Detective Caleb Reed, haunted by his father's unsolved mysteries, stumbles upon the chilling case of Marcus Dew—a man murdered under sinister circumstances, his spirit now trapped between worlds. As Caleb delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of dark rituals, a secret society, and a vengeful entity determined to keep its secrets buried. With time running out and the supernatural closing in, Caleb must confront his own demons to solve the case before he becomes the next victim. Suspenseful and gripping, this tale blurs the line between the living and the dead.
Hii, it’s the author here. I won’t give myself a five star review cause I know my story isn’t the best out there, I just started writing and this is actually meant to be a short story as a gift for my friend. It would mean a lot to me if you support and encourage me so I can write a long and amazing next book!!