
When I first conceived the idea of writing fanfiction, I was stumped on what to name my main character. Then, He died, and suddenly I was struck by a mad fever. I would continue his legacy, let his name be etched into internet history forever.

I wondered what He would feel if He knew I borrowed His name, even just for one chapter. Perhaps shame? Perhaps incredulity. Maybe even irritation. But nevertheless, he is the origin upon which Erick is based upon.

And yet, a mere two chapters in, I gave my main character a new name. 

The reason why is guilt. I realized quickly that I would never be able to capture His essence in my writing. Even continuing to borrow His name felt like disrespect to who he really was. 

虚, which can be read as "Kyo," is not a typical name. Included in its many interpretations is "void" or "emptiness." Indeed, Kyo is born from the emptiness I felt as I saw His name be desecrated by my own hands.

Today is the day He was born. If He were still alive, I would have joined Him for His first legal drink. But since He is no longer here, all I can offer now are these meaningless words.

So happy birthday, my friend. This fanfiction is dedicated to you, whether you would have liked it or not. May every person who reads this carry a piece of your memory into the future. May you never be forgotten.