Chapter 46: Shidou’s Hospitalized Adventures


Shidou groaned as his consciousness finally resurfaced, immediately followed with a crippling pain all over his body. Who is that? Where am I? Who am I- wait, I know who I am. "Ugh…"

"Shidou!" The voice cried, louder this time. The boy in question slowly opened his eyes to a purple-haired girl sitting next to his bedridden self, tears in her worried face. "You're awake!"

"Toh… ka?" Shidou coughed. "How long was I…"

"Only two hours," another voice cut in. Shidou turned his head, wincing slightly at the pain, to see Reine sitting off on the side. Her eyebags looked a shade darker than usual as she mixed an ungodly amount of sugar into a coffee cup. "How are you feeling?"

Shidou slowly shifted his head back into a neutral position. "I've been better."

"Mm." Reine stood up and brought her face up to his ear. "The narrative is that you fell down a flight of stairs," she whispered. "It was a unanimous decision, made in fear of Tohka starting another battle with Kou on the spot."

"...Kou? Oh, right." Shidou closed his eyes. A scene flashed in his mind: Kyo's merciless blade, hurtling towards his hostage. "Reine, about my fall…"

"Don't worry, no one else fell with you." The woman stood up straight again, fishing out a note and holding it out for him to read at an angle Tohka couldn't see.


First things first, [Victim] was totally in on the gig. Got that? Great. Now, onto more important matters. Basically, you're a lot more pathetic than I expected. Your bite is far too weak for that bark of yours. So, if you understand what I mean, you'll come back next week. Same place, same time. For now, your homework is to use [Zadkiel] until it doesn't only appear when you're on Death's door.

Relief washed over Shidou before a certain intrusive thought stopped the feeling in its tracks. Wait, Kyo's had no problems lying before. What if…

"He isn't lying," Reine supplied. "The other person was his roommate and fellow Spirit, Honjou Nia. You've met her before."

Honjou… Honjou… ah, right. The gray-haired ero-nun.

"Hey, Shidou? What are you two talking about? Who is this 'Honjou Nia?'" Tohka grasped his hand. "Is she the one who beat you up?"


Shidou jolted in his bed as the door of the room was suddenly thrust open. 

"Don't worry about it, Tohka." Kotori walked into the room with a brisk pace, holding a stack of files. "Like we told you, he just fell down some stairs. Now, do you think you could go home for now? Shidou needs to rest."

"Mmm…" Tohka hummed in unease. "Are you sure…?"

"Shidou?" Kotori raised an eyebrow to the bedridden boy.

"...yeah, she's right. Thanks for your concern, Tohka," Shidou nodded gratefully.

"Alright, if you say so…" Tohka swung her legs off her seat and headed for the exit, pausing momentarily just before the door. "I'll come visit tomorrow too."

Shidou's eyes followed her trailing hair as it disappeared from sight. The moment she was gone, Reine stood up to close the door as Kotori took Tohka's seat, fiddling with the papers in her hand with her head lowered. "Shidou… I'm sorry. We lost contact with the drones a while after you went into the forest, but we all just assumed that Kyo destroyed them because he didn't like being watched. This is all my fault-"

"Don't say that!" Shidou cut her off, his voice straining.

"Hey, don't yell! You're still injured!" Kotori rushed to support Shidou as he began coughing again, a grimace on her face. "Honestly, you're so stupid!"

"I'll- cough- I'll be fine," Shidou grunted. "Like I was saying, don't apologize. You've already done so much for me. And anyway, Kyo's the one who beat me up, not you. "

"…" Kotori turned away, sniffling a little. "Alright. But let's stop our attempts at contacting that guy, at least for now."

Shidou didn't answer, instead opting to close his eyes. Kyo's letter echoed in his head. I'm pathetic, huh? Even if I hate it, he's right. Thinking back on it, I got shot when I was sealing Tohka, I just stood around while Kyo fought Tohka and Yoshino, and as for Kurumi… 


Shidou opened his eyes at the sound coming from the door, pausing his train of thought. Kotori furrowed her brows, but nodded for Reine to let the visitor in.

"U-um, hello…" Yoshino walked in timidly, clutching onto Yoshinon for dear life.

"Yoshino? I thought I told you to stay with Shiizaki," Kotori reprimanded. 


