The Bride of Disaster

Welcome to CartoonLand, a world where dreams come true as well as shattered, although it all depends on where you come from, however, we will not focus on the most powerful country in this world the crazy states of CartoonLand, specifically in the state of New Land, where it overflows with wealth and power, the place where everyone wants to be, where all your dreams come true or get stolen, despite being the cradle of the country's economy, this is actually a tank full of sharks, where the strongest, the boldest crush and oppress the weak, although the weak also devour the strong, so that's why people like me are in charge of making sure this country doesn't go to hell in five seconds. So welcome to the country were law and chaos.A day like any other day in Murphy Tower, right in the office of Law and Chaos Law and Chaos Advanced Private Investigation where there are several job interviews with several people. One of them is a humanoid sheep named Whitney Willow who is applying for the position of assistant bookkeeper and secretary.-So, you have secretarial experience. -I've interviewed her in her office and reviewed her resume," Duke said.-Yes, I have done my best to contribute to the company. -Whitney replied enthusiastically.-I like that, hired. -Duke replied, shaking her hand so that they both shook hands to seal the deal.He then interviewed a humanoid wolf for the job of archivist.-So, you've had experience in filing, right? Wilson Wolfgang," Duke answered, looking over his resume.-Yes, that's right, I've worked in internships as an archivist, working with various archival organization methodologies. -Wilson answered with a shy, stuttering voice.-Interesting, since Kaede is not around to train you, I will, welcome to law and chaos advanced research. -Duke replied, grabbing her hand and shaking it to seal the deal.After Whitney and Wilson are working in their respective positions.-Wilson, I need you to bring me this file. -Whitney answered.-Oh, okay, I'll be right back. -Wilson went to the payroll file cabinet.-You know now that I look at it, your names start with W, what a coincidence, no -Said Duke who is standing over there, drinking a bottle of water.-Yes, I know, but it's more of a coincidence that it has to be a wolf and a sheep, Mr. Duke. -Whitney answered.-What's the matter Whitney, are you afraid it's going to devour you? -Duke replied.-Yes, I am afraid of it because I have had bad experiences with carnivorous Furies. -Whitney answered.-You know that's racism, right. -Duke replied.-I don't..." Whitney replied.-I'm here, that file was hard to pull. -Wilson replied and added. -What are you talking about?-Nothing important, Wilson. -Whitney answered.-Yes, it's a conversation that only our kind understands. -Duke replied.-I understand. Well, I'm going to get back to work. -Wilson replied and retired to his office inside the filing cabinet, but took the call from his assigned phone.-Law and order archives advanced investigation, Wilson Wolfgang assists you. -Wilson answers the phone.-It's me, Shanise I need you to bring me some papers of the case records that have been worked on as I need it for the report with Mr. McBunny. -Shanise answered.-Ohh, okay, but can I talk to you about something personal? -Wilson replied.-Yeah, that's okay, come over here and we'll talk. -Shanise replied.Wilson goes to get the papers to give to Shanise in the file cabinets. He finds them and goes to Shanise's new office that Duke had made for her since Whitney is her secretary.-Ready, Mrs. Shanise, here you go. -Wilson answered and handed her the files.-Sit down dear, what's wrong? -Shanise answered.-I overheard a conversation between Mr. Duke and Miss Willow, about me and .... I don't think Miss Willow likes me," said Wilson.-That's normal, not all Furrians can live peacefully together, she sure has had bad experiences, try to focus on your work and don't listen to her. You are better than her, so don't get carried away by it. -Shanise explained and added. -It's her loss.-Thank you very much, Shanise, I will take your advice well. -Wilson replied excitedly.-You know who to talk to when you feel bad. -Shanise replied.Suddenly an alarm is ringing.-And what's that alarm? -Wilson replied intimidated.-It's the tax department. -Shanise replied.-Shanise, did you pay your taxes? -Duke asked and shouted.