Chapter 2: How 2 Acheron (For Dummies)

"Wait, wait, WAIT! C'mon, I come in peace! I don't even see any damage from a spacequake!" Erick flew around in the air erratically, weaving between... well, most of the bullets and missiles. He could feel a strange chill in various parts of his body, which he could only attribute to the bullets he was unable to avoid. As for why they were only chilly and not painful? Erick wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Ah, who am I kidding. You won't listen to me anyway," he grumbled to himself.

The AST. Erick remembered about three things about them: one, they were a part of Japan's Self-Defense Force; two, that they had some sort of physics-altering forcefield named a Territory; and three, they did not compromise with any spirits they encountered. Continuing to fly as best as he could, Erick rushed away from them whilst running through his options in his head.

Ok, so I'm almost 70% sure I've manifested as a Spirit. That means, assuming [Naught] is my natural weapon (Angel), I should understand how to use it upon drawing the blade. The question is if it just naturally becomes second nature or if there's an adjustment period- I can't stop flying for even three seconds unless I wanna pioneer a new flavor of Swiss cheese. Wait, why did they stop firing-

"Whoa!" A gleaming blade missed his neck by inches, causing Erick to look back at the squadron of AST. Sure enough, they had all holstered their guns and switched to melee.

"Ah, fudge. Here goes nothing." Internally readying himself, Erick drew [Naught] from it's sheath.

———————I am the dividing line that shifts perspective———————

"This is..." Erick stared at the giant black hole in the distance, the event horizon ironically providing the only light that illuminated the dark water underneath. Indeed, aside from the great dark sun in the sky, there was only a watery surface further than Erick could see, Erick himself, and...

"Excuse me." An imposing woman with red-stained hands and long white hair tapped on Erick's shoulder, causing him to jump. 

"A-Acheron??" Erick's eyes bulged before scrambling multiple steps away.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" Raiden Bosenmori Mei, known to the world as Acheron, appraised Erick with a gaze that was not unkind. Erick knew her well as the final warrior of the planet Izumo, a person who had gazed into the depths of Nihility and came out as not only a Self-Annihilator, but the sole Emanator of the god-like IX. A wandering powerhouse with the power to destroy entire planets, perhaps even galaxies. Not to mention his most reliable DPS character before a certain Iron Knight was released. What exactly could he say to such a legendary figure?

"U-um, probably in another world." Erick blustered. After all, it was technically the truth.

"I see. Then, you must know that the 'Me' in front of you now is not the 'Me' you once met. The universe is vast, and thus there exist countless worlds that mirror each other. And even if we truly did meet, the 'Me' standing before you... is but a fleeting illusion of the 'Me' that once lived."

"What?!" Does that mean that this Acheron... is already dead? "But... you survived the shadow of IX! You annihilated the Annihilation Gang! What could have possibly killed you?"

"The Annihilation Gang? Who?" Acheron gave a wry smile. "Anyway, the reason that I survived IX's shadow was the very reason I died. After all, my final slash against IX was not one, but two slashes. A slash from me, and a slash from another 'Me' that sacrificed their life in order for mine to continue."

"You mean to say that there were two Acherons at the moment of your encounter with IX? So, there was already an Acheron when you were being enveloped by IX?"

"Not quite. I suppose you could say that I sent the second slash through time and space, from inside another black hole. Of course, I was unable to survive the experience."

"...this sounds like a weird version of the Song of Storms paradox, or, wait, a lazy rip-off from that old space movie..."

"Does it?" Acheron shook her head. "Well, it doesn't matter. This was the choice I made, and I'm content with the result. Soon, I will finally leave this space, the Horizon of Existence, and be freed from the Nihility's chains."

"Hold it!" Erick yelled instinctively, then immediately slapped his hands over his mouth. Engaging with hostilities with someone who (allegedly) survived a black hole long enough to slash through time and space was not a bright idea. "I mean, uh, can you help me a little? I think I uh, may have inherited your powers... or at least some of it."

Acheron's eyebrow raised slightly as she walked over. 

"It's true. This blade contains the same power as mine. In fact, it seems to be identical to mine..." Acheron rested her hand on her own blade, then seemed to come to a decision. "No. The Nihility's corruption is not one that should be sought or wrought upon the world. I'm sorry."

"Well let's not be hasty now... the truth of the matter is, I have the power of Nihility anyway, and I'm currently being chased by multiple trained soldiers with forking laser swords while I don't even know how to hold a regular one properly! Please reconsider!" Erick bowed down, gritting his teeth.


"Wait really?"

"Mm. I trust my judgement of your character, and it is also the only thing I am capable of doing as but a fading memory. However, I must warn you. The Nihility is boundless and all-consuming. To prevent you from becoming a Self-Annihilator like me, I will... for lack of a better word, seal the more... potent powers until you reach the requirements to face the greater taint."

"Just leave me with enough power to hold my own against the laser swords, please..."

"Don't worry. The bladework of using the sheath of [Naught] does not involve utilizing the Nihility. And there is one technique safe enough to use even in your state." Acheron reached out to press her hand against Erick's forehead. "I must apologize if I've already asked, but what is your name?" 

Erick grew quiet. "I... wish to leave my name behind."

"That won't do. The name is one of the greatest anchors against the pull of Nihility. It is one of the most important aspects of the 'self.'"

"Then, why do you go by an alias?"

"Nicknames are still names."

"..." Erick felt a headache oncoming. "Alright, then I'll choose a new name for myself."

"Might I ask why?"

"I too have already 'died' once. Thus, the old me is dead. And anyways, forgive me for my presumptuousness, but I want to carry on a part of you, your legacy, into the future, as「雷電虚」[Raiden Kyo]."

"Kyo... meaning, false? There is no need for such a name, but I am honored. Raiden Kyo, as my last act, I will impart my memories unto you. May you set forth on your new journey without hesitation, find your own meaning in the face of Nihility, and fight for what is beautiful in the world."

As Acheron finished reciting her words, a bright purple flashed across the dark waters, temporarily illuminating even the black hole in the sky before disappearing along with the Self-Annihilator.

All that was left was a figure whose hair slowly dyed itself a deep violet.

"Thank you."