Chapter 35: Hey, Zuko Here

"Shidou! Get over to the Spirit Residence! It's an emergency!" Kotori's voice pierced the air of the Itsuka household, sending Shidou jumping up in alert.

"What happened? Are Tohka and Yoshino okay?" His mind raced as he threw on a windbreaker, rushing out the door to the apartment that Ratatoskr had built for the sealed Spirits to live in. Luckily, it was right next to his own house. Unluckily, Tohka and Yoshino both lived on the second floor.

"For now, but if you don't help calm those two down, they might just not be anymore!" Kotori's tone increased in urgency. "They're both in the second-floor hallway. I'll be teleporting down from Fraxinus in a moment myself, after I grab Kannazuki."

Kannazuki? Why would he be necessary? What the hell is going on? Shidou scrambled up the stairs, throwing open the door of the stairwell. "Tohka, Yoshino! Are you two alri-"

Shidou froze as he took in the scene. Tohka was dressed in a fusion between her Astral Dress and casual clothing whilst holding her Angel [Sandalphon], a serious look on her face.

Yoshino was nearly in tears on the ground, holding up Yoshinon with her arms in a boxing position. Spikes of ice had manifested in a ring around her, crawling up the walls and down the hall.

Both of them faced a certain purple-haired man, who had both arms in the air and an icebox slung over a shoulder. As the man turned to greet him, Shidou gasped.

"Oh, you're here now too," Kyo smiled wryly. "Hey, could you do me a solid and help calm your friends down?"

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

I underestimated the psychological shadow I left on these guys, Kyo sighed as he sat on a couch. Kotori glared at him from her own seat, alongside Kannazuki, who had switched into his own Wizard equipment. Over in the next room, he could hear Shidou frantically trying to pacify the two other Spirits.

"So let me get this straight. You just decided, after nearly killing Tohka, Yoshino, and my big brother, to waltz on over and say sorry?" Kotori's eyes twitched in clear disbelief.

"No one was in danger of dying. I was quite careful about that." After all, all I did was kick Tohka around and break her sword. I didn't even touch Shidou and Yoshino. "But otherwise, yes. You're right." 

"Uh-huh…" Kotori closed her eyes and massaged her temples, sinking deep in consideration. Kannazuki wordlessly brought out a rack of lollipops and handed one to her, which she skillfully unwrapped and stuck in her mouth.

"Mmhmm," Kyo agreed. The room went silent, aside from the mumbles and whispers from the room next door. 

"...ok, fine," Kotori eventually responded, opening her eyes after careful deliberation. "But in order to ensure that type of thing doesn't happen again, you must agree to be sealed by Shidou."

"Seriously?" Kyo rolled his eyes. "I seem to remember saving the entire city from Tohka's rampage even while you were helplessly floating around in the sky. Could I have done something like that if I were in your weak state?" Kotori didn't respond, but Kyo swore he could see her cheeks heat up slightly. "I'm only here to apologize, and in all honesty, I'm not obligated to do even that."

"Tch," Kotori grumbled. "But can you at least give him a chance?"

"I would sooner be crushed to death by a meteorite," he replied flatly.

With that statement, the room descended into silence once more. Kyo looked boredly Kannazuki, who replied with a polite nod. This guy was the leader of the AST before Ryouko, huh? I wonder if he bears a grudge for what I did to his old team… well, it doesn't matter. They deserved it.

"Er, is everything alright in here?" Shidou poked his head in from the next room.

"You're sister's just tried and failed to set up a date between us. You tell me if everything's alright or not," Kyo said annoyedly, leaning back in his seat.

"Oh, uh…" Shidou looked away.

Kyo sighed. "Is Yoshino willing to speak with me?"


"Well, well well! Look who's back again." A rabbit puppet popped out from behind the doorway. Oh, great. The puppet again. Kyo suppressed the urge to sigh.

"Hello again, Yoshinon. How's life been recently?"

"Huh? Why does Mr. Bunny-napper want to know?" 

If anything, I'd be a puppet-napper… Kyo shook his head. "Just out of curiosity. There's no need to read into it too hard." 

Yoshinon struck a philosopher's pose. "Hm… we've been having a blast! Yoshino and I have been happier than ever!"

"Good to hear. In any case, I'll cut to the chase." He stood up, causing both Kotori and Kannazuki to tense, before lowering himself into a kneel and bowing his head. "I apologize for the stress I've caused you, both because of my failure to understand your situation and because I held hostage that which you love." 

Silence ensued. Kyo counted down the seconds as time passed. Seconds, then tens of seconds, then finally a minute. He looked up. At some point, Yoshino had stepped into view, hesitancy written all over her face.

"There's no shame in hating me for what I orchestrated, but I hope these memories don't haunt you. Though, given what Yoshinon has said, it seems you're doing fine in that regard." Kyo stood up and placed the icebox on a nearby table. "I've prepared a small gesture of my sincerity. Make sure to refrigerate it in a timely manner. I'll take my leave now."

"W… wait…" Kyo turned around immediately, sending Yoshino, who had cautiously stepped forwards, reeling backwards again in alarm. Oops.


"Why… did you…"

"What Yoshino's trying to say is, what changed your attitude so much?" Yoshinon sprung up again.

"...suffering alone breeds nothing but more suffering. But when you suffer together with someone else, it breeds sympathy. Comradery. True bonds, tempered by shared pain." Kyo glanced at Shidou, who seemed deep in thought himself. "I took it upon myself to create the second type. Does that make sense?"

"Wow, mister. That's a really twisted way of thinking," Yoshinon laughed dryly.

"But it's the truth." Kyo started heading for the exit, shaking his head. "That's all I have to say. Thank you for listening. Oh, and before I forget. Shidou!"

The boy jumped at his name. "Er, yes?"

"If she transfers to your class, let me know. It just might save a few people's lives… though whether they deserve it or not is another question entirely."

"She? Saving lives? What?" Shidou blinked in confusion. "None of what you just said makes sense."

"You'll figure it out. After all, I don't suppose you have many transfer students at this time of the year, do you?" Kyo reached the front door, manifesting a pair of shoes at the doormat. "Goodbye."

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

She? Who could "she" be? Shidou's brows scrunched up as he pondered the meaning of Kyo's cryptic message.

"Is the bad guy gone now?" Tohka finally entered the room, her arms crossed in annoyance.

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem like he's all that bad of a guy… just a little touched in the head." Kotori frowned. "I wonder how we can get him to approve of Shidou… maybe…"

Shidou suddenly felt a chill in his lower half and hurried to intervene with Kotori's dangerous train of thought. "Ahem, anyways, let's check what's in that icebox he left, alright?"

"Hmph. I'm sure it can't be anything goo-" As Tohka opened the box, her words suddenly caught in her throat.

"What is it?" Shidou looked inside. Ah, that explains it. Cake.

"I… I won't give in…" Tohka struggled to hold back her left hand, which had begun reaching for the cake. A line of drool flowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Considering the apology he just gave, it's probably safe to assume it isn't poisoned… although it wouldn't hurt to get it analyzed," Kotori remarked.

"I… I think… give him a chance." Everyone turned to Yoshino, who shrank back in fear with a small whimper.

Shidou smiled. "I agree with Yoshino. Does anyone want to help me get some plates?"