Candy-coated business

Welcome to CartoonLand, a world where dreams come true as well as shattered, although it all depends on where you come from, however, we will not focus on the most powerful country in this world the crazy states of CartoonLand, specifically in the state of New Land, where it overflows with wealth and power, the place where everyone wants to be, where all your dreams come true or get stolen, despite being the cradle of the country's economy, this is actually a tank full of sharks, where the strongest, the boldest crush and oppress the weak, although the weak also devour the strong, so that's why people like me are in charge of making sure this country doesn't go to hell in five seconds. So welcome to the country where law and chaos coexist in peace.After a long day at work, Duke returns to his home, which is a penthouse about a mile away from Murphy Tower. He parks his car in the building's subway parking lot next to Kaede's pink and red-striped Nassin Skyfrontier R84 GT-R 3000 (Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R 2000).-I'm sorry honey, but mommy hasn't arrived. -Said Duke who caresses the vehicle, but inadvertently sounds his alarm which is practically a woman being raped to death and added as he rushes to the elevator. -Because Kaede has that damn alarm on that car.Duke hits the button to the pent-house house dead embarrassed; the elevator goes up to his destination, he walks down the hallway, takes his key and opens the door. He sees little Minnie with an apocalyptic mess of toys in front of the 80" Smart TV. This does not amuse him so, he goes to the fridge, fills a glass of Antarctic cold water, walks over to her and pours the water in her face.-Minnie! How many times have I told you not to leave me a mess in the living room, now pick up this mess, now! -Duke exclaimed as she stood up in fright.-Yes, Daddy. -Minnie shouts as she picks up her mess.-And don't call me daddy, Minnie," answered Duke as he watched her pick up her mess.-Yes, Daddy. -Minnie shouted as she continued to pick up.-As you wish, and go to sleep in your bed, I don't want you to be late for school or I'll punish you. -Duke answered and went to the kitchen to prepare a sandwich of whole wheat bread with nuts and worms.Shanise comes out of her room in her pajamas, but with her shirt unbuttoned showing her underwear, she sees Duke eating in peace, while she goes with her daughter to help her and take her to her room, so she can go to sleep.-You know Duke, sometimes I don't understand why you don't marry me, she could consider you as your father as such instead of denying it, don't you think so. -Shanise put herself in a seductive pose to get his attention by showing her underwear.-Even if you have the body of a goddess, you are a bad mother and wife, do you think I'm going to marry someone who doesn't have my dinner ready, goes to sleep leaving his daughter sleeping on the floor with a mess in the living room, do you really think they are such an asshole to condemn my life so easily, at least Kaede, cleans, sweeps, cooks, mops the floor, dusts, washes, irons and all the household chores I can think of and even bother to wash my car, .... Better from there, it gets damaged! -exclaimed Duke, who misses Kaede.-You all you want is a maid, you oppressive chauvinist. -Shanise replied that she dislikes that.-Of course, as if it were that here you do housework every day, besides statistically housewives and even housekeepers are happier than someone who has to go out on the street every damn day, to break his ass to work, besides you do not care about your daughter, I practically threw myself on the raising of your daughter, if you want me to be her father so much, then let Kaede and I adopt her and end of the discussion," replied Duke who quickly eats his sandwich and then washed his plate.-I will never give you Minnie," Shanise exclaimed.-As you wish, Kaede is a doppelganger or shape shifter, she can become my species and I can have any children I want with her. -Duke answered.-And why don't you do it. -Shanise shouted.-Until I find the reason or the person who turned my father to insanity and indirectly my mother's suicide, I will not have a family, it is already a risk to have you, I don't want to take any more risks. -Duke answered.-If you say so, but nothing. How did it go, have you solved the case? -Shanise asked as they went to Duke's room while he changed his clothes.-No, it's more complex than I thought, but Cole is going to help us to speed this up, there is a lot of work since Kaede is on vacation so I have to finish this once and for all. -Duke answered as he put on his pajamas.-The only thing that matters to me is the money, so tomorrow I'm going to go change the money from the gulabons, right. -Shanise answered.-Yes, but my sentinel bullet will keep an eye on you so you don't screw up, so good night. -Duke answered and went to bed all of a sudden.-You want a quickie at night, since Kaede is not here. -Shanise answered.-Because no, since Kaede left, I haven't had any night action. -Duke answered while Shanise took off her clothes and he also took off his clothes to have sex, they kept the act for an hour until they fell asleep.AA four o'clock in the morning, the phone rings a hardcore punk at full power. In addition to the ringing to the rhythm of it.-Hell, damn, but how Cole has so much energy to fuck around at four in the morning. -Shanise exclaimed, not wanting to wake up.-Let's get to work, and you get up, you have to change that money. -I don't understand how you guys have the energy to get up," exclaimed Duke, who got up suddenly and started to take off his clothes.-I don't understand how you guys have the energy to work, you could lower your productivity a little bit, besides we had something intimate, at least we can't spend some more time together in bed, like you do with Kaede," Shanise answered, who for some reason is worried and wants to spend more time with him.-I'm sorry, but today is not the day, today is the day to seek the truth at all costs. -I'm sorry, but today is not the day, today is the day to look for the truth at all costs.-You're a BARBAROUS FUCKING BASTARD! Let me go, I can bathe myself! -Shanise exclaimed angrily while he took off her pajamas and underwear, and then entered the shower and bathed her by force.-If I let you bathe on your own, we're going out at seven o'clock and Cole doesn't like to wait. -Duke answered as he bathed her and bathed himself at the same time.As they bathe, Minnie opens the door for Cole.-Oh, but look who we have here, if it isn't the beautiful Minnie Chariot, how is that cute and playful bunny? -asked Cole who stroked Minnie's head.-How are you, Uncle Cole, come on in, my mommy and daddy are changing. -I'm fine, I'm fine, but I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, but I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.-I, I'm fine, although I'm not your uncle, but I like you to see me as one of my family. -Cole answered and sits down on the couch, looks at the time and it's ten past four and added. -My God, but they are late.-You know, man, I missed you so much, I want to play interesting things with you. -Minnie answered, sitting on Cole's crotch, which threw him off.-Hey, Minnie, didn't Duke tell you that pretty girls don't sit on boys' legs, especially if they are men, especially if they are wearing skirts? -Cole answered, taking it off delicately and putting it on the end of the sofa.-ohhh, yes you are right, but you are different. -Answered Minnie in a sinister way.In the meantime, Duke and Shanise are changed, he makes her up so she won't last an eternity doing her.-You look divine, darling. -Duke replied in a slightly effeminate voice.-I must admit, you would make a good makeup artist, I can't believe your father taught you how to do makeup. -Shanise answered while Duke was doing her makeup.-Yes, he taught me so that when I had a female sleeping or living in my house, I would have to make her up so that she wouldn't take forever wearing makeup. -Duke replied in a normal tone.-You and your father are bastards. -Shanise replied, taking offense at that.-Unfortunately, Shanise, that's generations old. Duke replied, almost finishing her make-up.-You Mcduckwell are a serious case. -Shanise replied in disgust. They take their things, Duke takes the briefcase where the Gulabons' money is and Shanise her wallet. They leave the room. Shanise screams and witnesses something horrible.-You fucking bastard, what are you doing to my daughter! -Shanise screams and sees something horrible.-I knew it! I knew you were one of them, say your last words teddy bear fart! -Duke exclaimed, threatening him with his revolver.-No, I can explain! -Shouted Cole who had "poor Minnie" in a BDSM position, specifically as a human vase with an ahegao face.-There is no explanation, I'm going to send you to rot in a cell where you will be raped and killed until there is nothing left of you. -Shanise shouted and grabbed her cell phone to denounce him.-You can do the Juche bong and put all the CP you want on me! if you think I'm one of them. -Cole exclaimed, determined to prove his innocence.-Okay, I believe you; it takes guts to say that. -Duke answered, lowering his gun.-How can you believe this farting bear? -Shanise answered indignantly.-Because someone who is not afraid of the Juche bong is innocent, the North Koreans know that and they don't forgive that kind of thing. -Duke replied.-All right, if you say so. Let's go, who are we going to leave Minnie to. -Shanise answered and asked.-You can drop me off at Byron's place. -Minnie proposed as Cole let her go.-Oh, yes, Byron Jackhammer," Shanise answered.-Jackhammer!" exclaimed Cole and Duke.-Yes, Duke, don't you remember, Minnie's best friend, her mother and I talk on the phone a lot when she can. -Shanise replied.-You can another one, but it works for us. In which vehicle we leave in yours, Shanise or mine. -Duke proposed.-In yours, obviously, Duke, I won't allow you to use it for chases. -Shanise answered.-Someday, you have to let me drive it. -Duke replied.-Buy one if you want Duke, but my baby, you're not going to take it on a chase, I don't care if you fix it, no, that's final. -Shanise answered, standing firm.-All right, if you say so, let's go to my car. -Duke answered reluctantly.Shanise changes Minnie, takes the backpack and her lunch box. They both go to Duke's vehicle.