Chapter 9. "That's not new"

A journal entry: August 26th 2004.

(Still 15 years old.)

Not all of these days are going to be juicy bits folks lol

That stuff happens about 10 years from this point.

But we will get there!

It won't take as long as you thing lol, I didn't write daily

And there are even stretches of month at a time when I wrote nothing at all. 

My life was very much a rollercoaster.

Especially once I was tossed into foster care...

Just endure the younger me for a bit, yeah?

At least its funny if nothing else lol. 



Today was rather a boring day. I had to babysit XXXXX and he is a pain in the ass.

My mother was in a very bad mood today...and I was yelled at, but hey that's not new. 

I haven't spoken to XXXXX today, but I'm alright.

I'll talk to her tomorrow. 

The countdown is here!

"6" days till school! 

Departure to new mobile learning academy.


Yeah, see?

Simple day that was.

My mom is...unique.

She has some very...potent Nigerian blood lol.




And many, many more descriptive words lol

She is also 




She raised me alongside seven other children.

That takes a lot.

I may harp on her in these old pages, but I love her dearly.

Maybe she will read these some day lol.

That would be interesting.

See you soon folks.