Extreme hunt part 3

—IT CAN'T BE, BUT THAT WAS TOO FAST. —Duke shouted over the intercom. 

—TOO FAST. —Casey replied, both of them screaming in horror and fear. 

—HERE'S JACKIE. — Jackie screamed with a sadistic blood-filled everything that ends up opening the crack to a size that vehicles can enter. 

Duke and Casey are screaming in fear so they accelerate as fast as they can. The three vehicles resume the chase, but Martin, not standing idly by what Becky did to his vehicle, throws a hook towards the rear bumper, right at the part where the vehicles are towed to get rid of his, he climbs into the vehicle to treacherously hit Becky who is on top of K.AT.T.'s roof with what little energy she has left, she alerts Becky about Martin being behind her. She turns around, they both start to fight, K.AT.T. begins to regenerate and then throws a hook towards Duke's car, so Jackie stops playing the horse, throws herself on the rope, clings to it and begins to move along the rope until she reaches Duke, he notices it in the rearview mirror, uses a tranquilizer ray gun to calm her down, but she resists the shots, but things get complicated when Cole violently charges K.A.T.T. to fly away, throwing a shot at her. to fly off, throwing one of his ropes towards Duke's cart to fight Jackie, despite being a rookie Jackie is able to keep up with him as they both fight holding on to the rope with a mixed martial arts combination, however, when Cole locks Jackie in a submission hold, Duke takes advantage, throws a stun grenade at them so that Cole releases it and they both go flying, but not before Cole throws a rope to keep them clinging to the vehicle by instinct as Jackie disappears to another dimension but he shoots him using his bouncing bullet to cut both the rope holding K. A.T.T. and Cole's rope sending them into unknown dimensions. Bringing this ultraviolent chase to an end. 

They both exit the portal that leads them directly to the port, Duke takes a few meters away so as not to attract the attention of the Gulabon. Once arrived at the port, Case parks in a part where the surveillance does not notice his presence, the cookie eater pays him with the gem, he runs off to the port, Casey informs Duke on his cell phone about it, so he parks a little far from the cab, he goes in pursuit transgressing the port security, but keeps his distance while they evade security. 

—Why would he enter a port? —Duke wondered as he chased him through the maze of steel containers and added. —Unless... —He thought again that he loses him for an instant but remembered that he saw the watchman making his rounds while he was eating some boy scout cookies, so he decides to head towards him. When he manages to spot him, the cookie eater also finds him, Duke alerts him even though the watchman a jelly man threatens him with the gun, he inadvertently fires several warning shots at him, but like a cowboy he draws and fires at super human speed towards the watchman's bullets causing them to hit each other, preventing either of them from taking damage he approaches towards the watchman sliding towards him. 

—Duke Mcduckwell, private detective of the law and chaos advanced private investigation. —I exclaim Duke who shows him his ID and manages to connect a blow to the devourer that became tangible for an instant sending him flying, but he becomes intangible and disappears. 

—I'm sorry Detective, it wasn't my intention, but what's a gulabon doing here? —I don't know, but that's why I'm here," asked the watchman who was incorporated by Duke. 

—I don't know, but that's why I'm here to find out, I know I must enter with a warrant, but I wasn't going to let him get killed. —Duke answered as he stood back—to—back with the watchman. 

However, he noticed for a moment that the watchman's brain was glowing ever so slightly to a golden color. This got Duke thinking. Until the cookie eater emerges from the ground, separating them in the process, he shoots several phantom bullets to hit the Gulabon who becomes intangible, ending up badly wounded, but continues to fight as his bloodlust is rising to unimaginable limits. Both face each other, he begins to change forms in various species of the world, he transforms into a gremlins type to reach the vigilante, but he shoots him, a flurry of spider webs with spider launchers that he has on his wrists to trap him in a web of webs creating a cocoon. However, he changes form to become the human torch to shoot a beam of fire but Duke pulls out a freeze gun, shoots a freeze ray to face him in a collision of rays where the freeze ray manages to beat him, So he changes form to a kind of X—MEN's nocturne and then teleports to where the vigilante is, but he didn't count on Duke being able to predict where he was going to teleport, so he pulls a tranquilizer gun out of his sleeve and shoots him at a speed faster than the speed of light, managing to hit him with a shot in the chest. 