-Before we go, don't forget anything. -Duke checks himself, verifies that Shanise has the Gulabons' money bag, Minnie's backpack and lunch box, Shanise's wallet and adds. -Cole, you are.-Yes, I have my backpack and skateboard shrink-wrapped in the holster in my pockets, you can roll Duke. -Cole replied, so Duke started the vehicle to leave the parking lot and go cruising the streets.-What do we do first, Duke. -Cole answered, looking out the window.-According to the GPS, I'm going to leave Shanise at the exchange agency first, then I'll leave Minnie at her best friend's house, pass me the coordinates to know where she lives. -Duke answered, while Shanise sent it to him through the Talk Chat application. From the GPS, he goes to the Talk chat app, to take the coordinates she sent him and put the location and added. -Ready.After a few traffic lights and minor roadblocks, they make it to their destination. The universal exchange agency, a huge building, where land vehicles, air vehicles, spaceships, go there to make their currency exchanges.-Well, Shanise, we are here, secure that money with your life and your stay in my house depends on that money. -Duke answered as she got out of the car with her wallet and the suitcase with the gems.-Yes, my commander. -Shanise exclaims as she walks to the entrance and whispers. - chauvinist oppressor of shit.Duke continues on his way to Jackhammer's house on the other side of town. On the way, they chat.-Minnie, honey, use the Tablet to enable the internet, put on your headphones and turn them up to maximum volume and don't take them off. -Duke exclaimed, wanting to talk to Cole in private.-You're going to talk bad about mom again. -Minnie answered, feeling embarrassed.-Yes, among other things, because you tell him, if your mother does the same thing. -Duke replied.-Yes, but aren't you supposed to be a Christian and Christians don't talk? -Answered Minnie while she activated the anti-noise barrier that was triggered by Cole.Cole, what the fuck! That won't help his self-esteem! -exclaimed Duke in surprise.What self-esteem, Duke, why are you such a hypocrite. You sleep with her whore of a mother, you cheated on Kaede, you also have to take care of a girl that is not yours. You know Duke, you should know that there are people who deserve everything that happens because of how shitty they are as a person. It's poetic justice. Fuck that concept of Christian mercy and let people rot. For that sort of thing, I'm a punk who defecates on the right and the left. -Cole replied jaded Duke.-You're right, but we have to be humane to a certain extent, that's something I envy the Latin American countries, despite all the problems they have. My father has seen all the shit in this city and lived in it, but there is still hope..." Duke replied.-I'm sorry, Duke, but your words are garbage to me, because Matthew 7:5-6: Hypocrite! take the log out of your own eye first, and then you will see well to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot, and turn and tear you in pieces. An avenger who wants to avenge his mother's life, cannot be told by a punk what not to do and what not to do. -Cole answered.-Since you've been with Martin and dating Becky, you've become very responsive, mate. Especially when I saved your ass from Shanise putting you on trial for child molestation. -Duke replied.-I would have won the trial, since I activated my spy cam, that's why I hate women and children. -Cole replied.-However, you have a girlfriend, if you hate women and children so much, why don't you go to the other side? -Duke replied.-Becky, to you she may be weird, unbearable and whatever, but she's, my wife. -Cole replied.-Yeah, you're right...oh here we are, how time flies. -Duke replied as they arrived in the suburbs of Kings, a house in the blue suburbs.-At least they look better, than some that look like an apocalyptic mess in the yard. -Cole gets out of the vehicle.Duke also gets out, opens the door for Minnie, but she doesn't want to get out.-Give me a moment, Cole, I have to repair the mess you made. -Duke answered.-As you wish, Duke, I'll wait for you, while I listen to music and skate a little. -Cole answered and put on his hand free and took his skateboard out of his pocket and started to skate around.-I don't like it when you talk bad about my mother. -Said Minnie throwing a tantrum.-Don't worry, honey, on the contrary, your Uncle Cole gave me a scolding as usual, even so, he made me see how important you are in my life. -Duke answered and almost came to his senses, so he decided to pull out the grace card and added. -If you change that face, I won't take you to Princess Astrid's performance on ice in the front row.-Princess Astrid... in the front row..." Minnie answered and was so shocked that she was traumatized and then screamed with emotion and added. -Thank you, daddy, for buying me the tickets, I forgive you seventy times seven.-I like that, honey. -Duke answered while inside he was laughing devilishly to Death Note music.-And we're going, you and me and mom together like a nuclear family. -Minnie shouted happily.-And Kaede," Duke replied, causing her to change her expression from one of happiness to one of disappointment.-But Kaede doesn't like that shit. -exclaimed Minnie who has to give him 10 dollars for saying that bad word.-Honey, don't ever say that bad word again, you are too pretty to say that. -Duke replied.-But if you, my mother and they say it all the time, besides she wouldn't even die, she wouldn't do that, I can't believe you want to replace my mother with her who repudiates everything good, sacred and holy. -Minnie replied.-Don't worry, to return to Kaede, a model employee was not difficult, but not impossible... -Contested Duke who covers his hatreds and shouts to the four winds. - So, you know, you fucking kuniochi, metalhead, you're going to see Princess Astrid, on ice whether you like it or not!Meanwhile on the other side of the world, in Japan, in a Japanese mansion that looks like a fortified fortress. A beautiful and fine Japanese woman is walking with her maids in the garden.Attention, as they are Japanese, they are speaking in their language, but I am not going to write in Japanese, leave that for the comic and animated adaptation.-Ready, Mrs. Saori, this is your schedule for today. -Said the maid who handed a kind of scroll to Ms. Saori verifying her schedule.-I can't believe I have to go through all these fucking trots or problems, the shitty family I have turned me into Saori Sashima with that fucking traditional Japanese music, I want to go back to new land, I need my furry, my extreme satanic metal, filthy and dirty and greasy, I want to come just thinking about it," Saori thought with Kaede's mentality to the point that her eyes change from blue to Kaede's characteristic colors which are degraded crimson.-You have to go back to your homeland from time to time. -Saori answered in her mind.-Go to hell, because of that shit, we have to make Duke have to give him life to rescue us from our family. -Kaede replied.-Ah, how romantic! -They both exclaimed.-I'd still like him to penetrate me in front of my father and my fiancé so he can come inside me and shoot cum in their faces, but unfortunately Duke is not extreme enough to do that. -Kaede answered, which made Saori feel disgusted by what she just said.-I have created a monster..." Saori replied with disgust and revulsion of what she just said. At that moment what Duke said hit home.-YOUR FUCKING MOTHER MCDUCKWELL, IF YOU THINK I'M GOING TO GO TO THAT SHIT! -Saori exclaimed with Kaede's eyes.-Security, Kaede Kushida wants to possess the ladies! -Exclaimed the maid alerting the security, but Saori connects an enzuigiri kick that knocks her out.The ninjas and the security confronted her, but she easily subdued them, although some horns sounded with traditional Japanese music that subdued her causing her to fall to the floor.Back to Knight.-Don't fuck around, damn it, it's five in the morning. An African-American woman with an Egyptian hairstyle exclaimed.-Jackie! -exclaimed Minnie as she rushed towards the woman. Cole comes back after giving her a walk around the block.-Oh, I didn't know you and Shanise knew each other, rookie. -Cole exclaims as he walks over to them.-Hey, don't tell me, Mr. Duke, that you...are..." Jackie exclaimed in horror at that.-Yes, how strange that Shanise, she had never told me about you, even so, according to my research, she does have friends from her time as a proti...I mean a worker of carnal pleasures, don't tell me that you...-Duke answered surprised and surprised.-Yes, I admit it, I, I...! -exclaimed Jackie who fell to her knees on the floor and tears came to her eyes.-Don't worry, I'm not going to judge you for it, on the contrary, I congratulate you for being able to have a decent job for your family, your secret is safe with us. -Duke answered and hugged her comfortingly.-Thank you Duke and I thought you were a macho oppressor, abuser, stingy, miserable, violent,, I better forget about that. -Jackie replied, talking out of turn.-Oh, so that's what that ungrateful woman told you about me. -exclaimed Duke who hugged her violently.-No, please, I forgot what I said. -Jackie exclaims and pulls out of the hug.-Don't worry, everything is recorded and there is nothing you can do about it. -Duke exclaimed, showing him the tape recorder with which he recorded the conversation.-Oh!... then that means that you are going to blackmail me with that recording, that means that you are going to... -Responded Jackie who unbuttons her pajama shirt and pants.-NOOOOOOOO! -Shouted Duke losing his head.-I dropped an idol! You, Duke Mcduckwell, you were going to take advantage of this humble citizen, you disgust me! -Cole exclaims, "I can't believe how low he has fallen.-Daddy Duke, you pervert! -I exclaim Minnie who hugs Cole's foot and avoids looking at him.This automatically causes Duke to have an epileptic fit and bubbles come out of his mouth. Cole laughs his head off when he sees Duke, but he notices that Minnie is hugging his leg, but he uses a pick to get her off him.-Minnie, what the hell is going on here? exclaimed an African-American boy who was confused by what was happening.-Byron! -exclaimed Minnie, who rushed over to hug him.-Oh, honey, I didn't realize he was there, we were just..." Jackie replied.-And this furro duck and this rag doll, are these your suitors who are going to compete in a knife fight to the death? -Byron answered.