As if responding to his curiosity, another screen appeared, providing more detailed instructions.


Mission Explanation:-

Training Regimen: In order to advance to the next realm, it is crucial to not only cultivate qi but also to fortify the body. The host is required to undergo an intense physical training regimen designed to enhance physical strength, agility, and endurance. This will prepare the host for the rigors of higher cultivation and future battles.

Training Breakdown:-

- Endurance Training: Enhance physical stamina through long-distance running, swimming, and sustained physical exertion.

- Strength Training: Build muscle and power through weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance training.

- Agility Training: Improve speed and reflexes through obstacle courses, quick movements, and coordination drills.

- Skill Mastery: Practice and refine martial skills such as the Heavenly Thunder Palm to improve control and effectiveness.


- Minor Realm Breakthrough: Upon completing the training regimen, the host will achieve a breakthrough to the next stage within the Qi Condensation Realm.

- Enhanced Physical Attributes: The host's body will be significantly stronger, faster, and more resilient.

- Special Reward: A unique reward will be granted upon completion of the mission, tailored to the host's progress.


Feng Chen whistled softly as he read through the details.

"Wow, system, you really don't hold back, do you? This sounds like a pretty hardcore training regimen… but I guess that's what it takes to grow stronger."

He felt a surge of excitement as he considered the challenges ahead. The idea of pushing his body to its limits, of honing his strength and agility, thrilled him. It was exactly what he needed to take the next step on his journey.

"Alright then," Feng Chen said, a determined smile spreading across his face. "Let's get to work."


Day 1: The Training Begins

Feng Chen wasted no time. He knew that the path to true power wasn't just about cultivating qi... it was about forging his body into a weapon, capable of withstanding any challenge. And that meant training every muscle, every tendon, and every bone until they were as strong as steel.

He started his day by stretching, taking the time to carefully loosen his muscles. The early morning air was cool, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth. Feng Chen took in his surroundings, the towering trees and the distant sound of flowing water reminding him that he was alone out here... alone, but free.

"Gotta make sure I don't pull something. I mean, who wants to be that guy who gets injured on the first day of training?" he muttered to himself, cracking his neck and shaking out his limbs.

"I've got a system, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't come with a built-in healer."

He began with endurance training, starting with a series of sprints, running back and forth across the open field near his cottage. The ground was uneven, filled with roots and rocks, but Feng Chen was determined. Each time he tripped or stumbled, he pushed himself harder, determined to master his footing.

"Come on, legs, don't fail me now!" he muttered as he sprinted up a small hill, sweat dripping down his face.

"You survived the Qi Condensation Realm, you can survive a little run!"

As he ran, he focused on his breathing, making sure to maintain a steady rhythm. His lungs burned with each inhale, his heart pounded in his chest, but it felt good... like he was finally pushing his body to its limits. Each time he reached the top of the hill, he would pause for a moment, looking out at the expanse of forest around him, before turning back and sprinting down again.

The sprints left him winded, but Feng Chen was far from done. He had set a pace for himself, one that he intended to stick to. Next up was strength training, and for that, he had something special in mind.

He grabbed a large tree trunk he had used for building his cottage and began lifting it overhead, using it as an improvised weight. Each repetition strained his muscles, but he relished the burn.

"Who needs fancy weights when you've got nature's gym?" he joked, lifting the trunk with a grunt.

"Just don't drop it on your foot, Feng Chen. You've got enough problems without hobbling around."

Feng Chen continued to lift and lower the trunk, focusing on his form and making sure each movement was controlled. His arms and shoulders screamed in protest, but he pushed through the discomfort, knowing that this was how he would grow stronger. Sweat poured down his face and back, but he didn't let up.

"One more… just one more…" he gritted out through clenched teeth, forcing his muscles to obey even as they trembled with fatigue. With a final burst of effort, he lifted the trunk one last time before carefully setting it down, his chest heaving with exertion.

He took a few moments to catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. His muscles ached, but it was a good ache... the kind that told him he was making progress.

"Okay, that wasn't so bad," Feng Chen said, his breath finally evening out.

"But we're just getting started."

Next, he set up a makeshift punching bag... basically a thick bundle of leaves and branches tied together, and started practicing the Heavenly Thunder Palm. Each strike sent a jolt of energy through his body, and he could feel the technique becoming more familiar with every hit.

"Pow! Take that!" Feng Chen shouted, his voice echoing through the forest as he unleashed a series of thunderous strikes.

"Okay, that was actually pretty cool. I could get used to this."

But as he continued, Feng Chen noticed something important: the way the energy moved through him wasn't as smooth as he wanted it to be. The power was there, but his control was still lacking. Each strike required intense focus, and he knew that if he could master this technique, it would become second nature... an extension of his very being.

He paused for a moment, thinking about how the system had described the Heavenly Thunder Palm.

"The more I practice, the more natural it'll feel… But I have to make sure I'm not just going through the motions. I've got to really understand how this power flows through me."

Taking a deep breath, Feng Chen resumed his practice, this time paying closer attention to the way his qi circulated through his body. He visualized the energy as a current, flowing from his dantian, up through his arms, and into his palms. Each time he struck the makeshift bag, he imagined the power coursing through him like a bolt of lightning, sharp and precise.

The more he practiced, the more in tune he became with the energy. By the time he stopped, his strikes were faster, more controlled, and far more powerful than when he had started. His muscles ached, and his hands tingled from the repeated bursts of energy, but there was a sense of satisfaction that came with each successful strike.

Feng Chen smiled to himself, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Not bad, Feng Chen. Not bad at all."

But the training didn't stop there. Feng Chen knew that agility was just as important as strength, so he spent the afternoon practicing dodging and quick movements. He set up a series of ropes tied between trees, creating an obstacle course that forced him to duck, weave, and leap. The Lightfoot Talisman added an extra boost, making him feel like he was gliding over the ground.

As he zipped through the course, dodging imaginary attacks and moving with increasing speed, Feng Chen couldn't help but chuckle.

"Who needs to walk when you can basically fly?" he laughed, darting through the trees with a grin.

"If the Feng Clan could see me now, they'd be eating their words!"

The talisman made a significant difference. Feng Chen felt light on his feet, almost like he was weightless. The obstacle course that would have been challenging before now felt like child's play. He zipped between the trees, his movements fluid and precise, barely touching the ground as he leaped over fallen branches and ducked under low-hanging vines.

By the time the sun began to set, Feng Chen was drenched in sweat, his muscles aching, but he felt more alive than ever. He had pushed himself to his limits, and he knew that this was just the beginning.

As he cooled down, sitting by the stream and letting the cool water soothe his sore muscles, Feng Chen couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. Today had been tough, but he had made real progress. His body was stronger, his techniques sharper, and his resolve even more unshakable.

"Not bad for a day's work," he said, leaning back against a tree and closing his eyes.

"I've got a long way to go, but if I keep this up, I'll be a force to be reckoned with in no time."

Before he drifted off to sleep, a final system notification appeared, making him chuckle.


System Notification:-

Training Progress: Day 1 Complete.

Keep it up!


Feng Chen smiled to himself. "Don't worry, system. I'm just getting started."

With that, he let sleep take him, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges... and new rewards. As he rested, his mind replayed the day's training, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path ahead was steep, but for the first time, he felt like he was truly ready to walk it.