Chapter 33: Adeptus 2, Reporting for Duty

June 1st, 10:00 am. The birds were singing, and flowers were blooming. On a day like this, Kusakabe Ryouko-

"This is your last chance. Are you still unwilling to follow our orders?"

-sat in a conference room, being issued her final warning by her three superior officers in the Japanese Self-Defense Force. 

Damn you, you stupid old man! You have no idea what facing [IX] is like! That Spirit is on an entirely different level compared to the others! Though she longed to say these words, Ryouko forced an indifferent expression and spoke… well, relatively calmly.

"Sir, for the final time, [IX] cannot be combated by our current technology. And because of his intervention in the affairs of both [Princess] and [Hermit], I dare not risk attacking another Spirit."

"Have you gone soft?" The old, balding man on the left raised an eyebrow. "Your position has always sent you out on the front lines, fighting Spirits head on. Last year, your squad saw four casualties. And yet you only bring up fearing for your team's lives now?"

"Sir, with all due respect, please do not dishonor those who gave everything in service of our country." Ryouko ground her teeth, mentally reminding herself that she could not afford to punch the man. "As for why I am only unwilling now, it should be plain to see. Not only was all of our best equipment rendered absolutely unsalvageable, your continuous budget cuts have left us with gear that's been outdated for over ten years." Slamming her palms onto her desk, she stood up and looked him dead in the eyes. "I utterly refuse to send my squad out to die for your- your selfishness!"

"Insolence!" The balding man slammed a fist onto his own desk, his already wrinkle-filled face scrunching up even further with annoyance. The gray-haired man on the right coughed into his fist.

"Field Team Leader Kusakabe, mind your respect. If you continue to demonstrate such behaviour, demotion will become the least of your worries."

I hope you die in your sleep. Ryouko felt a vein pop in her head as she struggled to calm down. What is so hard to understand about the difference in power? We simply can't fight that monster.

Finally, the hawk-eyed man seated in the middle of the conference table spoke. "Field Team Leader Kusakabe Ryouko, you have been given ample chances to get your act under control. However, despite this, you have continued to ignore deployment orders, and the incident involving the Spirits [Princess], [Hermit], and [IX] in which you refused to be involved in two weeks ago was the last straw. From this day forward, yo-"

"Well, what she's been saying isn't wrong." Shocked gasps and swiveling heads turned to the door. Ryouko followed their gazes, spotting a young blue-haired girl who had just entered the room, shaking her head and scoffing at the three men in front of Ryouko.

"This is a secure faculty! Which idiotic officer let their child wander in?" The balding man shouted, spraying a mouthful of spittle over Ryouko. Ew.

"Mind your respect, General Kiritani," the so-called "child" smiled mockingly. "If you continue to demonstrate such behaviour, demotion will become the least of your worries."

"Why, you little…"

"Kiritani, stand down." The balding man looked on in shocked horror as the hawk-eyed man bowed to the small girl. "Please forgive him. He meant no respect, Adeptus 2."

"A-Adeptus… 2?!" The balding man flinched, then turned and bowed stiffly. "I sincerely apologize!"

"Well, I suppose I can let it slide today." Smirking mischievously, she slowly walked up to the front of the table and handed the man in the middle a tablet. "By the way, Mr. Westcott sends his regards."

As the hawk-eyed man's complexion visibly paled, Ryouko quietly stared in shock at the rapid change in development. Adeptus 2? Then that makes this kid… Takamiya Mana, DEM's second strongest Wizard?

————————I am the dividing line that skips time————————

"Team Leader, I'm so happy for you!"

"Really, this is such good fortune!"

"Everyone, thank Ms. Mana!"

Ryouko stood numbly as her squad cheered around her, hoisting the second strongest Wizard up in the air despite her weak protests. In the end, instead of a demotion, they ended up assigning Adeptus 2 under my leadership? Just what is happening today… 

"Alright, please stop already!" A terrifying pressure suddenly enveloped Ryouko, causing her to freeze up along with the rest of the AST. Mana, however, gently floated back down to the ground, breathing a sigh of relief. "That's better."

As she spoke, the pressure disappeared as though it had never existed. Such power even without a CR-suit… she really is worthy of being second from the top. But still, even with her around… 

"If you continue to deploy against Spirits under my watch, there will be nothing left to bury in your graves." [IX]'s threat still haunted her mind, sending a chill down her spine. Ryouko quickly shook her head, attempting to rid him from her thoughts.