-NOOOOOOOO! -exclaimed Jackie who doesn't care about Duke and falls dejectedly to the floor and added. - I'm the worst mother in the world.-Wait like four orifices...don't tell me you know the riddle that has been gnawing at my mind since I was young. -Cole answered, perplexed by Byron's words.-That's easy, sir, the mouth, the vagina, the anus and the cervix. -Byron exclaimed, and Cole jumped back as if he had been punched in the face.-Now I can die in peace. -Cole replied as he fell to the ground. As he falls to the ground his cotton soul comes out of his body, but Minnie catches his soul and forces it into his body.-You can't die now, until you get your hands on me," Minnie replied like a crazy yandere killer.-Minnie... What the hell are you doing? -Byron answered and looked at her in disgust.-I don't know. -Minnie answered and let go of Cole out of fear and rushed to Byron who was horrified.-Whatever you say, Minnie, let's go inside my mother and these two and make a fuss. -Byron grabbed them by the neck and dragged them into the house as if nothing had happened.Note: Byron is like his mother, half human, half cartoon.He takes advantage and sits them in the dining room chairs, searches his room for a water pistol, reloads it in the sink and shoots Duke and his mother's faces except for Cole who wears a stinky sock that instantly lifts him up.-What the hell happened, Byron? -Jackie comes to, until he gets a whiff of the smell of the sock causing him to hold his nose and exclaim. -And that stinky smell.-That's from my interrogation devices as a junior detective and what I just went through is a Rumiko type misunderstanding with pure ecchi. -Byron replied.-Shame on you! -Jackie shouted in embarrassment.-Duke, I think we should leave before the watchman changes shifts. -Said Cole as he regained consciousness.-Yes, I know, although we shouldn't ask for a permit... -Duke answered while Cole took out the necessary permits to work with the investigation.- What else do you need? - Cole asked.- Tell me Kaede, since when did you transmogrify and become Cole? - Duke replied, surprised by this comment, Cole laughed about it.-I want to work; do you think I come here to waste my time? -Cole replied.-You guys are still working on the Candyland case," Jackie asked.-Yes, that's what we're doing today. -Duke replied.-Can I help, if you can? -Jackie replied.-Of course you can, you and Becky can help us when we have all the evidence and we go to catch the criminals. -Cole answered and put his hands on her shoulders, but he noticed something that made him wonder. - Don't I know you from somewhere?-No, sir, it's the first time I've seen it. -Jackie answered.-Cole, we're going to be late; we have to get to the police headquarters to send the results of the forensics to Vanessa. -Duke exclaimed.-You're talking about Vanessa Greymist, the freelance coroner. -Jackie answered.-Yes, that's the one. -Duke replied.-She scares me. -Jackie replied in horror.-Don't blame her for being some kind of combination of a cartoon from the 30's and an action figure. -Cole replied as they left, but not before Duke said goodbye to Minnie.-Listen, Minnie, be good to Mrs. Jackhammer, I hope you did your homework, I didn't check it because I was tired and woe betide you if you lower your grades, I'll deduct it from your allowance. -Duke threatened Minnie.-Hey, Duke, don't make too many demands on her either, she's just a kid. -Jackie replied.-That's the same methodology my family has used for generations, and it works, so I'm not going to argue with you. -Duke replied.-Okay, if you say so. I'll see you later. Call me when you have the proofs, so I can help you. -Jackie replied, intimidated by Duke.-Yes, Duke, let's get out of here. Bye, everybody. -Cole said as they left the house. They get into the car, and Duke starts it up to leave.-Now Duke, are we going to go to the watchman or what? -Cole asks as they drive through town.-We'll go to Vanessa Greymist to get her on the case before my rivals at Quack Investigations pull her aside, I've heard according to my spies that she's been pulled aside a lot lately. -Duke replied.-SHH! Quack Investigations, don't tell me Denise is sticking her beak where it doesn't belong. -Cole replied.-Same here, I hope they haven't booked her, in this case we need the best forensic scientist this country has. -Duke replied as they were arriving on the scene.-Shit! It's Denise's 1970 Malcolm Continental (1970 Lincom Continental)," exclaimed Duke.-That bitch is here! I'm going out the window to see if there's any hope. I'm going to jump out the window to see if there's hope," Cole replied as Duke lowered the window by pressing the button that belongs to the co-driver. Cole turns into a spring to jump out of the vehicle, turns back into his normal state, pulls his skateboard out of one of his pockets, skids quickly towards the door which is a spiral door, but it's spinning at that moment so he gets caught spinning around the door until he shoots out to the reception desk.-We have an appointment with Miss Vanessa Greymit, Miyuki," replied Cole who is stunned by the impact where rag birds spin around in his head and hands him a chocolate bar.-Look who we have here, but if it isn't the failed attempt at normalization, named Cole Carson, what the heck are you doing here? -A humanoid beagle hunting dog with a detective outfit very similar to Duke's answered.-Oh, look, if it isn't Denisse's dog, how are you Bucky? -Cole answered mockingly, but he didn't take it as a joke so he grabbed him by the collar of his T-shirt and lifted him up like it was nothing.How many times have I told you, you fourth-rate rag, don't call me Bucky! -I exclaim Bucky who looks at him in an intimidating way, but Cole looks at him with confidence and pride.-That's enough, Bruce! You're giving my company a bad face with your attitude. -Said a humanoid rouen leg like duke, with brown hair, slender, voluptuous, her costume is very similar to duke's, only what changes is only the colors of clothes that are white, black and silver, along with her gray detective coat. She walks towards them with elegance and height.-Speaking of the queen of Rome, Denisse Quack, again keeping Vanessa all to yourself. -Cole answered and took out a spray air freshener to get rid of the dog smell. At the same time he shamelessly shoots Bucky in the mouth with mouth spray and added. -There, now I'll get rid of that dog smell you have.-(laughs serenely) What are you doing here Carson? Zatelizer kicked you out because of how useless you are as a head-hunter and now you're snuggling with Duke because his girlfriend Kaede isn't here. -Denise answered, which doesn't sit very well with Cole.-Well, well, well, well, but look who we have here, she's the spoiled little girl who thinks she's a full-fledged woman, if she thinks you're going to stay with Vanessa, this time, you're wrong we have a big case on our hands. -Responded Duke who is behind her, Cole stands next to him to shield himself.-Yes, of course, detective avenger, as you say, surely you come for the candyland case, right? -Denisse answered.-Yes, why do you ask? -Duke answered.-Typical detectives of law and chaos that take any case, from the smallest and cheapest, to those so complex and convoluted, but at the end of the day they are hypocrites on the inside, everyone who works at Murphy Tower knows it. -Denisse answered.-Yes, I won't deny that, but I won't accept it either, but one thing I do know is that we work for the people and by the people, besides, you are not very different from me, since you are more private and restrictive with your business. Thanks to that, we have more clients than you. -Duke replied.-What is this fuss in my institute! Oh, but it is the eternal rivalry between research agencies, Chaos Law Advanced Research and Quack Investigations. -Said a pale woman with albino hair, her eyes are like the animations of the 30's, with her lab coat, and her dress that is like that of a goth girl.-Oh, Miss Greymit, it's a pleasure to work with you again. -Denisse answers and pushes Duke to stand in front of her and hold out her hand, but she slaps it away and walks over to Cole.-Go to hell, Quack, I'm sick of you and your furies, I assigned the cases to my trainees. -Vanessa replied and seductively snuggles up to Cole while he laughs evilly.-You traitorous bitch, how dare you leave me for that rag doll. -I exclaim Denise who responds as Soraya Montenegro and added. -I demand an explanation right now.-My lady Quack, don't lose your composure and we were not supposed to have booked you! -Bucky answered.-You don't have a girlfriend, you bastard. -exclaimed Denise who crawled crying to Bucky.Cole takes out from his pockets his ntr permit/license and shows it to her.-But you didn't make up with her. -Duke answers.-Yes, I know, but when we passionately reconciled, I told her I would work with you on the case with you. She questioned me about it, I told her I was possibly meeting Vanessa to help us on the case and she kicked my ass, leaving me naked in front of the building. Fortunately, I was able to grab all my stuff before she kicked me out of the vehicle. -Cole replied.-You're a bastard, Cole, now she's worse than before. -Duke replied.-I know, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Cole replied, which captivated Duke, making a half gay scene that provoked the receptionist, who is a kind of female gundam-like mecha, to short circuit him and bleed oil out of her nose.-Again, with your Fujoshi stuff, Miyuki, at least pretend, pervert. -Vanessa replied.-Sorry, Vanessa-sama. -Miyuki replied.-They're done with their sitcom. -Interrupted Bucky.-Yes, we don't have all day. -Denisse answered.Until someone in a robe and a plague doctor's mask appeared behind them, accompanied by an icy and gloomy wind that made their feathers and hair stand on end.-A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bruce Buchanan Rogers, Miss Denisse Quack, my name is Winter Winslow and I will be your assigned coroner since Miss Greymist is going to attend another case. -Winter replied.-Really, you're not going to work with me this time, Vanessa. -Denisse answered.-You know that when Cole works with Duke, I can't say no. -replied Vanessa.-As you wish, Bruce, let's go with Mr. Winter, we don't have time to lose. -Answered Denisse who goes with them and she whispered angrily. -Damn bitch.