Once the cookie eater falls weakened before the vigilante, the golden color of his brain fades, so he loses interest, but Duke handcuffs him, he also notices this. 

—Excuse me, could you tell me your phone number, I want to do some analysis for a sample for my research, and ask you some questions, if that's okay. —Duke said while they were passing numbers to each other, since the vigilante was grateful to Duke for saving him, so he was going to help him with the investigation. 

So, Duke proceeds to take him outside, but he forgets to make a special mark on him so that he can be recognized as the one who captured him. Before putting the mark on him, a bolt of lightning starts to come out of nowhere, until suddenly a burst of energy sends them flying, from which a busty, athletic, naked red-haired woman kneels, she rises up in front of them. Duke and the cookie eater avert their gaze as they don't want to look her in the eyes, but they do look at her large breasts, with their large pink areolas and full-sized nipples. 

—Hi Becky, how are you, how was your dimensional trip? ...— said Duke with a fearful tone, but she electrocutes them, lifts them up and hangs them with pure electricity. 

—Stop looking at my boobs, I understand that you can't stand to look at my face, but this body has an owner, so give me your coat to cover me. —Becky answered, torturing them with pure energy. 

—I'd give it to you, gladly, but I'm not going to give you all my weapons.... —Duke replied, writhing in pain. 

A portal opens from where a Mad Max and Death race type Ford GT emerges armed to the teeth, he rams Becky throwing her into a dumpster, the driver's gull wing door opens, a man with long black hair, with a handheld chainsaw with some googles with black clothes with rips, wearing a cape, approaches Duke. 

—Thank you, Martin, nice to see you again.... —Said Duke who looks at him, but Martin kicks him in the face and grabs the cookie eater by the handcuffs. 

—You can shove it up your ass, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to collect my reward. —Martin answered and grabbed the cookie eater by the handcuffs to claim him as his own and added. —You're definitely an asshole, Duke, you should have branded him when you could, now he's mine and I'm going to brand him. 

Becky, recovering, lunges towards Martin, but he throws the cape at her, so she crashes into another container. She recovers and puts it on as if it were a dress. 

—I'm warning you, Breakdown, I did wrong things with that cape. — Martin said with a smile and a mischievous laugh. 

—Don't worry, if anything comes out of your filth, I'll rip it off and shove it up your ass. —Becky replied. 

—Well...a certain person doesn't like that kind of thing, so I doubt very much that he would agree to it. —Martin replied as the two of them rushed forward to fight, but Martin was stopped by a slam of a door that appeared out of nowhere. 

—Thank you, Galactic Kitty, say hello to the others. —Said Jackie who says goodbye to the galactic cat, closes the door, it disappears and recognizes Becky and goes to where she, as if she were an excited child, added. —Detective Breakdown, I'm glad we found her.... 

Becky grabs his neck, puts her arm through his mouth to take out his clothes, his weapons, his belongings, his personal documents and some baby wipes to remove all the impurities from his body, dirt or whatever Martin's cape had. So, she goes to a container to change and in less than a second, she comes back changed in her normal clothes. 

—Thank you, black girl, you saved me from one, this beautiful Goddess body belongs to only one person and that is the former Captain Cole Carson. —Said Becky. 

—But Detective, he doesn't treat her badly. —Jackie answered. 

—Nah, he's a great man and I'm not just saying that because he's acting like he's a lonely emo edgy guy who likes to slit his wrists, he's a MAN and I know why I'm telling you, he's the only man capable of conquering my icy heart. —Becky answered until she started to look to the sides in search of Cole, who was the last one missing, until she notices he is not there, she starts to cry since she will never see her beloved again, until she ends up falling to the floor throwing a tantrum, Jackie tries to calm her down and in an act of mercy, they (Duke, Martin and even the cookie eater) join to comfort Becky to join her pain. 

However, some magic circles come out, where a man in a cape and hood emerges, they put on their guard, until he removes his hood. 

—I'M BACK, YOU SONS OF BITCHES. —Said the hooded man who is shown as Cole, but with a white beard and white hair so he added. —And this beard of the devil, not that he was Gondalf, I don't like gray hair. 

So, he pulls out his beard, removes his hair, going bald and sticks his finger in his mouth, blows as if he were blowing a balloon, from which, as if he were a Playdoh doll, hair emerges from his head, until it forms his characteristic hairstyle. 

