Ch 42: First Lesson

Feng Chen stepped out of the cave, the familiar weight of his surroundings settling into his bones as the swirling qi from the Qi Gathering Array infused the air.

Every breath he took felt fuller, richer, and with the barrier around his domain, it was like standing in a world apart from the chaotic forest outside.

He glanced back at the cave, knowing the protection it now held, and then down to the two small creatures still coiled around his arms. Their tiny forms, though fragile, radiated a latent power he was starting to sense.

The snakes wriggled slightly, curiously observing their surroundings, trying to comprehend the new world they had just been born into. Everything was strange, foreign, and they were relying entirely on Feng Chen for guidance.

Their eyes flicked toward him, looking for reassurance. And he, deep in thought, couldn't help but feel conflicted.

He sighed and lowered himself gently to the ground beside the cave, motioning for the snakes to slither off his arms. As they did, their sleek black and white bodies unfurled beside him, occasionally brushing against each other as they moved.

They were small... almost fragile... but something about them suggested they wouldn't remain that way for long.

How do I explain all this to them? he wondered, rubbing his chin. The truth was, he didn't even fully understand the depths of their potential, especially with the hidden bloodline the system mentioned.

One wrong word, one misstep, and these snakes could end up more dangerous than he ever anticipated. Or worse, they'll realize I've been bluffing all along.

Better to keep things vague, for now. He looked down at the two, who were now resting, their small heads raised, curious eyes fixated on him. They were like children, he realized.

Born into a world of chaos with no knowledge of how it worked or their place in it. And for better or worse, he was now responsible for them.

With a sigh, Feng Chen gave them a fatherly smile and straightened his back.

"Alright, listen up," he began, his voice low but firm.

"My name is Feng Chen. I used to be a member of the Feng Clan. One of the four great clans in this world. But there's something you should know right away... I'm not like the others." He paused, letting his words sink in.

"I was exiled. Kicked out for being weak, for being... well, different."

The snakes blinked, their heads tilting slightly in confusion, but they continued to listen.

"You see," he continued,

"this world revolves around cultivation. Cultivation is the process of absorbing and refining an energy known as Qi... it's everywhere, in the air, in the ground, in your body. And by cultivating Qi, you can ascend to great power. You can bend the elements, crush mountains with your fists, and if you're lucky, you can live forever."

The snakes nodded, seemingly understanding... or at least, pretending to. Feng Chen chuckled softly.

"Not that you'd understand what that means just yet, but trust me, it's a big deal. Everyone in this world is trying to reach the top, trying to become immortal."

His expression darkened slightly as he thought back on his own struggles.

"I couldn't cultivate, not at first. I was the weakest of the weak, a disgrace to my family." His voice softened as he added,

"But that's changed now."

The snakes slithered closer, sensing something deeper behind his words. Feng Chen extended his hands toward them, motioning for them to come even closer. They hesitated briefly, then complied, coiling up near his knees.

"I want you to understand something important," he said softly, placing his left hand on the black snake's head and his right on the white one's.

"You're different too. But in a good way. You've got a power inside you that even I can't fully comprehend yet. But I'll help you unlock it."

The snakes gave him a curious look, but Feng Chen continued,

"Right now, you can't feel it because your bodies are still weak. But with a little bit of guidance, I can help you awaken the power inside. I'm going to transfer some of my energy into you... just enough to get you started."

Both snakes' eyes widened slightly at the mention of energy. They nodded, trusting him completely. Feng Chen took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he began to channel his Qi.

Yin energy flowed from his left hand into the black snake, and Yang energy from his right into the white snake. The connection was immediate... an electric hum filled the air as the Qi flowed into their small bodies.

Almost instantly, the snakes hissed in discomfort. Their bodies writhed as the Qi coursed through their meridians, unblocking their energy pathways. Feng Chen could feel the tension in their muscles, the strain as their bodies adapted to the sudden influx of power. It was a painful process... one that even experienced cultivators struggled with.

"Relax," he whispered, his voice steady and soothing.

"Let it flow through you. It'll hurt, but it'll pass. Focus on the energy. Feel it, control it."

Gradually, the snakes' hissing subsided. Their small, coiled forms began to relax as the energy settled within them, stabilizing. Feng Chen could feel the shift in their bodies... their Qi pathways were now open, allowing them to absorb and cultivate Qi on their own.

"Good," he said softly.

"Now, focus on the energy inside you. Feel how it moves through your body. Guide it, control it."

As he spoke, the black snake's body began to shimmer with a dark, shadowy aura... Yin energy. It coiled around the snake like a second skin, dark and cold.

The white snake, on the other hand, was glowing with a soft, radiant light... Yang energy. The two energies pulsed in the air, distinct yet complementary, mirroring the balance within Feng Chen's own body.

Satisfied with their progress, Feng Chen slowly stood up.

"You're doing great," he said, smiling down at them.

"But I'll let you practice on your own for a bit."

He stepped back, giving the snakes space to continue cultivating, and pulled out his two weapons... the Demon's Vile and the Abyssal Devourer Blade. The moment he held them in his hands, he could feel their hunger. Both weapons vibrated with anticipation, as if eager to be unleashed.

Feng Chen smirked, feeling the familiar weight of the weapons in his grip.

"Alright, you two," he whispered, holding the blades out in front of him.

"It's time for you to evolve."

The weapons pulsed in response, their auras growing darker and more intense. They were demonic weapons... born from the darkest corners of the cultivation world. And now, it was time to push them beyond their current limits.

The moment they appeared in his hands, they vibrated eagerly, as if sensing his intent.

He could feel it... the hunger. Both blades, demonic in nature, were craving more power, craving evolution. Feng Chen gripped them tightly, his expression serious. It's time for both of you to evolve. To step into the realm of relics.

The air around him grew colder, darker, as the weapons responded to his intent. Their auras pulsed, resonating with his qi, amplifying his presence. These weren't ordinary weapons... they had been with him through countless battles, had tasted the blood of his enemies, had grown stronger alongside him.

But now, it was time for them to take the next step. To become relics... items of true power. Feng Chen closed his eyes, focusing his qi into the blades, feeling the energy course through him and into them.

"It's time for all of us to grow," he whispered, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Let's see what kind of power we can achieve together."