-Perfect, now you can go to my office so we can talk about the case. -Vanessa replied as they follow her to her office. When they enter the place, they sit in their armchairs and she sits in her office chair to enter her desk and added. -What do you have for me.-You remember my father's gulabons case. -Duke asked.-Yes, I remember perfectly well, that case elevated my career to stardom. -Why do you say that? -Vanessa answered.-Because it's happening in a similar, but more organized way, Cole, tell him what you saw at the factory. -Duke replied.-I can use your meeting room, prepare some slides. -Cole replied.-Sure, honey, use it, I love your slides. -Vanessa replied.-Perfect. -Cole replied as they headed to the meeting room. As they enter the room, Cole pulls out his laptop and rushes over to the desk. He sets up the overhead projector, connects the cables, turns on his computer, calibrates the projector, makes the appropriate settings and starts the presentation.>> When Martin and I were at the factory, we came across a devourer victim with a large hole in his head with his brain a bit eaten out.-Yes, all the victims of the recent cases present the same, what's the difference, now. -Vanessa said.-The difference is that the cookie hunter, is not the only gulabon that is addicted to cannibalization, lately, they have caught several gulabons that were not the cookie hunter. -Duke answered and asked Cole to show them several pictures of the perpetrators with the pictures of the victims next to them.-Shit, it's like that time. -Vanessa replied and added. -What do you want me to do?-We need to know what causes the Gulabons to go crazy and the conditions that cause the Candalorians to suffer this effect. -Duke answers and asks the science bullet to put on a helmet that projects his memories. The bullet obeys the order, puts on the helmet and projects the exact moment when the eyes turn golden.-That's impossible, that shouldn't exist! -Vanessa shouted in a panic and added. -Wait for me there, I'll be right back.-Damn, this thing is serious. -Cole replied.-While she goes off to get what she needs to get, let's talk about the bastard who attacked you. -Duke replied.-He just shot coins at me, just like the coin sharp shooter would do, but he's in jail, some specific family member. -Cole answered.-I understand he has a son who belongs to the boy scouts at Minnie's school," answered Duke, who turned on his light bulb, pulled out of his trench coat one of the wrappings he was able to collect from the crime scene and added. -Of course, but if the answer is here.-But how are we going to prove that it's candy that causes that, they must have a huge catalog of candy. -Cole replied.-We have a lot of work to do, I think we're going to need the junior detectives so they can infiltrate the boy scouts. Plus, the things Vanessa is going to put us through. -Duke replied.-I don't like underage kids, let alone putting them in danger. -Cole replied.-We don't have a choice since we have to go through a very extensive bureaucratic process to infiltrate as minors. -Duke replied.-Yes, you are right, but if something happens to those kids," Cole replied.-It will fall on our responsibility and conscience. No, it matters, we'll do whatever it takes to find those bastards. After all, they are not very different from us. -Duke replied.-I have arrived. -Said Vanessa, carrying a big old book.-What the hell is that? -Cole answered.-That, my friend, is a book of candalorian alchemy," answered Duke as he sees Vanessa flipping through the book looking for the right page and added when she finds it, they give a tour. -Ready, here it is.-Golden flavor, what the heck is that? -Cole read which leaves him intrigued.-That's illegal and unnatural! Those bastards! -But how will they do it without the ministry of health and the normalizers noticing. -Duke answered.The gold flavor, my love, is the flavor that gives life to the Candalorians but if non-Candalorians consume it in its pure state even themselves, it would unleash a wave of candy-eating zombies, it is something abominable since that flavor is so powerful that those who consume it can turn into gold flavor with an overdose. -Vanessa explained.-How diabolical, they are going to make a zombie apocalypse! -Cole replied.-I doubt it, doing a zombie apocalypse in this day and age would be stupid, I think this is going in a different direction, but I need proof. -Duke answered.-Yes, you're right, that's why I need you to get me the results of the most recent biopsies, some volunteers to confirm my theory. Also bring me some candy from the boy scouts, specifically the ones found at the crime scenes. -Vanessa replied.-That's fine, but we'll leave the volunteers last since it's a very delicate matter. -Duke replied.-I can use your meeting room, prepare some slides. -Cole replied.-Sure, honey, use it, I love your slides. -Vanessa replied.-Perfect. -Cole replied as they headed to the meeting room. As they enter the room, Cole pulls out his laptop and rushes over to the desk. He sets up the overhead projector, connects the cables, turns on his computer, calibrates the projector, makes the appropriate settings and starts the presentation.>> When Martin and I were at the factory, we came across a devourer victim with a large hole in his head with his brain a bit eaten out.-Yes, all the victims of the recent cases present the same, what's the difference, now. -Vanessa said.-The difference is that the cookie hunter, is not the only gulabon that is addicted to cannibalization, lately, they have caught several gulabons that were not the cookie hunter. -Duke answered and asked Cole to show them several pictures of the perpetrators with the pictures of the victims next to them.-Shit, it's like that time. -Vanessa replied and added. -What do you want me to do?-We need to know what causes the Gulabons to go crazy and the conditions that cause the Candalorians to suffer this effect. -Duke answers and asks the science bullet to put on a helmet that projects his memories. The bullet obeys the order, puts on the helmet and projects the exact moment when the eyes turn golden.-That's impossible, that shouldn't exist! -Vanessa shouted in a panic and added. -Wait for me there, I'll be right back.-Damn, this thing is serious. -Cole replied.-While she goes off to get what she needs to get, let's talk about the bastard who attacked you. -Duke replied.-He just shot coins at me, just like the coin sharp shooter would do, but he's in jail, some specific family member. -Cole answered.-I understand he has a son who belongs to the boy scouts at Minnie's school," answered Duke, who turned on his light bulb, pulled out of his trench coat one of the wrappings he was able to collect from the crime scene and added. -Of course, but if the answer is here.-But how are we going to prove that it's candy that causes that, they must have a huge catalog of candy. -Cole replied.-We have a lot of work to do, I think we are going to need the junior detectives so they can infiltrate the boy scouts. Plus, the things Vanessa is going to put us through. -Duke replied.-I don't like underage kids, let alone putting them in danger. -Cole replied.-We don't have a choice since we have to go through a very extensive bureaucratic process to infiltrate as minors. -Duke replied.-Yes, you are right, but if something happens to those kids," Cole replied.-It will fall on our responsibility and conscience. No, it doesn't matter, we'll do whatever it takes to find those bastards. After all, they're not much different from us. -Duke replied.-I have arrived. -Said Vanessa, carrying a big old book.-What the hell is that? -Cole answered.-That, my friend, is a book of candalorian alchemy," answered Duke as he sees Vanessa flipping through the book looking for the right page and added when she finds it, they give a tour. -Ready, here it is.-Gold flavor, what the heck is that? -Cole read which leaves him intrigued.-That's illegal and unnatural! Those bastards! -But how will they do it without the ministry of health and the normalizers noticing. -Duke answered.The gold flavor, my love, is the flavor that gives life to the Candalorians but if non-Candalorians consume it in its pure state even themselves, it would unleash a wave of candy-eating zombies, it is something abominable since that flavor is so powerful that those who consume it can turn into gold flavor with an overdose. -Vanessa explained.-How diabolical, they are going to make a zombie apocalypse! -Cole replied.-I doubt it, doing a zombie apocalypse in this day and age would be stupid, I think this is going in a different direction, but I need proof. -Duke answered.-Yes, you're right, that's why I need you to get me the results of the most recent biopsies, some volunteers to confirm my theory. Also bring me some candy from the boy scouts, specifically the ones found at the crime scenes. -Vanessa replied.-That's fine, but we'll leave the volunteers last since it's a very delicate matter. -Duke replied.-Perfect, we'll see you when they bring me what they have to bring me. -Answered Vanessa while Cole took the opportunity to pick up everything and leave. But not before passing by the meeting room where Denisse is and making fun of them, which causes her to burst with anger and run away from there.Meanwhile, a few hours after Duke dropped Shanise off at the bureau de change, she takes her turn in an endless line, she takes the opportunity to sit in a seat to wait her turn as an unimaginable number of chairs in the waiting room. She picks up her cell phone and turns the sound down to silent, to play her mobile games. First, she starts playing a game like Candy Crush, only with food, the name of the game is Food Crush.But look who we have here, if it is the she-wolf in sheep's clothing, Shanise Chariot. -Said a male voice.-I know I'm no saint, Martin, but neither are you. What's new? -Shanise answered.-Nothing new, I'm here exchanging several of my bounties for saving the Gulabons' asses and you already managed to snatch Duke from Kaede. -Martin replied.-That... well... I don't know how to explain it, I slept with him, but that's something normal between us. - Shanise answered.-Honestly, Shanise, do you think that sleeping with him is going to accomplish anything? -Martin answered.-I think so, men don't like that. -replied Shanise.-No! Men are unconditional, that means that we lower our quality standards in order to get a woman who may not be that hot, but at least she will be a good emotional support. -Martin replied.