—Much better, boys I have a long story to tell..." said Cole when Becky pounces on him and hugs and kisses him uncontrollably. Until Cole, carries her by the shoulders as if she were a little girl and added. —Look honey, I want to apologize for behaving like a lonely emo edgy who likes to slit his wrists, but I just needed to be alone and nothing else, with that tremendous trip I took, I exhausted my need for solitude. — 

Cole kisses her and touches Becky violently, so does she. Jackie gets jealous to the point that she thinks she's being cheated on. 

—So, tell us how your trip went, Cole. —Said Martin who is sitting in some movie theater seats along with Duke and the cookie eater, while eating popcorn. 

>>I'll be honest, it was shitty, those Japanese should give me my money back, I was teleported to a medieval fantasy world, like the isekai uncle, it was practically the same thing only that, I don't take shit from anyone, in my world there are laws, ethical and moral guidelines, but in a fantasy isekai, I don't take shit from anyone.... When some faggots saw me reincarnate, they wanted to attack me, but I subdued them with my threads, I asked the god to be able to understand them and other powers, but the god only wanted to give me the power to understand them, so I broke the fabric of reality, I broke his mother so hard that he gave them to me, but he swore revenge against me, so I broke his mother again and again until he calmed down, because with all the powers that half could defeat a hundred karitos, even so it was a shit, because I saved a girl who looked at me with fear, offered me as a sacrifice, the children who accompanied her was going to set me a trap, I gave me so much anger that I put a tremendous beating to the girl for Bitch, one of the children, I put his head in the ass of the other, to learn, then I met a Tsundere elf. .. 

—YOU PENETRATED HER... —Martin shouted. 

—YOU DEFILED HER... —shouted Duke. 

— YOU PUT IT IN... —Martin shouted. 

—YOU DID THE METE SACA... —YOU DID IT... —Shouted Duke. 

—YOU DID IT WITH THAT... —Martin shouted. 


—DAMN WHAT DAMN YOU DID..." Martin and Duke shouted in despair. 

Becky with a murderous look had a military knife to his neck, a gun pointed at his side. Cole felt threatened. 

—Cole, he's a man and say it with all your heart...from class B humanoid rag doll to humanoid duck with no defined classification, tell us, did you do it or NOT. —Said Duke. 

—Forget Becky, tell the truth with all your soul and with all your being, did you do it or not. —Said Martin. 

Cole inhaled hard and exhaled slowly. 

—No, I did...Nothing—Responded Cole discouraged and disappointed. 

—DAMN...BUT WHAT A FAGGOT. —Martin shouted. 

—I DROPPED AN IDOL. —shouted Duke. 

—At least let me explain. —Cole answered while Becky hugged him with joy and kissed him. 

—Don't explain anything to me, I already know the rest of the story, it's like the story of uncle isekai but EDGY AS FUCK? Or however you want, in my postapocalyptic world, I defiled every woman that crossed my path, I bet Becky cheated on you with someone else, or the newbie did it with someone else. —Martin exclaimed. 


—I didn't do anything wrong; the affair was healthy and innocent. —Jackie said. 

Suddenly Martin approaches her, looks her in the eyes. 

—Sure. —Martin answered with a seductive tone, looking her up and down from bottom to top, devouring her with his eyes. 

—Yes..." Jackie exclaims, submissive to his gaze. 

He takes her chin. 

—You have very nice brown eyes, you have short straight hair, it is natural because you may have Egyptian ancestry or because you went to the salon. —Martin answered. 

—It's natural... Honey. —Jackie answered, mesmerized by him. 

Suddenly, Becky, takes them off with a hydraulic jack. 

—Don't listen to him, officer, don't let yourself be corrupted by that piece of human garbage, you are a pure and innocent woman full of light..." Becky answered, pushing him away from her. 

—Well, a pure and innocent woman full of light, I am not, but that's okay. —Jackie replied with a tone of irony. 

—You're killing me, the way I perceive you, you black devil. —Becky exclaimed with an angry tone. 

—NO, MY DETECTIVE, NOT AT ALL, I AM A PURE AND INNOCENT WOMAN FULL OF LIGHT. —Jackie shouted with a fearful and frightened tone. 

—Perfect, now let's get this over with once and for all, I want my capture bonus, so hand it over, Mcduckwell," exclaimed Becky returning everything to its status quo. 

