Dear reader, I hope it shouldn't come as a surprise that I spend hours of my free time planning and writing this fanfiction. Thus, as college begins to pile on more work, both my two cherished volunteer editors and I will no longer be able to spend nearly as much time on the aforementioned actions.
I would like to reassure you that I have no plans of dropping this fic. Unfortunately, my update schedule will now resemble that which I have promised much more closely; that is, I promise nothing. After all, if you've heard anything about the engineering department, it's probably its notoriety regarding the amount of homework.
Oh, but this time it wasn't homework that kept me away for four days. It was a few of my mates that I asked for advice regarding the first two versions of Chapter 20. Especially a certain friend who actually has dating experience. I'll redact what they said this time, but know it was quite... impactful. So uh, I rewrote it. Twice. And I have not gone back to that friend for more advice. My two OG editors, who are going by the aliases Crystal and Pebble, are way nicer to me.
Ahem. Anyway, thank you for joining me, and I hope you may return to enjoy more in the future.
Good day to you all!
Your humble author,
PS: Recently, I've had difficulties logging into Inkstone, which, if you didn't know, is the site I have to use to post these chapters. Thus, in the event that I am unable to log in entirely, you may find that this story will be posted on AO3 as well, under the name FallingMountains.