-That means I have to do chores around the house to gain her acceptance. -Shanise replied.-That's optional, the world has changed. You just have to be more affectionate and comfort him when needed, also be more sociable with him and everything else will fall into place. - Martin replied.-Thank you very much, Martin for the advice, I will try to be better than I am, now. -Shanise replied, feeling better.-It's fifty dollars for the advice. -Said Martin who kills the moment.-I'll wait a minute you fucking cunt! -Shanise shouts which causes everyone to signal her to be quiet.-I'm just fucking with you honey, there's no way I'd charge you for emotional coaching. Seeing you being humiliated is worth all the price in the world. -Said Martin laughing inside and added. -Changing the subject, how are you doing with your finances, as I understand from Duke, you're not good at managing your personal finances, you're good at managing other people's finances. That's true.-Yes, unfortunately it's true, let's say it's something genetic in my family. -Shanise answered.-Do you need help? -Martin answered.-Yes, I do. -Rogo Shanise.-Okay, I will help you as I have my trading and stock market groups, but I will charge you for them as a means to know that you are going to be responsible in managing your money, the first time you don't pay me I will take you out. I made it clear to you. -Martin answered.-I'll do it, what do you want to keep talking about? -Shanise answered and then they continue talking about anything.While they continue talking, we go back to Duke and Cole who are stuck in traffic.-My God, so much traffic. -Cole exclaimed.It's okay if we go back to Candyland to find out more about that candy.-I'll use Bullet portal to get there. -Duke replied.-And why don't you use it to get to headquarters? -asked Duke.-Because the normalizers and the bullet syndicate prevent me from doing so, besides, I have a hunch about something. -Duke answered, firing the bullet warp to go to the Candyland entrance and added. -And the bullet warp is activated only with known places for 24 hours. It's been a long time since I've been to headquarters.-If you say so. -Cole said.-Do you have any money? -Duke answered.-Yes, I do. -Cole replied.-A lot of money. -Said Duke in a way that he's sure he has a lot of money.-Yeah, I do, Duke, are you going to buy a tank or what? -Cole exclaimed.-No, we're going to buy candy from the boy scouts in this area. I have an idea how we can catch the bastards that did that to John. -Said Duke.-I hope your plan is effective, because the complexity of this is very professional criminals. At the level of masterminds. -Cole replied as they drove to the public parking lot.-It will be, Cole, it will be. -Duke replied as they got out of the vehicle.They drive through the streets of Candyland. In search of the boy scouts the same ones selling the duces that appeared on the date of the crime, luckily, they find them first, they buy him the candy they had, but someone told them no, apparently it was some kind of fat and burly gingerbread man, this event Duke likes so they just buy a few cookies of each type so they leave some for him.-Finally, we have our pawn. -Duke whispered.After this, Duke starts to convince the gingerbread man to join them, but he finally refuses.-What a waste of time. -Duke said and added. -Well, apparently, we couldn't do it, the gingerbread man is very smart because he thinks we are going to destroy the boy scouts.-We are going to do that, we must always tell the truth or half-truth, if you want to go to the port watchman to see if he will help us. -Cole answered.They go back to the parking lot and put the cookies in the trunk of the vehicle. They take the road to the port where there is another watchman, they interrogate him to get the information from the night watchman. The watchman gives it to them without problems since they saved their partner even though they need a permit.They go to the address which is in an apartment on the third floor, they go up carefully, but there was something in the air that did not fit.-Because I feel that the atmosphere is uncomfortable. -Duke said.When they go up to the third floor, they see the door forced open.-Shit. -They put covers on their legs that Duke took out of his trench coat so as not to disturb the scene of the possible crime that had already occurred.They enter the scene and see the vigilante with his brain bitten off. Cole pulls a professional camera out of his pocket to take pictures while they call the police.-It looks like they got there first. -Said Duke.-There's evidence that it was those cookies, we could put them under investigation, at least. -Cole replied.-If that's true, I want to know what it does, according to the previous investigations, they didn't find what causes it and without that we can't bring the full weight of the law to bear on them. -Duke explained and added. - It's not the first time.-I understand then let's go back to the office so we can find out more information. -Duke answered as they called the police and left the place. -Duke answered as he called the police.After that, they drive off to their office.After several traffic evasions they manage to get to Murphy Tower to go up to the office. They enter the elevator to the office floor; Duke opens the office and puts up the investigation in progress sign. Duke sees that many missed calls, but clears the history.They enter Duke's office where he sits at his desk while Cole pulls out the utility room for his chair and folding desk, then his laptop and all the decorations he has.-I don't understand why I have to use this and not Kaede's gamer computer. -Cole asked.-For the simple fact that I damaged a keyboard one day and she is very jealous and conservative with her stuff. -Cole replied as he set everything up and added. -Whatever, Duke, I'll be your temporary employee until Kaede arrives, how about that.-Oh, thank you, I really appreciate it, that's fine, let's get started with the work. -Duke answered.They work hard on gathering information from the previous candyland cannibalization cases until Duke finds a clue.-Interesting. -said Duke.-What happened, did you find anything? -Cole answered.-Yeah, apparently, I found something, but we have to go to headquarters to bring the evidence to Vanessa. -Duke answered.-What exactly in contrast, I'm dying of curiosity. -Cole replied.-Basically, there is a way of how to deduce what happens to the Gulabons and why the wrappers show up at the crime scene, but it's more of a far-fetched theory.- I'm going to call to see if they can let us into the office. -Said Cole calling headquarters.-All right, with you they make it quick. -Duke replied.After about five minutes, they give him permission to visit headquarters and get whatever he needs to get from there.-Wow, that was fast. -Duke replied.-Let's go, we have a long trip ahead of us. -Cole exclaimed.-Yes!" shouted Duke.They left the office, but not before Duke slammed the door shut.-You're not going to visit Zatellizer today. -Duke commented.-No, I talked to her a lot last night and I'm sure she's busy...although.... -Cole answered.Cole opens the door of Head-hunters S.A. to compliment her and receive lots of love and affection for five minutes.-Ready now we can go. Let's rock Baby. -Cole replied, but not before glaring hatefully at the door of Wornhole Law Buffet, causing the secretary to back away and added, "There, now I feel better. -There, now I feel better.-You're crazy, Cole Carson. -Duke replied, disgusted.-No... I'm a visionary, so let's get out of here! -Cole replied as they went to the elevator.They descend to the parking lot, to get into Duke's vehicle and go to the headquarters.On the way there is a lot of traffic, but they manage to evade it until they reach the place. Once they arrive at the headquarters, they welcome Cole as a God because that was all he has accomplished in his tenure as captain. They all wanted to talk to him, but someone was coughing so poor Cole and they all felt that evil aura.-Honey, how are you? -Cole exclaimed and went to Becky's desk, but she inserted her index and middle fingers into his nostrils.- How far you got with Vanessa. -Becky replied.-She just hugged me and lay on my body, I thought you were over it, when I was a cop, you put up with worse. -Cole defended himself.-It's okay, honey if you say so, you forgive me for voting like a K.A.T.T. dog," Becky replied.-I forgive you. Since I'm talking to you, I need you to help me with Duke's case. -Cole replied.-I'm about to give that case a case closed, since there's no salvation with it. So, you need honey. -Becky answered.-I need the biopsy reports on the past cases. -Cole replied.-Really, that's all or something else. -Becky answered.-That's all, honey. -Cole said.-Okay, honey, but only on one condition that you let me participate in this case. -Becky replied.-I'll talk to Duke, just a minute, honey. -Cole answered and went to find Duke who was at the watering hole talking to his old police partners when he was one and interrupted them. - Duke, Becky said yes, but only if we get her on the case.- Okay, it doesn't matter, but if she thinks she's going to take all the credit, she's dead wrong. -Duke said flatly and added. -Tell her to let us see the biopsy of the bodies of all the Candalorians involved in the case.-I will inform her right away. -Cole answered, following Duke's order.-He gave us the authorization, Duke. -Cole said.-All right. Well, brothers and sisters, I'll see you later. Let's go Cole. -Duke said goodbye to his colleagues.They followed Becky to the file cabinet in the Biopsy section.-These are the biopsies of the most recent cases, I'm sure you'll want a copy. -Becky said as she handed them several biopsies and he flipped through them.-They all give the same, true case. - Duke answered.-Yes, that's the result they all give, don't waste your time Duke, this case is insurmountable, let me close it. -Becky, who has lost hope in solving the case, commented.-If we don't find a solution to this, the deaths are going to continue.... Cole makes copies of them, we'll take them to Vanessa, do you want to come? -Duke replied.-All right why not. - Said Becky so they ride in Duke's car to the high school. Duke calls Vanessa to be ready to meet them.When they arrive at the place, Vanessa is at the front desk waiting for them to get started on the case.-Well, well, well, look who we have here. -Vanessa exclaimed, provoking Becky.