-Yes, I paid them and why the hell are they here? -Shanise exclaimed and added, "Someone didn't pay their taxes.-Attention all Murphy Tower businesses, please move down to the parking lot. -Said the horn that is in the center of the location.So, they leave for the elevator as they meet Martin and Zatellizer with Wagner and his secretary.-Boys, how are you? -Duke answers and greets them by taking them by the hand.-And you, Duke. -Martin answered and greeted him.-And Cole, I don't see him. -Wagner answered.-Cole is attending to something with Becky that is very urgent. -Duke answered.-I understand, was she pregnant or what? -Martin replied.-Nope, I doubt it, even though Becky wants to be, but it's something else I can't explain. -Duke replied as they entered the elevator and continued talking until, they reached the lobby.-I don't want to imagine that someone didn't pay their taxes. -Wagner answered.-Possibly someone didn't pay them. -Zatellizer replied.They go out to the parking lot where all the owners and employees of the businesses in Murphy's Tower are.-Attention. -A human shouted, causing everyone to respond, yes sir.-And now that Antony, tell me who didn't pay the taxes or what. -Martin asked.-I don't know, the only thing I know is that someone didn't pay the taxes and Hartigan Taxman is coming around. -Antony answered.At that moment, Hartigan arrives in a jeep dismounting in the process.-I'm Hartigan Taxman from the Ministry of Taxes and I've come because someone didn't pay their taxes. -Hartigan answered as if he was the captain of a squadron.Everyone says they paid their taxes.-I know they paid their taxes you pieces of social trash, but the person I know who didn't pay his taxes is none other than Mason King, so demand he pay his taxes or.... -Hartigan replied.At that moment the King family arrives in their limousine everyone gets out of there to everyone's surprise Cole comes with them to stick the tax bill in his face.-Ready, spoiled child, the taxes are paid, now get the hell out of here. If you think you're going to take the King family to jail. - Cole replied.-You want to, lapdog of the King family, but the day you don't pay the tax I'm going to crumble this corrupt and evil tower. -Hartigan replied, getting into his vehicle.-As you wish, Hartigan. -Cole replied as he pulled away.-Honey. -Said Zatellizer who embraces him.-You were late to pay Mr. King's taxes. -Duke replied.-At least they gave you something. Since you don't do anything for free. -Wagner replied.-They bought me an MBW M3 GTR, the same one that was destroyed during the chase with Cassie. -Cole replied.-That's good, so we can have fun in vehicular combat. -Martin replied.-Yes, I know. -Cole replied.-Let's get to work, Cole, this was a waste of time. -replied Duke.-Yes, honey, Duke needs you so he doesn't fall in disgrace for Kaede," Cole answered, but they waved him off as he said this sentence.-Oh, my Kaede, how much I miss you! -Duke answers and collapses to the floor as he writes his heart on the floor knowing that he misses his beloved Kaede.-Thank you, Cole, now it got really bad. -Cole replied.-We have to take him to the hospital. -Martin answered and he and Cole took him to the hospital in Martin's Mord GT.Once they arrived at the hospital, they went to the reception.-Good morning, we have a case of acute sympatitis. -Martin answered.-Take a ticket in emergency so that you can be attended. -Answered the receptionist.After a long wait, they were finally attended by a nurse who injected him with a serum and nebulized him at the same time. He was prescribed some pills called Goatchad to calm him down.After that inconvenience, Duke got worse so Cole sends him home to rest while he takes care of business. Duke lies in bed watching the days go by without his beloved Kaede, then he goes for a walk and everything reminds him of Kaede and he even stops on a bridge just to see her figure.Cole goes to pick him up in the car to take him home.-My God, Duke, don't ever leave the house like that again. -Cole exclaimed.-Kaede, Kaede, I need you. -Duke answered.-Don't let her consume you. You're a man, damn it. -Cole replied.-Oh, no Kaede, I need you. -Duke replied that he was awake.Once they get home, Cole ties him to the bed so he can't escape. Shanise tries to feed him, but he won't let her, Cole forces him to eat him.