Ch 5: Training arc (LoL)

For the next twenty days, Feng Chen threw himself into his training with an intensity that bordered on obsession. Every morning, he woke up with the sunrise, stretching his muscles and preparing for another grueling day. The routine was the same... sprints, strength training, agility drills, and skill practice... but the results were nothing short of extraordinary.

By the end of the first week, Feng Chen started to notice something remarkable. His body was changing at an almost unbelievable pace. His once lean frame was now packed with muscle.

The definition in his arms, chest, and legs was astonishing, and his strength had increased so dramatically that what once was a challenge now felt like child's play. Lifting tree trunks, which had started as a test of his strength, was now just a warm-up exercise.

One evening, as he stood in front of a makeshift mirror he had fashioned from a polished piece of metal, Feng Chen examined his reflection. He was both proud and perplexed. His muscles had developed so rapidly that it felt as though he had undergone months of intense bodybuilding in just a few days.

"I don't know why," he muttered to himself, flexing one arm and admiring the way his bicep bulged,

"but my body's becoming muscular so quickly. I mean, look at these gains! At this rate, I'll be built like a mountain in no time."

He turned to the side, giving his reflection a wink and a grin.

"Not bad, Feng Chen. Not bad at all. I bet even the system's impressed with how fast I'm bulking up. Must be all that natural talent. Who knew I had it in me?"

As he continued to admire his reflection, indulging in a little self-congratulation, a familiar blue screen materialized in front of his eyes, nearly causing him to stumble backward.


System Notification:-

Congratulations! Your mission has been successfully completed.

The host has achieved significant improvements in physical strength, agility, and endurance. As a result, the following rewards have been granted:

- Advanced Qi Manipulation Technique: A more refined method for controlling and utilizing qi.

- Muscle-Enhancing Elixir: A rare elixir that accelerates muscle growth and enhances physical strength.

- Temporary Buff - Accelerated Muscular Development: Automatically applied during training to maximize physical improvements.


Feng Chen blinked, the self-satisfied grin slowly fading from his face as the words sank in.

"Wait… what? Temporary buff? You mean this… all of this..." He gestured at his newly chiseled body, a mixture of shock and betrayal creeping into his voice.

"...wasn't all me? It was just some system buff?"

The system, as if sensing Feng Chen's momentary smugness, delivered the next message with a tone that seemed almost… sarcastic.


System Notification:-

The host's rapid physical improvements were indeed extraordinary… thanks to the Temporary Buff: Accelerated Muscular Development applied by the system. Without it, such progress might have taken considerably longer. The host's natural talent contributed, of course, but the buff significantly increased the rate of progress.


Feng Chen stared at the screen, his earlier excitement now tinged with disbelief.

"So… all that boasting I did… thinking I was some kind of natural prodigy… it was all because of a buff?"

The system, of course, remained unfazed by his disappointment. It was simply presenting the facts.

Feng Chen felt a vein twitch in his forehead.

"You're telling me all these muscles, this amazing progress, wasn't because I'm some kind of cultivation genius? It's just because you decided to throw a buff my way?"

For a moment, he just stood there, fists clenched, staring at his reflection. His muscles, impressive as they were, now seemed slightly less impressive. He had thought himself exceptional, a natural-born genius in the making. But now, the system had pulled back the curtain, revealing the man behind the muscle... just an ordinary guy with an extraordinary system.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as he leaned against the cool rock wall of the cave.

"Well, Feng Chen," he muttered to himself,

"you might not be a natural-born muscle monster, but at least you've got a system that's got your back… and your biceps, apparently."

He turned back to the system screen, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I see what you did there, system. You were just waiting for me to get all smug so you could knock me down a peg, huh?"

Naturally, the system didn't respond to his accusation... at least, not in the way he expected. Instead, a new notification popped up, as if to add insult to injury.


System Notification:-

The host's enhanced physical abilities are indeed impressive… for someone with assistance.


Feng Chen groaned, rubbing his temples.

"I swear, if I could punch you right now, system, I would."

The system, of course, remained unperturbed. It had no physical form to punch, and it clearly didn't care about Feng Chen's bruised ego.

"Alright, alright, you win this round," Feng Chen grumbled, dismissing the notification.

"But don't think this means I'm giving up. Buff or no buff, I'm still going to keep pushing myself. Just you watch."

With a resigned sigh, he shrugged off the disappointment.

"Okay, so maybe I had a little help. But it's not like I just sat around while the system did all the work. I still trained my butt off! These muscles might be enhanced, but I earned them."

His reflection seemed to mock him with its muscular grandeur. But as he looked at himself more closely, the initial disappointment gave way to a more rational thought.

"Alright, so I had a little help. But that doesn't mean I didn't put in the work. Besides, the system might have given me a buff, but it didn't do the push-ups for me."

He glanced at the system screen, his curiosity piqued by the long list of rewards. He hadn't bothered to check the notifications for the last twenty days, too focused on his training to care. But now, he realized that the system had been busy tracking his progress and rewarding him accordingly. A flood of notifications suddenly swarmed his vision, causing him to step back in surprise.

"What the…?" Feng Chen exclaimed, nearly overwhelmed by the sheer number of notifications.

"How many of these did I miss?"