Martin, Jackie, Cole, Becky, stand aside as Duke has the Cookie Eater in his possession. 

—One question and you guys have your capture stamps. —Duke asks mischievously. 

They check their pants, and apparently, they don't have it, since they lost them in their travels even Becky who, despite Jackie having her clothes and everything else, didn't have it due to once having spilled the ink on her clothes. 

—Well, that means, I DUKE MCDUCKWELL HAVE EARNED THE CAPTURE BONUS. —Duke exclaims and laughs like a super villain. 

They are disappointed and defeated before Duke...but in an exaggerated, inexplicable and incomprehensible way. K.AT.T. makes the entrance of the DeLorean from back from the future, out of the vehicle comes his android version who is a busty blonde with a similar outfit to Morrigan Aensland in her human form, in turn has the ability to change shape like the T—1000. This appearance of K.AT.T. surprised everyone, especially Duke who is very rare for her to display her android version. 

—How are you guys? you missed me... —K.AT.T. asked in a friendly and flirtatious way but when she looks at Duke, she added in a threatening way to Duke. —Especially you Mcduckwell. 

—It sucks, because we don't have our capture stamps and Duke is going to keep the capture bonus..." Cole replied discouraged. 

—You're talking about these stamps. —K.AT.T. answered and from his hands emerged five original seals from each of them in his hands. 

They take each one their corresponding seal. 

—BUT WHAT KIND OF DIABOLUS EX MACHINA IS THIS? — Shouted Duke who is losing his mind at this unfortunate act on the part of K.A.T.T. and added —Those have to be forgeries. 

—Unfortunately for you, they are originals, Honey, before I got here, I went through each one of them, to get the originals out of them. —K.A.T.T. answered while Duke loses his mind as he knows he is going to lose and added while laughing fiendishly. —That's what you get for trying to destroy me, you piece of shit, now because of your pride you won't get that bonus.... 

Duke laughs diabolically. 

—IF YOU, YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE MY BONUS SO EASILY...—Duke shouted while doing the iconic daffy duck pose in space jam 1 while saying this phrase and shouted. —COME ON YOU PIECES OF SHIT, ALL OF YOU AGAINST ME ALONE. 

Duke who takes advantage and releases the cookie eater to run away. 

—YOU SON OF A BITCH, HOW DARE YOU RELEASE HIM. They all shout (Cole, Martin, Becky and Jackie) and rush towards Duke, but he dodges and counterattacks them until the vigilante touches his dick. 

They automatically stop and strike a military pose. 

—Stop, there, I understand that you must capture the cookie eater, but I don't want you to destroy this place, under my watch, so..." said the watchman as he brought the cookie eater to Duke. —Said the watchman as he draws a line for them to get into running position, they get into position, and I exclaim. —On your marks, get set, go. 

Cole and Jackie cheat as they run at the speed of light. They run all over the place until they hit the cookie eater, but they fight at the speed of light as if it were dragon ball, until Jackie catches him, takes away the magic he gained from the isekai world with his cartoon powers, but from Cole's thread skin emerge some thread needles that are inserted into Jackie's skin. 

—What the hell is wrong with me, I'm not moving. —Jackie exclaimed. 

—"Elementary honey, I've interrupted your powers with these needles that are designed for beings like you, so you'll be out of combat in the meantime, so accept your defeat. —Cole replied. 

—Good move, but as Becky taught me: always have a contingency plan. Replied Jackie, when from Cole's heel there was a gnat—sized version of her that exploded and froze Cole. 

—You'll be great rookie. —Said Cole before being frozen, acknowledging his victory. Knocking them both out. 

She evades Martin's chainsaw attacks until, in a brutal act, she destroys the chainsaw's saw with one bite. 

—My chainsaw I was planning to show it off up there in the tower, you'll pay dearly for it, you fucking bitch," exclaimed Martin who ended up regenerating the mutilated hand he had, he rushes towards her but K.A.T.T., in his android form, attacks her. Martin is impressed with her beauty, she puts his hand on her breast, then they kiss passionately but she turns into liquid metal and uses a variation of Cole's technique to subdue Jackie, but at the cellular level, to the point that she falls to the floor. She returns to her human form after she falls to the floor. 

—THAT'S HOW YOU BEAT A MAN, YOU FUCKING MAN WITH A VAGINA. —K.A.T.T. shouted with a proud tone as she managed to defeat him with ease. 