-Please, Vanessa, show a little professionalism, I understand you have your inclinations with Cole, but please don't make a spectacle of this. -Duke interrupted them both.-All right, let's go to my office. -Vanessa answered, but she still had the nerve to hug Cole's arm and Becky the other arm that was free to fight until they got to the office.Once inside, Cole passes her the biopsies for her to examine. She goes through them and reads the results quickly.-And how about the biopsies? - Cole said nervously.-We don't have all day on this. - Becky replied bored and foul-mouthed.-What do you think, for me, these biopsies are well done, but there is something strange, Cole, what do you think? -Said Vanessa.-In my case I think that the boy scout candy has something to do with it, because it has appeared at the scene of the crime. However, I don't know what it could be. -Cole answered.-I agree with my love, but I'm tired of finding the fifth leg of the coin. So, Duke talks about how I didn't come here empty-handed. -Becky answered.-Tell me Duke, what do you think, what are you thinking? -Answered Vanessa who is heading towards him.-I think it's an equation of infinite degree that the candy company made to make the gulabons fall bad but for what, I don't know. -Said Duke.-What the heck is that? -said Cole and Becky at the same time.-You know that's a serious charge that can land you in jail. -Duke answered.-I know, but how many times has my father not made this kind of accusation? -Vanessa replied.-If you say so, you could explain to these ignorant people what the hell you mean by that. -Vanessa answered.-All right, if you say so. -Duke answered as he stood up, picked up a blackboard and explained:>>An equation of infinite degree, is a programming reality altering equation of either magic or power that can be maintained perpetually or an inverse equation that stops it.-In English, Sherlock. -Said Becky.-It's a kind of alchemy spell that allows you to manipulate reality without being aware of it, with that kind of spell was that we no longer devour the Candalorians, completely. -Duke explained again.-My God, how satanic, you are confronting us with S-rated forces," Becky replied.-Oh yeah, kick ass god level, what do we have to do to kick their asses once and for all. -exclaimed Cole.-I can't believe you're happy about that honey, those bastards almost raped me. -Becky replied worriedly.-And yet I saved you, honey.... (steals a kiss on her mouth) ...but all the more reason why I'm going to kick their asses, honey. -Cole replied, doing bodybuilder poses.-Really, honey you would do them for me! -Becky replied as they held hands.-Yeah, lovebirds your displays of affection disgust me. -Said Vanessa as they continue to give each other affection and added. -How are you going to prove your theory.-We have to try everything. I guess. -Duke answered as he couldn't think of a better solution.-Umm, I think you should find the right combination, Becky at headquarters isn't there someone who can help you. -Vanessa replied.-You talk about ruining someone's life just because, why don't you go and try. -Becky replied.- If we have to ruin someone's life, it will be my responsibility, a lot of innocent blood has already been spilled and is being spilled anyway. -Duke replied.-All right, I'll get you our guinea pig, but I want to take a walk around the factory, see if we can see some clues. -Said Becky, but Cole pulls out some invitations to the factory that he got.-But Kaede get out of that body, how did you know. -Duke replied.-We always have to be prepared for anything, now, the part of our pawn, I haven't thought of that one yet, what do you think, honey? -Cole answered.-I have to think about it, but first let's go on the trip. -Becky answered.-All right, let's go investigate what we can about that factory. -Duke replied as they left the place.Once they leave, they get in Duke's car to go to the factory, not without first making a stop at the cafeteria to have some lunch since it is twelve o'clock rush hour by that time. They eat lunch based on the type of race it is as, for example: Becky eats a Caesar salad with apple juice, Cole a stuffed animal pizza with a stuffed animal Cola soda and Duke a dried fruit burrito with worms with a bottle of water. After an hour of lunch, they are going to fill up the gas tank since they are going to go to the accelerator highway to save time.Once the tank is full, they will enter through the portal to enter the track. When they enter, they take the first booster to get out faster taking several horizontal and vertical loops until they get out of there, and arrive at the Candyland entrance safe and sound.-If K.A.T.T, had known we went down the Accelerator highway, she would have killed me for it, she's always liked that kind of thing. -Said Becky.-Don't worry, in another case where we go through the track, you give us a ride is that ok with you. -Duke replied.-What are we waiting for, let's get down to business. -Cole answered, who is desperate.-It's okay Cole, I got it, I can use the GPS to get there. -Duke replied as he set up the GPS to get to the road. Unfortunately, there was a lot of traffic where they were going, but they were able to entertain themselves with their cell phones, although Duke, not so much since another Candalorian victim appeared on the news.-We have to end this once and for all, guys. -Duke answered, looking furiously at the news.-Yes, we do. -Becky answered just as they realized that the traffic had slowed down a bit.When this tedious moment is over, they manage to reach the factory. Duke fires several shots with a silencer into the air so that they don't notice it. They enter the place; Cole passes the tickets to the receptionist so that a guide accompanies them through the premises and the different areas of the factory.-Spy bullet, you found something. -Said Duke, who was doing Morse code with his teeth so as not to be detected.-No, Mr. Duke, everything is clean. -Spy bullet answered with morse language.-And dimensions. -Duke replied.-Something's wrong, Mr. Duke. -Interrupted the Guide, who is a living humanoid treat.-No, nothing, I'm just cold, that's all, and I'm a little hyperactive. -Duke answered.-Ah, okay, let's go ahead, but try to control yourself. -The guide answered.-Okay... Mr. Barret. -Duke answered, reading his ID.They continue with the tour. So, Duke tries to use an instrument of telepathy which is a kind of hidden earphone to see if he can communicate with him, but something hinders his communication. After a few areas toured by goes to the souvenir store to buy some things, but it was really for Duke to try with Spy Bullet but he does not respond, this almost makes him lose his composure, but he puts it back together thanks to the fact that he is a professional who does not let himself lose his composure, so they go back to the tour as if nothing until they finish it.They return to the vehicle, but someone throws the bullets at him very quickly, but he catches them and they are Spy bullet and his sentry bullets that are in bad shape, with a threatening letter for him to stay out of their business. Duke destroys it.-Duke says, "You want to play dirty, well, I'll play dirty. Let's go back to Vanessa. -Said Duke who is upset.After that event, they go back to Vanessa.-And well, what did they find. -Vanessa answered as they sit down.-Nothing, but someone meddled in our business. -Duke replied.-All the more reason, we must find out what they are up to? -Becky answered.-Maybe they're protecting something, because they gave us a tour of the whole place. He's probably in another dimension, because if they had him in this one, Spy Bullet would have said something on purpose, how is he? -Cole explained.-He's fine, so far, the bullet doctors are taking good care of him, but I imagine he must have found something. I hope so. -Said Duke.-In the meantime, I need you to bring me the body of the Candalorian who died recently or I have to go there. -Vanessa replied.-I'll talk to my boss to see if she'll give you a moment. -Becky answered as she called her.A couple of insults later, Becky's boss agrees to let Vanessa analyze the body so they all leave Duke's vehicle, but not before stopping by the gas station to fill up the tank and buy some snacks before heading down the Accelerator Highway. After filling the tank again they enter the Accelerator highway passing through several boosters, vertical and horizontal loops to finally arrive two blocks from the headquarters, Duke leaves the vehicle in a parking lot where next to it there is a parking meter to count the time in the parking lot.Cole, put a stopwatch on your cell phone so that you go every half hour to deposit a seventy-five-dollar coin. -Said Duke.-I got it, Duke. -Cole answered as he did as he was told.They go to headquarters and then to the morgue to examine the body. Vanessa works with the body for twenty minutes to diagnose what happened to the victim. After a tedious twenty minutes she returns with her diagnosis as she takes off her gloves.-Well, what was the diagnosis? -Duke asked.-He's got the goldfish low in the body, but centered in the brain, it's like he's.... -Vanessa answered.-It's like the brain turns gold for a few minutes or seconds maybe. -Duke replied.-How do you know that? -Vanessa asked.-When I saved John's watcher, I saw his brain turn gold. -Duke answered.-That means we already have the evidence to arrest them. -Becky replied happily.-Not so fast, we need to have the evidence of how they do it, without that we can't arrest them properly. -Said Duke.-Exactly, without that missing evidence, we can't put them away properly. -Vanessa answered.-I'll take the one that brought me, we can't just arrest them, I want to kick some sweet ass. -Said Becky who wants to kick some ass.-I got lost, I went to pay the meter. -Interrupted Cole who arrives at just the right time so Becky explains what's going on and added. -So that's the way it is, we can at least ask for a police review of your files while we look for the Sharp Coin Shooter to find out more about it.-Exactly, but we need to know more about it. -Duke replied.-They are in the right place. -Becky answered as she searched for the Sharp Coin Shooter's files and when she found them, she said. -Wala! Here it is.Next, Becky talks about the criminal:>>His name is Corner Coincard, serial killer and mercenary, with the misfortune of carrying 20 recorded deaths on his record, although it is believed he killed over a hundred, he currently has his son Charles Coincard who lives with his grandparents. Oh and get this, he joined the boy scouts, sweet brothers and studies at the same school where Minnie Chariot and Byron Jackhammer study.