-Daddy, please don't die. -Said Minnie holding his hand.-He's not going to die; he's just having a tantrum. -Cole answered.-Kaede, I need you, rescue me from these system oppressors, I'll sing you your favorite song. Come back Kaede please. -Duke replied that he was awake.After a while Duke calm down and falls asleep.-Finally... he fell asleep! -Cole shouted.-Don't be like that with Duke either, the love he has for Kaede is sickening. -Shanise replied.-Too sick. -Minnie replied.-I know, but tomorrow we have to look for that wretch. I took the opportunity to buy the tickets while I was taking care of you, but you are in bad health. -Cole showed her the three plane tickets.Duke stops suddenly, hugs Cole tightly and thanks him for everything he has done for him.The next morning, Cole and Duke get up early to go to the airport with Martin in his Mord GT. They drop their bags at the appropriate place, have a bite to eat before leaving to get on the plane and take off for Japan.-Don't worry honey, I'm on my way. -Said Duke while caressing a photo of Kaede on his cell phone.The plane lands at Tokyo domestic airport. They pick up their bags and go to a cheap hotel to rest in it to recover energy since it is night when they sleep.The next morning, they get up to look for Kaede.-I must admit, this bed is super comfortable. -Cole said.-I don't want to get up Duke, about five more minutes. -Martin answered.-The break is over, I need to look for my wife, this is not a vacation. -Duke answered and took them out of their rooms, mattress and all.-I'm up Duke, but how persistent you are. -Cole answered and Martin got up too.They put on their characteristic clothes to go look for Kaede. They go to look for Kaede's house but they realize that they are not there.-You're sure it's here, because there's no one there. -Cole said.-Apparently, they knew we were coming here and left. -Martin answered.-How would they know? Is there a spy among us? -Duke replied paranoidly.-You wish, Duke, you must know that they know when you come and that's why they move to another place, let's ask some yakusa to see if we know where they are. -commented Martin.They follow Martin's suggestion to split up to cover more ground. They go to every house, bar, store, institution to find out where they are and found nothing.-I think we need to bring out the big guns. -Duke answered sharply and definitively.They went to ask the kids on the street, offered them a juicy reward to find Kaede. One of the boys knows where she is so he guides them to where she is since he works for the group Kaede belongs to which leads them to a heavily fortified mansion in the countryside.-Thank you, Ryo, take what we agreed on. -Said Duke who hands him the reward.-Duke, Martin and Cole. -Ryo replied and retired to a bus stop.-Now, how are we going to get into that fortress? -Cole answered.-As the ninjas. -Answered Duke as they disguise themselves in your typical ninja costume and added. -It is now, boys we are going to retrieve woman.They infiltrate the house at the speed of light and go through the entire house until they find the whereabouts of her who is doing a Kanji calligraphy.-Saori Kushida. -Said Duke who approaches her.-Duke Mcduckwell, what are you doing here? -Saori answered.-I came to take you back home, my love. -Duke replied.-Well, unfortunately, you can go back where you came from, Duke-San. -Saori replied.-I'm sorry, but because of you I have Simpatitis Help and I won't leave here until I take you home. -Duke replied.-And what do I care, you duck, go back to your country, I'm getting married today, so leave me alone or I'll shout encouragement to the guards. -Saori answered.-All right, if you say so, if I can't take you by good, I'll take you by bad. -Duke answered and took out his cell phone and started to play a heavy metal song.-How noisy...Yes, metal of the devil, sound it hard pussy...- Saori answered who is turning into Kaede Kushida but this one refuse to transform.At that moment, the bodyguards go to Saori's place so they fight against them, but Saori escapes from there.