—You should do the world a favor and eliminate him once and for all K.A.T.T.," said Becky. 

—No... someday he could be useful to you, besides he is very handsome and manly...I think I like him. —K.A.T.T. replied. 

—Oh great, this bitch likes the crazy guy, let's get out of here, we have to defeat the loquacious Duke. —Said Becky, as she looks at K.A.T.T. who is attracted by a giant magnet that Duke's bullets created. 

—But yes, I am magnetic non—ferro. —K.A.T.T. exclaims. 

—Sorry baby, but this magnet is for sexy liquid metal androids like you, so say YAMETE KUDASAI and scream like the bitch you are. —Balitor/Bulletor answered while electro bullet electrocuted her to make her moan and get excited. 

— YAMETE KUDASAI —K.A.T.T. Shouted while Balitor/Bulletor laughs fiendishly. 

—Stop desecrating my vehicle, you bastard. —Becky exclaims. 

—Well, well, well, Detective Breakdown, you seem to be on the ropes. —Said Duke emerging from the shadows with the Cookie Eater subdued like Hannibal Lecter by bullets. 

—You're nothing without the army of bullets, Duke. —Becky answered. 

—I will defeat you without laying a finger on you, Becky. —Duke replied. 

—I dare you to do it," Becky exclaimed. 

Duke took out of his coat a picture 6 cm * 9 cm, he showed it to Becky, she had a heart attack and her nose started to bleed like in the animes and fell to the floor with a drowned face. 

—That was simple, Balitor, what did you do with K.A.T.T. in its vehicle mode. —Asked Duke. 

—I put it in a magnet as well. —Balitor answered. 

—Perfect, now clean up this mess, I have business to do. —Answered Duke who leaves the place. 

 Duke enters his vehicle along with the gagged Cookie Eater, heads to the rendezvous point which is a hill where Casey and Xena are waiting for Duke, who had briefed them when he was at the port on the way up the hill. 

—I have to admit, Duke, I've made some serious dough with you. —Casey exclaimed as Duke got out of the vehicle and pulled out the cookie eater. 

—As long as you're around me, you'll earn that and more. —Duke replied as he finished pulling him out. 

Xena pushes Duke, hugs and kisses her husband. 

—I love happy endings. —Said Casey. 

—I wouldn't say happy.... —Duke replied, when Xena realizes that her husband is no longer the one, she once knew, so she begins to cry. 

Casey and Duke comfort her. 

—Don't worry, Xena, I'm going to find the bastards who did that to your husband and make them pay for all their crimes, to rot in jail and in hell, whatever it takes. —Said Duke who is consoling. 

Some black cars arrive to the place, some men and women in black come out, but they reveal their true form that they are Gulabons just like Xena and John. 

 —A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mcduckwell, we came as fast as we could, my name is Wallace Creed, my Gulabon name is Wit'Krat, I belong to the embassy of the planet Glabon, we expect a lot from you, since we have had to start mobilizing our people, because of the altercations that are happening in candyville.... —Said Wallace holding hands with those present and showing his identification. 

—I am honored to assist you in this case, apparently the matter is serious, but do not worry, I will leave Mrs. and Mr. Johnson in your custody while I solve this problem, before they go to trial. —Duke replied, while the other Gulabons escorted Xena and John to the embassy vehicles to protect them. 

Xena bids them farewell, Duke and Casey say goodbye as the cars take them away. 

—One other thing, Mr. Duke, here is the reward for bringing one of us back safe and sound, we want you to get all our compatriots out, safe and sound as they are committing these crimes to prosecute them, we also want to avoid spreading that bad reputation we have as a species.—Responded Wallace as they hand him a briefcase with nine large gludix gems valued at 15 million dollars each, plus a small briefcase which was a gludix gem valued at five million dollars which is the capture bonus. 

—Oh my god, how much money and only for a gulabon, don't you think it's too much of an exaggeration. —Said Duke, who had dollar signs in his eyes. 

—Really, that's nothing for us, we have plenty of those, of those things. Back on our planet, as long as we can keep our compatriots safe and sound from headhunters, police or whatever, we'll pay whatever it takes. —Wallace exclaimed and added. —Well, nothing, Mr. Duke, now what are you going to do? 