-That's very convenient, but it works for me. -Cole said.-Surely his son is one of their mercenaries, as it is a child's land I have to talk to his superior for that. -Duke answered.-Hey guys, your kind of leaving me aside, don't you think? - Vanessa answered.-Wait a minute. -Becky answered, but she shouts out the name Dummy Test and in less than a second a living test dummy appears so she can work with all the experiments she wants.-I hope you have a lot of experience Dummy because I'm going to exploit you to the maximum. -Vanessa answered very happy and added. -Duke, call me a cab to take Mr. Dummy with me.-I understand, I am ready to be destroyed physically and mentally by you. -Said Dummy making a military salute.-May God have mercy on you, Dummy. -Duke replied.-Thank you, I will need it. -Dummy replied.-If you really need it. I don't understand how they can allow this kind of thing that beings like you have no rights. -Cole answered worried.-It's their job, thanks to the Dummies they have advanced a lot in many areas, so believe me it will be fine. -Duke replied.-Yes, you are right, but.... -Cole answered.-But nothing! We are going to look for the one in charge of the children's investigators since most likely today is the descendant of the Sharp Coin Shooter. -answered Duke.-By the way, who is in charge now? -Cole said.-Jackie, she is in charge now, you can talk to her, even though she is off today. -Becky answered.-But if you call her, she will help you. -Becky replied.-Perfect, we have to call her to inform Minnie so they can help us. -Duke answered.-I'll take care of her, but as a police officer to see if they can give me some information. -Becky replied.-Don't go alone, honey, I don't want anything to happen to you when we find out the truth. -Cole answered.-Don't worry about me, I'm going to do a sweep to be on the safe side. -Becky answered.-Still, if that fails, I'll come after you faster than a superman and kick the ass of anyone who hurts you. -Cole replied.-oh, my love thanks you... (kissing sounds) -Becky replied as a finger stopped her in her tracks.-Not now, honey, it's not the time. -Cole replied.-NOW! We have work to do. -exclaimed Duke, grabbing the collar of her T-shirt. To go from there to where the vehicle is. That fortunately had enough time in the parking meter.-Let's get out of here. I'll call Jackie, wait I don't have her number. -Said Duke as they got into the car.-I'll ask Becky on talkchat and then I'll pass it on to you. -Duke replied.Once Cole asks Becky for the number, he texts Jackie regarding the Candalorians' case to question Charles Coincard, Sharp Coin Shooter's son.She sees Byron's schedule, fortunately they are on school work time. She writes them on talkchat to let him know what happened, but they don't respond. At that time, they had solved a case about a missing object. Byron and Minnie see Jackie's message and go to the announcer to call Charles Coincard. Automatically they go to look for him in the boy scouts' room.-Charles Coincard, could I have a few minutes of your time? -said Minnie.-That's all right, why not. -Charles replied and added as he said goodbye to his fellow Boy Scouts.He is escorted by Byron and Minnie to the agency that has the name of children's police department which is a kind of club that works hand in hand with the police department to go in listing new generations of police.When they enter the place, they go to the interrogation room.-Who will be the good cop and the bad cop? -Byron asked.-Okay, I'll be the good cop and I'll be the bad cop. -Minnie answered.-That's good, let me go first. -Byron replied.-Hey, I know you're going to play the good cop and the bad cop, but why don't you just be yourselves. -Charles answered.-All right, the reason we are going to question you is that the candy brothers, specifically the company that makes the candy that you sell is being accused by the Gulabon murders of Candalorians and they don't know if it's the candy or what. Several clues have already been found at the crime scenes, even though they have changed the candy, this problem is not over yet.... -Minnie replied.-You can get to the point, it's my turn for math. -Charles answered while Byron passed him a glass of water.-Well, what my partner is getting at is that a head-hunter was attacked by the Sharp Coin Shooter during the investigation and we believe it was you. -Byron replied.-Really, well that's a very strong statement, you know I know father was a killer, but that doesn't mean I could be one too, but why do they think it was me. -Replied Charles who plays tricks with a coin.-I understand sorry for our boldness, but you know someone who could be, even if it's a clue. -Minnie replied.-You could ask my grandfather.... -Charles answered without meaning to.-Thank you for the information, you can go. -Byron replied as Minnie sent the information gathered from the conversation to Duke so they could go to Charles' house.-Cole, we already have the information, talk to someone at headquarters so they can give you the address of Charles' house. Maybe his grandfather knows something since my father told me that the sharp coin shooters are something that is transferred from generations. -Duke explained.-All right, I will write to Becky to send us the coordinates of the house and a permit to invade private property to cure us in health. -Cole replied as he made the arrangements from talkchat.After Becky sends him the information via talkchat. They head to Charles' house. When they get there no one answers, but Duke is very insistent knocking on the door, but no one is there.-Apparently there is no one, let's go, let's not waste time. -Cole said.-What the hell do they want, if it's the mail, leave the package and get out. -A voice of an adult answered.-Conrad, is that you? -said Duke, who recognized the voice.-So it's you, you duck bastard, what the hell do you want, you already locked up my son, who else do you want to arrest? -Conrad answered.-I just came to ask him questions, I am a private detective, besides... I think your grandson is involved in something big, since he is part of the boy scouts' sweet brothers, besides almost killing one of my friends, if he cooperates, I promise to lower the sentence if he is innocent. -Duke answered, waiting for an answer, but Cole felt a presence behind the vehicle.-Hey Duke, I feel something strange since we were at the port, that's when I detected the Sharp coin shooter, did you check your car recently. -Cole answered.-Let me see if it's true what you're saying. Bullet tracker is what my vehicle has. -Said Duke, who fired the Bullet tracker that checked his vehicle and apparently found what he was looking for.-There is a coin stuck inside the vehicle. - Bullet Tracker answered.-It's a bomb for sure. -Said Duke who shoots Bullet disassemble and added. -I want you to disarm that bomb right now.-Understood, my lord Duke. -Bullet disassemble who is going to deactivate it.-What was missing, someone wants to kill us. -Duke answered.-At least it was not activated while we are in the vehicle. -Cole replied.-And if the bomb didn't go off, why didn't we get to the heart of the matter? -Duke replied.-What do you mean? -Cole asked.-Possibly, it didn't go off because we haven't solved the mystery of the candy. It seems to be a coin that listens to everything we've been doing all this time," Duke answered.-What do we do now? -Cole asked.-Let's get out of here, there's no point in wasting time, let's see if Vanessa is done with the investigation. -Duke answered.-All right, if you want me to tell them, I'll tell them. -Conrad answered and added. -Only if my grandson gets a light sentence.-I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best. -Duke replied.-I taught my grandson several of our techniques, but unfortunately, he has used them in the wrong way, just like his father and things got worse when he joined with the brothers of the sweet, I thought that, with that, he would finally stop using the skills, but apparently, he became worse than ever. Please, I beg you, make his sentence in the reformatory a minimum. -Conrad explained.-Thank you for the information, Conrad. For your support I will keep your promise. -Duke replied, but Conrad flipped a coin to deactivate the one inside the vehicle.-Consider it an act of goodwill, detective, I expect you to keep your promise, as you said. -I emphasize Conrad to Duke.-So be it. -Duke said.While they ride in the vehicle, inside the time chamber, which is similar to the one they use in dragon ball to train, but in this case, it is to make the investigation faster.-Ready, I did it, get ready Candylone S.R.L. your days are numbered. I must communicate this to Duke and Cole. But first let me make the copies so I don't lose them. -Said Vanessa.- Then I can go now, Miss Greymit. -Dummy answered.-This time I want you to stay a little longer, this information is very sensitive, let me send it to Duke. -Vanessa answered.Suddenly, an explosion is heard at the entrance of the place.-But what the hell? -Vanessa shouted and thought. Surely, they are from Candylone, they already know that I discovered them, even so, I need to send the information to Duke.At the outskirts of the compound the Sharp coin Shooter is shooting at the institute, but Dummy and Miyuki come out to confront him. They move faster than the blink of an eye so they try to capture him, but he does the same, they hit the coins shooting in all directions, he tries to enter the location, but Miyuki stops him in his tracks with her projectiles coming out of his body, but he manages to dodge it. Bucky and Dennise arrive to meet with their forensic expert.-Stay here miss, apparently, they are fighting someone. Stay inside the vehicle. -Bucky said.-All right, check what's going on and stop that fight, we're wasting time with so much violence. -Dennise replied.Bucky gets out of the vehicle and takes out two beretta 92 to shoot all the coins leaving the sharp coin shooter defenseless so he opens a portal behind him to escape from the place.-You're all right. -Bucky shouted.