Chapter 10. "Enough money."

A journal entry: August 30th 2004.

(Still 15 years old.)


10th grade was weird for me.

I had awkward facial fair, hand-me-downs, and acne from hell.

I had a budding and intense interest in girls, but they still kinda freaked me out. 

Puberty tends to to make everything a lot more dramatic lol. 

Like Spidey senses awakening.

And then firing off every few minutes for as long as you are awake.

If Spidey senses gave you a strangely pitchy voice, clothes that you SWEAR fit right last week, and far to many random erections in the middle of Geometry Enrichment class... 

I miss parts of my youth at times.

Puberty is not one of those parts lol.



Hey! wassup?

I'm so happy because I'm supposed to go see XXXXX tomorrow!

I hope every thing goes through alright. I really want to see her and her me.

So it's all good.

I have to call her back so I can see If every this really is all good.

I can't wait until I see her, I just can't.

But I also hope my father sends me enough money for school supplies and clothes...


I had and still have quite the stiff love/hate relationship with my father...

I, I THINK that he tried for at least a little bit to get custody of me...but he decided that he would rather not see me at all instead of working out some sort of shared custody agreement with my mother. 

I don't and will never know the whole story, you know?

I know that I thought that he never sent enough money.

By law, and beyond his power of choice, he always did.

My mom just didn't key me in on that part.

Such is life.

I had seven other siblings lol.

I am sure she had her reasons. 

See you soon folks.