—The same thing that my father did for you, in those dark times, but this time, the thing is more serious than in that time, so the trial of Mr. John Johnson, will be very important for the stay of your race on this planet, so I will solve this case that I have with the lady to unmask this conspiracy that you have against you, well nothing, I will keep in touch with Mrs. Xena, so it was a pleasure, to have contacted you, Mr. Wallace. —Duke replied with a handshake and said goodbye to Wallace, he said goodbye to the Gulabons who were leaving. 

When they finish retiring, Duke turns to Casey. 

—Now Casey, how did the cookie eater give you the address of the port? As I understand it, when they eat cookies, they are quite primitive and have a hard time communicating and if anything, writing. —Duke said. 

—He gave me a note, why do you ask, does he need it as evidence, how much do you want for it? —Casey answered. 

—How much do you want for her? —Asked Duke. 

—Ten grand, cash. —Casey answered. 

—All right, take it out first to confirm. —Duke replied. 

Casey pulls it out and it suddenly burns to ashes. 

—I knew, according to Cole's testimony, the vigilante that the cookie eater was going to devour, and this is giving me to understand that I'm getting into something very big.... —Duke thought as he laughed fiendishly and added handing him the Big Ten. —Take it Casey, consider it an act of goodwill, you raised my spirits. 

—As you wish Duke, see you... one thing, bring Kaede back safe and sound from Japan I miss her. —Casey exclaimed as he left in his cab. 

—We'll keep in touch, Casey. —Said Duke who notices something in the bushes and added. —You can come out now. 

Out of the bushes come Cole, Martin, in other bushes comes out K.A.T.T. who had the camouflage deactivated with Becky and Jackie inside. 

—So, Duke and our part, where is he? —Said Martin who was anxious for his pay. 

Duke opens the briefcase, hands three Gems to Cole and Martin. 

—Duke Gludix, what the hell kind of bullshit paperwork is he going to do to change it. —Cole said discouraged but the paperwork he has to do. 

—I don't give a shit, Duke just got 140 million dollars with the bonus for a single Gulabon, Duke, give me the card or the number of that Gulabon I'll bring them all back safe and sound. —Martin answered while sending it to him via TalkChat (which is the WhatsApp of that world). 

—Wait a minute, so the embassy is protecting these assassins. —Jackie exclaimed. 

—No, honey, what is happening is that, something or someone is making the Gulabons attack and devour the Candorians but they don't devour them completely, they only go for the brain, something strange since the cannibalization has to be complete, not to leave it half way or even worse to focus only on one part, something is happening. —Said Cole while taking out an eye that turns out to be an invisible camera, which connects to a Tablet that Becky passes him where it shows the photos of the victim they found in the factory. 

—Incredible deduction...uh...I forgot your name, sir. —Jackie exclaimed, impressed. 

—Cole Carson, welcome to the family. —Said Cole as he shook hands with Jackie. 

—So, Duke, do you want us to join the investigation, or what? —Becky answered. 

—Not now, I want to investigate some things on my own. —Duke replied. 

—You want me to accompany you, like in the old days mate, a Sherlock Holmes, needs his Watson and vice versa, especially when Kaede is not here to fill that space. —Cole replied. 

Duke takes a deep breath, exhales loudly. 

—It's okay, Cole you have the license, and your badge from my business. —Duke answered. 

—Yep, Duke, it's at my house. —Cole replied. 

—Really, we'll be left out of the investigation. —Jackie replied. 

—No, until we find the culprit, we will call them when there is action, since the lady who hates everything, will not move up the ranks because I am a better detective than her and until she proves that she has surpassed me as a detective, because of her pride, she will not participate in the investigation, or not Detective Breakdown.—Commented Duke. 

—SOME DAY, FUCKING FURROUS FUCK, I WILL OVERCOME YOU, LET'S GO FUCKING NIGGER FROM HERE" Becky shouted taking Jackie by the pants and throwing her towards K.AT.T. who opens the door, so she ends up inside the vehicle and she enters the vehicle, so she added in an affectionate way. —You're coming Honey. 

Cole enters in the back seats as his vehicle was lost in the doorway, they leave the place, Martin also leaves dead laughing, so he drives off in his Ford Gt mad Max version combined with Death Race, leaving Duke alone, with his vehicle. 

—What a long day and I'm so damn hungry, I think I'm going to eat a heavy dinner since it's getting dark after another long day in this world of law and chaos. —Said Duke while leaving the place.