System Notification:-

Accumulated Rewards:-

Day 1: Minor Spirit Beast Core

Day 2: Basic Strengthening Pill

Day 3: Lightfoot Talisman (1 Use)

Day 4: Enhanced Qi Gathering Array (3 Days)

Day 5: Muscle-Enhancing Elixir

Day 6: Intermediate Reflex Training Manual

Day 7: Minor Realm Breakthrough – Qi Condensation Realm Stage 2

Day 8: Elixir of Spiritual Clarity

Day 9: Physical Conditioning Array (2 Days)

Day 10: Spirit Beast Core (Intermediate)

Day 11: Advanced Qi Manipulation Technique

Day 12: Temporary Buff: Accelerated Muscular Development

Day 13: Thunderstrike Talisman

Day 14: Essence of Speed Elixir

Day 15: Minor Spirit Beast Core

Day 16: Swift Strike Technique Scroll

Day 17: Reinforced Bones Pill

Day 18: Qi Restoration Elixir

Day 19: Improved Lightfoot Talisman (3 Uses)

Day 20: Muscle-Enhancing Elixir & Temporary Buff: Increased Recovery Rate


Feng Chen's jaw dropped as he scrolled through the rewards list, his eyes widening with each item.

"This… this is insane! I didn't even realize I was racking up so much stuff!"

The sheer volume of rewards was overwhelming. Elixirs, talismans, manuals, and even breakthroughs... he had gained so much in such a short time that it felt almost surreal. He couldn't help but feel a bit giddy at the thought of what all these rewards could do for him.

"Okay, maybe I should have been paying more attention," he admitted with a sheepish grin.

"But hey, better late than never, right? This stuff is going to be a game-changer!"

He quickly glanced through the descriptions of each reward, mentally cataloging what he had received and how he could use it. The Advanced Qi Manipulation Technique was going to be invaluable for refining his control over qi.

While the Essence of Speed Elixir promised to make him even faster than before.

The Reinforced Bones Pill was intriguing too.. it claimed to toughen his bones, making them more resistant to injury.

But it was the Minor Realm Breakthrough that caught his attention the most. He had already reached Stage 2 of the Qi Condensation Realm without even realizing it. The system had pushed him to new heights while he had been too focused on his physical training to notice.

"So… I've actually broken through again," Feng Chen murmured, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

"I didn't even feel it happen, but I guess that's what happens when you're too busy lifting trees and dodging imaginary enemies."

His hand clenched into a fist, and he felt the surge of power that came with his breakthrough. His qi flowed more freely, his body felt stronger, and his senses were sharper than ever before. The progress he had made in just twenty days was nothing short of astonishing.

But even as he reveled in his newfound strength, a small voice in the back of his mind whispered a reminder... his father, the Feng Clan, the way they had treated him. The anger and resentment that had fueled him for so long hadn't disappeared; if anything, it had grown stronger as he had. The thought of returning to the clan, of showing them what he had become, both excited and infuriated him.

"Wonder how Father would react if he saw me now," Feng Chen muttered, his voice laced with bitterness.

"Bet he wouldn't be so quick to throw me out if he knew what I'm capable of."

The memory of his father's cold eyes, the contemptuous way he had been dismissed, still stung. Despite all his progress, the wound in his heart had yet to heal. He could feel the anger simmering beneath the surface, a mix of hurt and pride driving him to prove himself.

But as quickly as the anger flared, he forced himself to calm down.

"No point in thinking about that now. I'm not ready to face him... not yet. But soon…"

Feng Chen sighed, trying to release the tension that had built up inside him.

"For now, I've got more important things to focus on."

Determined to shake off the negativity, Feng Chen made his way down to the lake, stripping off his sweat-soaked clothes and slipping into the cool water. The sensation was instantly soothing, washing away the heat and exhaustion from his body. He floated on his back, staring up at the sky, letting his mind drift.

The fish in the lake swam around him, unafraid of his presence. Feng Chen had noticed over the past few days that these weren't ordinary fish... they seemed almost intelligent, as if they recognized him. But they didn't pose any threat, and Feng Chen found their company oddly comforting.

"Smart little guys, aren't you?" Feng Chen said with a chuckle as one of the fish nudged his hand.

"Too bad you're not big enough to eat... otherwise, we might not be on such friendly terms."

He spent a few more minutes in the lake, letting his muscles relax and his mind clear. The anger and resentment were still there, but for now, they were manageable... just another source of fuel for his training.

As he climbed out of the lake, water dripping from his body, a new system notification appeared.


System Notification:-

New Mission: Train Your Abilities!

Objective: Master the martial skills and techniques you've acquired. Refine your control over qi, improve your combat abilities, and enhance your proficiency in newly learned techniques.


Feng Chen dried off, a renewed sense of determination filling him as he read the new mission. He was stronger now, both physically and mentally, but there was still much to learn. The system had given him the tools... now it was up to him to master them.

"Looks like it's time to put all this muscle to work," Feng Chen said, a grin spreading across his face.

"Let's see what I can really do."

He could almost hear the system's silent challenge in the mission it had presented. There would be no buffs, no shortcuts this time... just raw effort and skill. And that was just fine with Feng Chen.

"Alright, system," he muttered, cracking his knuckles as he prepared to dive into his new training regimen.

"Let's get to work."