-Don't worry, Doppelgänger, I'm going to get Kaede out of you the hard way. -Duke exclaimed as they confronted the bodyguards with katanas while Martin used machetes, Cole used military knives and Duke used the mcduckwell's sacred sword.After they defeat the bodyguards, they steal several Japanese sports cars, to begin the chase. They shoot ninja stars at each other since in Japan they don't use firearms but throwing weapons like ninjas, Martin and Cole's vehicles are out of combat so they rush towards Duke's car but a kunai explodes one of the vehicle's tires so they use the old reliable one and an explosive ninja star blows the engine into a thousand pieces leaving it unusable. They smash through the ground with their feet to propel themselves like the Flintstones do. As they move through the streets of Tokyo. Until they manage to get to where the wedding is to be held.-I object, in the name of metal. -Duke answers as he pulls out a guitar that doubles as a bass and guitar from his trench coat and plays Djent.Saori is going crazy, her father covers her ear, but she breaks his hands to let her hear the song, then switches to an animegrind. She starts laughing fiendishly her hair changes to blonde, her attributes increase. The boyfriend asks her if she's okay.-Oh yeah, I'm better! The Japanese yakusa kunoichi is back, Kaede Kushida is ready to kick ass. -Kaede is back to normal.-You damned whore of the devil, you are not my daughter, give me back my daughter. -Her father exclaimed.-Thank you, father for giving me your blessing, now go to hell. -Kaede exclaims and throws one of the back guards towards her father and kicks the groom's ass, he rushes towards the back guards to give them the beating of his life. After this she makes out with Duke making her father suffer, to her mother she gives her mother the blessing with a thumbs up and hands her things and added. -Thank you, mommy.They run off to steal one of the sports cars, bridging the wires to get away from there. Kaede is changing in the front seat putting on her detective uniform which is a purple-colored shirt, with a plunging neckline, with a blood red pants and jacket combination, with her box buckle belt with her initials on it.-Perverts, Ecchi," Kaede replied as they snooped on her while she was changing.-Thanks a lot, sweetie. -Cole and Martin replied at the same time.-Don't worry honey, I won't gouge their eyes out, you guys are like my brothers. -Kaede answered.-Yes, we'll see, honey. -Martin answered.-Oh, are you challenging me? -Kaede answered.-Yeah, honey, stop it, both of you. -exclaimed Duke.-Wow! Look at that. -Cole exclaimed, seeing a Toyata AE86 Sprinter Trueno (Toyota AE86 Sprinter Trueno).-It's a toyata AE86 sprinter Trueno, it's a dream come true. -Duke answered.-What are you waiting for, pass it. -Said Martin.-You've got to be kidding me, Duke. - Kaede replied angrily.- Yes, I'm ready! -Duke answered and stepped on the accelerator to try to overtake him, but the driver of the vehicle realized his intentions and prevented him from doing so. They, except Kaede, scream like crazy.-He understood our language, you should gladly pass him. -Cole, who is hyperactive, replied.-You can pass me that shit, get inside. -Martin answered.-No, on the outside and then go inside. -Cole answered.He does as Cole says and turns on the radio to play a eurobeat record, to set the mood. They are almost lined up, but Kaede pulls out a gun and shoots at the other vehicle to slow it down.-But devil woman, what was that? -Martin answered.-My love and what was it. -Duke answered.- I'm sick of eurobeat, give me devil's metal, you men are crazy about cars. -Kaede answered.-But it was my time. -Duke answered.-What moment, I'm better than that eurobeat crap. I repudiate eurobeat with all my soul and all my being. -Kaede answered.-It's okay, honey, I'm sorry for diverting my attention to eurobeat, don't be like that, honey. -Duke replied.-Duke, we have company. -Cole replied, realizing that Kaede's family was chasing them.Duke speeds off at full speed to get to the airport. Once there, they leave the vehicle behind to catch the first flight to the United States. After a few hours on the plane, they finally arrive in the country.Kaede is greeted with a lot of people at the airport.-I have arrived my loves. -Kaede exclaimed while swimming in the sea of people that received them. Everyone shouted her name as if the pope had arrived in the country.After this great reception, a big party was held to commemorate her arrival. On this day where law and chaos reign.