Chapter 15: -uuuuuuuuu-

"So? What do you think?" Nia asked proudly, posing in the orange glow of the setting sun.

"I'm thinking that I cannot believe I just spent almost the entirety of this week reading up on your beloved Chronicle manga," Kyo groaned. "These brain cells could've been used to formulate the perfect strategy to achieve world peace. Instead, they've memorized the favorite flower of a dead fictional girl when they were twelve!"

Nia continued to smile at him. "I didn't hear any criticism~" she said in a singsong voice.

Kyo sighed. "Ok, fine. It's a good story, if you ignore that Tokiya was in a relationship with his sister." And that's a really big if, seeing as it's literally the driving force of the plot.

"Oh, you just don't get it." Nia tutted with disapproval.

"This isn't something people just don't 'get' like your fudging yaoi books, this is basic morality and genetic sciences we're talking about!" Kyo retorted. Before Nia could respond, a deafening alarm began to blare outside.


"Ah, right on schedule." Kyo turned to Nia. "Rejoice, Nia. I can get us into a showing of the world's deadliest soap opera, if you're willing to take us there."

"What kind of show is that supposed to be?" Nia scrunched her face in confusion.

"Well, it's the kind of show between a Spirit and a blue-haired everyday guy with a secret organization named after a giant squirrel sponsoring him," Kyo laughed. "Stuff like this doesn't happen every day." But honestly, naming the organization Ratatoskr? Might as well have named it Nidhogg at that point...

Nia's eyes narrowed for a second before she threw her casual smile back on. "Really now? Well, with a premise that fresh, I might as well check it out."

"Wait, really?" Kyo almost tripped over. "I didn't actually expect you to care."

"Well, you've already made the offer. Don't tell me you only intended to toy with this poor maiden's heart?!" Nia fake-cried, throwing an arm over her head for dramatic effect.

"'s at Raizen High School," Kyo sighed with a weary smile. "I'll activate the full extent of [White]'s hiding abilities, so feel free to teleport us over."

"I can teleport?!" Nia exclaimed. Kyo gave her a dumbfounded look.

"...Westcott was able to do so within minutes of obtaining your powers in the last Iteration, so chances are, yes. How did you not know this?"

"Ahaha... [Raziel]." Kyo shook his head as Nia manifested her tome and began to frantically read the contents. "'s a combination between [Raziel] and Realizer technology..."

"Oh." Kyo tried his best to ignore the smirk on Nia's face. Stupid Realizer bull. I still don't even really understand what they are. "Sorry, my bad. I guess we're flying there then."

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

"I will never reject you," Itsuka Shidou declared firmly, his deep blue hair flowing from a nonexistent wind as he took a strong step forward. Across from him, [Princess] flinched, her amethyst-coloured armored dress rustling as she turned away from him.

"Oooh, that was a power move. I wonder what she'll reply?" Nia whispered excitedly to Kyo. 

"Please keep your voice down. [White] can only cloak your presence when you don't create excessive stimuli," Kyo whispered back.

Currently, the two Spirits were situated on the edge of a crater in the middle of Raizen High School, watching, as Kyo put it, the "deadliest soap opera" happening on the other side. Nia looked on with rapt interest as the purple-and-blue couple immediately hit a roadblock in their conversation.

"So, what's your name?" Shidou asked tentatively.

"My name? I have none," [Princess] responded. "But I suppose I would need one to hold a conversation. Shidou, what would you like to call me?"

After a few moments, Shidou hesitantly offered the name "Tome," which Tohka politely rejected with a near-miss blast of energy.

"Yeesh, that's harsh. I knew a person named Tome…" Nia silently offered up a prayer to all Tome's around the world before turning her attention back to the couple.

"Tohka. How's that?" Shidou suggested nervously, sweat beading at his temple.

"'s alright. Better than Tome," the newly christened Tohka replied with a hint of satisfaction.

"Kyaaaaaa!" Nia scream-whispered. "Kyo, isn't that cute? A real tsundere!"

"It's as cute as it gets between someone who tried to murder the other five times," Kyo said mirthlessly as he stared at a crack in the wall. 

"You're really not romantic at all, huh," Nia complained playfully. 

"I'm plenty romantic. I'm just not a fan of being fed dog food."


"Oh, cover your ears; loud noise incoming in three, two-"


Gunfire rained down on Tohka and Shidou, raising a cloud of dust from the debris. Nia angrily raised a fist to the sky. "Dammit, AST! Have you no sympathy for moments like this?" Kyo shook his head. "And you! You're not gonna help them?"

"Why should I?" Kyo asked without a hint of emotion. "This was Shidou's choice. I'm not gonna save him from the consequences. Plus, I'd reckon that he wouldn't want to be saved right now anyway." 

"What are you-"

"Shush now, listen carefully." Kyo put a finger to Nia's lips and gestured towards Tohka and Shidou, who were enveloped in a glowing purple barrier. Nia sputtered for a second before quieting down. I'll get him back for this! She vowed silently.

"H-hey Tohka... w-would you please g-go on a date with me?!" Shidou screamed with a blush. 

"Wow, that wasn't very smooth," Nia noted dryly. "Thirty points."

Kyo pityingly shook his head. "Faced with gunfire, a laser beam, and eight people cheering in your ear from a headset, I really can't blame the kid."

"Cheering for your fellow man, hm? And what right do you have to call him a kid?" Nia joked.

"Hey, I finished high school. This kid's only in his second year," Kyo retorted. As the two bickered, a bright white flash descended from the sky and struck Tohka's barrier, sending visible tremors across its surface. "And that would be Tobiichi Origami. The show's over for today, then. Tune in tomorrow to see the rest of Ratatoskr in action." As Kyo finished narrating his impression of a commercial radio host, a huge shockwave of fluorescent violet energy exploded from where Shidou and the others were located. When the dust cleared, Tohka was nowhere to be seen.

Nia's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "The rest of Ratatoskr, huh? I suppose that's worth checking out…"

"You can't seriously be this invested in this, can you?" Kyo asked speechlessly. "If you really want to know about this stuff, I can just tell you-"

"Hold it!" Nia interjected, holding up her palm. Kyo's face twitched. "No spoilers, please."

"I- what?"

"No spoilers!"

"So you're saying you're willing to spend your entire tomorrow tailing those two around town for the chance to observe Ratatoskr in action?"

"Why not? My next deadline is weeks away."

Kyo sighed. "Seriously, instead of tailing those two all day tomorrow just to investigate, let me fill you in right here and now."

"Oh my, I seem to recall you refusing to 'fill me' on our first night together," Nia smirked lewdly. In response, Kyo mercilessly introduced his forehead to a nearby wall, causing it to cave in entirely. Heh, talk about a dramatic reaction. "Ahem, anyway, there's a difference between just reading and hearing about it and seeing it for yourself. If you're really that opposed to it, I can just observe by myself-"

"Don't leverage your safety," Kyo quickly said, staring forlornly into the fading sunset as if mourning his lost beauty sleep. "I'll come with you."

"Yay! Thanks, mister gentleman." Nia smiled cheekily. He's surprisingly cute about things like this, hm? Oh, right. I should check if the landlady set up any cameras. Quickly summoning [Raziel] and skimming a page, Nia nodded. Good, safe. Leaving the apartment from the window was indeed the right idea.

"Are you done not spoiling yourself yet?" Kyo asked sarcastically.

"Oh, screw you!" The two took off into the sky whilst squabbling, leaving behind a mildly distressed Shidou and the AST squad.