-If we're okay, we have to go to the space time chamber to check it out. -said Dummy.They go to the chamber and see that she is safe with the copies I sent to Duke. Meanwhile Duke is driving to the factory, Cole sends them to Becky, but she sends him a message for help. So, they are on their way there. Cole calls Jackie for assistance, he calls Martin, but he is busy exchanging money from the Gulabons.While our heroes are on their way to the factory as they think things are going to get ugly. At that time Becky is doing a police operation checking if there are any incriminating clues but when she was washing her hands, where she receives the incriminating information from Vanessa, she goes to communicate this to her companions, but she is teleported to another dimension. An entity made of golden candy.-So, you are the culprit of all those murders right, or do you want to hear it from me? -Becky answered.-Maybe yes, but maybe not, what the Gulabons did to us is something priceless, after gaining the trust of the earthlings of this world, what those bastards did to us, is not forgivable. -The entity answered. -I guess they still have that vile idea of conquering the world. The Gulabons tried and failed along with the thousands of species that live in this mess of a world. -Becky answered.-Unlike other species, we had the opportunity since it was through food, the arrival of those scum made us have to turn back but now that we have proven the effectiveness of those sweets and we are going to take revenge on the Gulabons for spoiling our conquest so I am going to get rid of the son of Daffy Mcduckwell and Vanessa Greymit, once and for all. -Explained the entity-Not if I can help it, you fourth-rate villain. -Becky exclaimed, taking off her glasses and revealing her viscous eyes that spun rapidly forming spirals.-You are not human, are you a caricature or what? -I'm not a curse, I'm not a curse.-I'm not a curse, I'm going to kick your ass once and for all. -I'm not a curse, I'm going to kick his ass once and for all. But he teleports her to a place so she won't do anything to him. Duke and Cole go to the factory where there is no police vehicle, only K.A.T.T who is there.-K. A.A.T.T. where Becky is. -Cole asks, getting out of the vehicle.-I don't know, I don't detest her presence in this dimension. -I don't know, I don't detest her presence in this dimension. K.A.T.T. who gets out his humanoid version of the engine. -Damn them, those bastards will pay for messing with my wife. -Cole answered and took out of his jacket an m16 with a rocket launcher, Duke dismounted and took out of his trunk a pkp machine gun with a rocket launcher.-Or yes, this will be ultraviolent. -Duke answers, who seems to be possessed, but a car they call a Beetle (Volkswagen Type 1) that breaks the momentum.-Ready guys, I'm here. -Jackie gets out of the vehicle.-That's your vehicle, Jackie. You don't make very well in the police. -Duke answered as he dropped his sums.-This car was given to me, don't look at me like that. -Jackie answered. -It's okay, but when you give it to your son, buy a new one, they are at a good price. -Said Duke.-I understand Duke. -Said Jackie making a military salute. -What are we waiting for, my love needs our help. -Cole exclaimed as they went to find Becky. Hey immediately take cover behind K.A.T.T. as they are shooting out of the factory windows. Hey start shooting at the shooters. -It's a good thing we have K.A.T.T. on our side, we were almost going to get killed. -Duke said as they fired back.K.A.T.T. fires a smoke bomb to go towards the door where they take cover and take cover on the sides of the door to evade the shots of the henchmen of the one in front. She swoops down on them and riddles them mercilessly. Hey take advantage of this to give her assistance, to dispatch all the enemies through the corridors of the factory, but when they met the golden entity, they were transported to other dimensions.She appears in a candy corn dimension where she is confronted by a dimensional entity that shoots large amounts of candy at her, but she repels them with her pistol shots that are endless thanks to her power. The entity keeps shooting at her from all angles, but she repels them with her pistols.-What kind of abomination are you to face me?-Said the entity surprised until she overcomes the entity's shots which allows her to attack him head on with her sword. He also summons one for a clean sword fight. After a series of sword clashes.- I am the cancer that this world needs, now I will show you a piece of hell. -Becky exclaims and connects a headbutt that stuns him and then riddles him with clean lead to launch a beam of power that ends up destroying the dimension until she makes a cut to the dimension to get out of there.At the same time that Becky defeats her opponent, K.A.T.T. finds herself in a world of gumdrops where she shape-shifts into a mecha fighter using slashing weapons to deal with waves of humanoid gumdrops.-They can't hurt me, Gummi Iron, nothing and no one can stop us.-The gummy entity exclaimed.-No, you said, let me show you my true power.-K.A.T.T. replied, making a kind of tornado that turns into a black hole that absorbs everything and added while watching him from afar.-I told you, you piece of...gummi, I don't know any candy insults. Let me go back to the others. She cuts through the fabric of reality to get back to the others.-TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! TAKE! (x7) -Cry Jackie while throwing a rain of punches to everything that is a humanoid Skittles of this world, in that time the fists increase their kinetic field killing hundreds, no thousands with his fists until he collides his fists making a big bang that destroys everything and added. -I have to get back to the others. So, she breaks the fabric of reality.At that moment, Cole is faced with whole armies of eye candy (Gummi Chocolate, etc.) he uses his cutting threads to cut everything in his path as he skates at full speed. -This is better than a video game. -Said Cole who is dodging nuclear explosions like a god and added while taking the thread from that dimension and then making a coat out of it. -It's time to end this I have to get out after this. It's time to unravel this. Good, I already have a gift for my beloved. I think it's time to go. Cole opens a portal with his skateboard to return to the others.During all this Duke comes face to face with the Sharp Coin Shooter.-So, you're the Sharp Coin Shooter who almost killed Cole and Martin. What's your name, kiddo? Or do you want me to guess it for you? -Said Duke. -Does it matter, detective duck? -Charles answered. -Of course it matters, Charles Coinard.-Duke replied. -If you know my name, why ask me," Charles replied.-I just wanted you and I to have confidence in each other. Listen boy, your grandfather told me to turn a blind eye so you could get away with this. -Duke answered and tried to reason with him. -My grandfather, but you arrested my father. -Answered Charles who is thinking about it.-No Becky I didn't, although the family contacted me because your father was careless, but that doesn't matter, the important thing is that I don't want to fight with you, but I want to help you. -Duke answered. -Help me, how? -Charles answered.-Well, convince Cole, so you won't be charged and I can make them say that they were forced to do it, so they will be clean. What do you think? -Duke recommended to Charles.-All right, I'll do it, I don't want to give the old man a heart attack. -Charles answered and opened a portal to the dimension where the factory is.They unite to reach another dimension to face a being of chocolate in another dimension so they join forces to defeat this being that is divided into three Chocolate normal, black and white so they are divided into three groups.In the first group Becky with her skates and Cole with his skateboard that evade with elegance the shots of the being with the normal chocolate until they manage towards where he is tied with the threads of Cole so that of a kick teleguided by Becky that she destroys it. Second group K.A.T.T. sticks to Jackie to protect her while she keeps throwing fists until she reaches the black chocolate and disintegrates it with a single blow. In the third group Duke and Charles fire several coins to create a shield to protect them both from the projectiles of the white chocolate, Duke takes out his pkp machine guns with rocket launchers to obliterate it completely as he employs the army of animated bullets.-Tell me it's over, I'm hungry.-Jackie said.-Still...-Exclaimed Duke who at that moment the Golden Candy hits him at the speed of light, but Jackie stops him knocking him out momentarily so they all give him a tremendous beating that he will never forget. After that beating, they arrest everyone in the factory so reinforcements come to finish closing the factory. The next day, the trial of the golden candy is made to the families of the victims and with Vanessa's evidence, it turns out that what happened is that the candy from the factory caused that the component that made the candalorians unable to be consumed was revoked and all the golden component that they have biologically in their body was concentrated in the brain. Thanks to this evidence, justice could be served, especially since Wagner is the lawyer for the family members. After a few long hours in court, the judge ruled in favor of the families of the victims and they will have to pay them a juicy compensation plus get rid of all the candy that breaks the candalorian law.After they won the trial and the rewards Duke earned outside the trial, he strikes up a conversation with Wagner outside the courthouse.-Congratulations, detective, you achieved the impossible. -Said Wagner. -I just did my job, I made good money, I've been thinking about hiring new employees for my business for quite some time. -Duke replied.-That's what I like, you know I was surprised that you defended the son of the sharp coin shooter. -Wagner replied.-Just put off the inevitable, if he returns to a life of crime, I won't hesitate to send him to reform school or jail when he comes of age. -Duke replied. -I can tell you're a big duck, Mcduckwell, just like your father. Well, I'll see you at another trial, Duke. -Wagner replied, "I'll see you at another trial, Duke.-Let me go to the exchange agency to pass him more gludix, although this time I will have to wait. -Duke answered and left for the agency in his vehicle. After another long day, in this world of law and chaos reigns.