"Team Leader?" Mana walked over with a concerned look. "Are you still hung up about those old fogeys? Or is it…" She mimed drawing a sword, though her small statue changed the gesture from fearsome to mildly cute. Ryouko sighed, then gave her a reassuring smile. 

"It's nothing. But as long as you're assigned to my squad, you're playing by my rules. And we're not deploying anytime soon, got it?"

"Ah, so it was about [IX]. Don't worry, I'm sure it's fine." Mana twirled a strand of her hair nonchalantly. "The reason I've been reassigned to this position was to confirm recent sightings of another Spirit, one that [IX] has never bothered to defend. After all, I've already killed them many times already."

Killed… many times? Ryouko's eyes narrowed. So it's her. If that's the case, then…

"Ah, it's fine if you don't believe me. I'm fine working solo too."

", that's not happening." The ever-stressed field team leader sighed. "I'll look through your battle records, and if there aren't any discrepancies with what you just said, our entire squad will be there to assist you."

"Eh?" Mana tilted her head. "But you were so adamant about staying on the safe side…"

"This is different. If the Spirit you're hunting is who I think it is, then even I won't back down, even if it's [IX]." Ryouko's eyes blazed with grim determination.

"'s good to see you're so well-informed." Mana's young face suddenly gained a killer's edge as she continued to speak. "Your suspicions are correct: this time, I'm hunting the 'Worst Spirit,' the one that has a kill count of over ten thousand: [Nightmare]."

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

"Ugh, what a tiring day…" Mana stretched her arms and yawned, squinting up into the afternoon sky. "I can't believe what kind of equipment those poor girls have been stuck with. Hm, I should make a request from DEM for a few backups…"

"Ugh, damn sun shining in my eyes. Maybe I should invest in a pair of sunglasses…" A passing voice struck her ears. Mana curiously glanced behind her before tensing up. A somewhat-tall guy, probably no older than 20, stood holding a bag of groceries a few meters behind her. He was dressed in a light gray coat and dark gray scarf that looked entirely out of season. Seriously, is this guy dressing for Winter or something? How is he not burning to death? 

But aside from that, his hair was a stark violet streaked with two white lines, and from his neck hung a necklace with a miniature katana embedded with an ominous red eye in its hilt. And his eyes… is this a coincidence? This can't be possible. But if it is… what should I do? Engage with him? Track him? No, first, I should report back to-

"Hey kid, for better or worse, you're not all that good at stalking." Mana froze. Somehow, the man had ended up in front of her, scrutinizing her with narrowed eyes. "The sun'll be setting soon. Go back to your family."

Tch, he's perceptive. Looks like tailing him is out of the picture. In that case, I'll fish for information. Combat will be the last resort. Mana fluttered her eyelids, putting on the most innocent expression she could muster. "Um, er, mister? I noticed you have a really cool necklace. Where can I get one?"

"Hm? This thing? I… made it myself, I guess. If you want one, you'll have to commission a jeweler."

"Oh…" A useless response. I'll have to make a bigger move. "Hey mister, what do you know about Spirits?"

"Well, there's ghosts, ghouls, and poltergeists… eh?" The man seemed to consider something for a second before a strange expression crawled across his face. "Wait a minute. Say, kid. What color is your hair?"

"Eh?" Mana opened her eyes in confusion. He's colorblind? "It's… black."

"Black? No, it's too light to be black. It's blue, isn't it? You're his sister, aren't you?" The man sighed tiredly, his shoulders sagging. "Just my luck."

"His sister?" Mana questioned with a tilt of her head. Internally, her thoughts raced. Does he really know where my brother is, or is he confusing me with someone else? Would [IX] know who my brother is? Wait, am I certain this is even [IX]?

"...are you bullshirting, or have you really not figured it out? Oh, whatever. Ask Origami about Shidou when you get the chance. Bye." The man started walking off whilst shaking his head.

"W-wait!" Mana reached out and grasped his arm. "You know Origami too?"

"Not well, and not personally. Look, I have a cake to bake, so I really have to go. Goodbye." He shook her arm off and disappeared down the street.

…would [IX] know how to bake? Realizing how stupid the question sounded, Mana sighed. 

"False alarm, I guess."