"Yoshino and I were worried about Shidou," Yoshinon finished. "And it looks like we were right to worry. Show me those stairs; I'll flatten them into a ramp as revenge!"

Yoshinon shadow-boxed an imaginary enemy, prompting a weak laugh from Shidou. "Don't worry about it, Yoshinon. But thanks for worrying."

"Um, Shidou?" Yoshino tugged at his bedsheets lightly.

"Yeah? What's up?" Shidou slowly raised an arm and stroked her head. "Did you need something?"

"Oh…" Yoshino basked in his touch for a moment. "I- Yoshinon and I felt something weird a while ago."

"Right, right! It was like our strength was being pulled away to somewhere. Well, not that we have all that much Reiryoku left after being ravaged by Shidou~" Yoshinon quickly had its mouth blocked by Yoshino's free arm. "Hmmph!"

"You what?!" Kotori jumped up, concern in her eyes. "Did Shidou getting hurt somehow damage the flow of Reiryoku between you two?"

"..." Shidou clutched his head, sorting through his memories. "I… think I know why. Just before I blacked out, I summoned [Zadkiel]."

"Eh?!" Both Yoshino and Kotori's eyes widened. Reine's eyes, on the other hand, didn't change at all.

"Kotori, we hypothesized this could happen. After all, Shin already has your healing flames," she pointed out. 

"Tch. You're right." Kotori brought out a lollipop from her pocket and skillfully unwrapped it. "Still, why would [Zadkiel] manifest before [Sandalphon]? Shidou sealed Tohka weeks before Yoshino…"

"It could've been many things," Reine muttered mysteriously. "Maybe…"

"...hey, Yoshino?" Shidou suddenly interjected, looking directly at her. The shy Spirit straightened up in shock.

"Y-yes! Shidou?" She turned away from gaze, blushing. "What is it?"

"Oooh, juicy~" Yoshinon whispered loudly.

Shidou paid it no attention. "Yoshino, do you think you could teach me how to use [Zadkiel]?"

Yoshino's expression froze, as did Yoshinon's movements. Uh, did I say something wrong? Shidou quickly wracked his brain. I can't seem to think of anything…

"Shidou! You shouldn't be thinking of even moving in your state, let alone using an Angel!" Kotori slammed her hands on his bed. "Wait, you're not thinking of actually following Kyo's orders, are you?!"

"I have to get stronger in order to protect everyone!" Shidou argued back. "I said I would save the Spirits, so I have to do everything I can to fulfill that promise!"

"Er…" Yoshino squeaked. Shidou and Kotori stared at each other for a second longer before both sighing and turning to look over at Yoshino, who cowered back. A small ring of ice seemed to have formed at her feet.

"I… I'm not all that good at using [Zadkiel]..." she mumbled, lowering her head. "But even so… I can try to teach… if you're ok with that."

Shidou smiled softly. "That's plenty. Thanks a lot, Yoshino."

"Hey, don't forget about me!" Yoshinon waved its arms indignantly. "I can help out too!"

"Of course, of course." Shidou laughed weakly. "Thanks to you too, Yoshinon."

"But for now, you're gonna sit your butt down and REST," Kotori said with a threatening smile. "Right, MY DEAR BIG BROTHER?"

Shidou gulped and immediately snuggled his body back under his blanket. "Yep!"

"Good," Kotori sighed. "As for any future plans, including those involving that psychopath, we can discuss after you fully recover."

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————


Kyo sneezed as he walked along the darkening street, drawing a curious look from Nia, who tilted her head and pressed her palm against his forehead. "Did you get a summer cold? Or is this some sort of lingering aftereffect of your fight with Kurumi?"

"Someone's probably just talking about me," he grumbled, brushing her hand off his face. "Happens all the time when the writer needs a quick and easy scene transition." 

"Eh~" Nia shook her head, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "If you say so. Anyway, the restaurant's just up ahead on the left. Wanna try leading?"

"...just go, please. I'd like to get there before the sun rises tomorrow." After all, we're already eating a late dinner due to your insistence on binge-reading half of a manga series, he added to himself.

"Oh, c'mon! It can't be that bad! You can do it! Go, Kyo!" Nia pushed him ahead of her, shooting him a thumbs up.

Kyo chuckled. Famous last words.