Chapter 28: There is Always a Longer Way to Go

"Be careful, Shidou. We can't seem to get any emotional readings from [IX], and we don't know what his intentions are. Remember that according to our analysis, he's Inversed, which means he's much more dangerous than the Spirits you've met before. Moreover, Tohka and Yoshino both have unstable emotional levels right now," Kotori said urgently from the earpiece.

"Right," Shidou mumbled as he stood up and placed his body between the intruder and the two other Spirits. "Er, [IX]? Why are you in my house?"

" can call me Kyo, and that's insignificant. We have more pressing matters to discuss." The Inverse Spirit brushed off his question with a strange look in his eyes. "I know where Yoshinon is." Yoshino's eyes widened, and she stared at him with full attention. 

"Who's Yoshinon?" Tohka mused from behind Shidou. "Is that another girl you've been secretly meeting, Shidou?" The wrongfully-accused boy felt sweat dripping down his back. 

Thankfully, Kyo spoke up again, albeit with a slight sneer in his voice. "It's a hand puppet. An inanimate object. Try not to get too jealous this time, would you?" Tohka opened her mouth to protest, then closed it wordlessly.

How did he know she got jealous? The thought briefly crossed Shidou's mind before he shook himself out of it. Well, it doesn't really matter right now. "Er, so… could you tell us where it is?"

"The forest to the south of Tengu City. There is an outcropping approximately a hundred yards long. At 4pm today, you will find Yoshinon awaiting you there, along with a formidable adversary. I suggest you gather a few allies before coming, but don't delay too long; Yoshinon won't wait forever."

"Hold on, what are you talking about?" Shidou finally spoke up. "Yoshinon is waiting in that field in the forest with an enemy?"

" could say that," Kyo muttered. 

"Why do you know that? And anyway, if you already know Yoshino, why didn't you already go get Yoshinon instead of coming here? You-"

"Your insolence is testing my patience, Shidou. I have no obligation to do anything for anyone." His cold eyes briefly turned to Shidou, causing his goosebumps to break out over his arms. "Now, Yoshino, do what you will with that information. I'm leaving." With those indifferent words and a swish of his cloak, under which Shidou could almost swear he saw a small flash of white, Kyo was gone. In his wake, he left a confused Tohka and Shidou and a distraught Yoshino, who now seemed as though she were on the verge of an imminent meltdown.

"...Yoshi…non…" A layer of frost gathered underneath her. 

"Hey, hey, don't worry! We know where she is now, and we'll get her back soon," Shidou comforted. Under his cloak… was that just an illusion?

Droplets appeared in Yoshino's eyes. "But… he said someone was keeping her from me… I can't fight, not at all… so Yoshinon, she's-"

"I'll help you! I'll fight for you, even when you can't!" Shidou cut in, proclaiming his will ardently. Tohka bristled behind him, her hair rising up like a violet flame.

"Shidou! Why do you care so much about that girl? Is it really true that you care about her more than me…?" She stumbled at the end of her sentence, her tone dropping sadly. "Is that the truth?"

"What? No, not at all." Shidou stood up and faced her with steady eyes. "Yoshino, she's a Spirit like you. And just like for you, I've made a promise to do all I can to protect her. That means that when her or her friend is in danger, I'll come rushing to help."

Tohka's eyes shimmered for a moment. "Just like for me, huh…"

"Yeah. I'm sorry if I made you sad before, but right now, I need to help Yoshino. Please understand, Tohka."

", I'm the one who's sorry. I got mad at you for something I didn't understand, and I didn't even let you explain." She walked over to Yoshino and took her hand gently, causing her to raise her tear-stained face. "I'll help you too, Yoshino. Don't worry, we'll get your friend back no matter what."

"… you're both so nice to me… thank you… thank you!" She bowed her head deeply, tightly gripping Tohka's hand. 

"Come on now, there's no need for that. Now, let's hurry. If we run, we can make it to the city befor-"

"Did you forget about us?" Kotori's voice interrupted him with a hint of exasperation. "The Fraxinus isn't just here for show, y'know. We can get you to that field in just under five minutes. But there's something you should know first."

"What is it?"

"Our cameras picked up that Yoshinon dropped to the ground after Yoshino was hit by the AST. However, moments after Kyo disappeared, Yoshinon disappeared off the ground too. That means that, most likely- [IX], or rather, Kyo, was the one who took Yoshinon."

Shidou's brows furrowed. So under his cloak… it wasn't just my imagination? But didn't he declare Yoshino under his protection just yesterday? Why would he suddenly steal away her puppet? "Are you certain?"

"No, but we also don't have any other leads." Kotori paused, her voice quavering with an undertone of worry. "You understand the implications of this, right? Worst comes to worst, you'll be fighting the Spirit that managed to keep Tohka under control even while she was enraged. You really have to watch what you say this time."

"As if that wasn't the case every other time," he muttered sardonically. 


Shidou looked over at Yoshino and Tohka, the latter of which was now rubbing her stomach in hunger. Right, lunch. Well, I guess if we have to worry, we should at least be on a full stomach. "Kotori, do you want me to make some food for you too?"

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

"Nia?" Kyo called as he entered the apartment. There was no response. "She's still out? Well, I suppose that's fine too." Setting Yoshinon down on a desk, he quickly scribbled a note and placed it on the puppet's head.

" turning back now."

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

"I'm sure it'll be fine. C'mon," Shidou reassured Yoshino as they walked through the clearing. A wealth of various wildflowers surrounded them, shining a spectrum of colors in the afternoon sun. 

"Umu! As long as you have us by your side, there's nothing to fear!" Tohka added encouragingly. "Look, it's just one person anyway! We'll get your friend back for sure!"

Current time: May 15th, 04:04 pm.

In the middle of the field, a purple-haired man sat on a white plastic lawn chair, his back turned towards them. His sheathed sword leaned on his left shoulder as he silently gazed up at the sky.

The wordless man did not acknowledge the three people approaching him. 

"...Kyo?" Yoshino squeaked out. He did not reply.

"Hey, Kyo?" Shidou called softly. Still no response.

"HEY, KYO! WE'RE HERE FOR YOSHINO'S FRIEND!" The piercing cry, courtesy of the purple-haired girl, managed to elicit a frown out of him.

"Her friend, huh?" He stood up and faced them, grasping his ominous blade, still sheathed. A surge of purple electricity pulsed from his feet, stirring up a whirlwind that stripped the petals from the flowers around them. The air smelled faintly of ozone as Kyo deliberately shifted into an unfamiliar sword stance.

"Shidou, this isn't good. Run, now!" Kotori screamed in the blue-haired boy's ear. But Shidou simply stared dumbly at Kyo, who glared at him dead in the eyes in return.

"If you want it, then you'll have to take it."