↠ Etienne
"I would die for you. But I won't live for you."
― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
LIFE was not going great. But it was going. I suppose that was what mattered most those days. That I was moving, or rather that I'd been forced into motion.
I tried to think of all the positives as I sat in the cosy little office that belonged to a lovely woman by the name of Dani Engler. I tried to hold on to those positives and not let them escape me the way they'd done a thousand times before. One of the easiest things to grasp whenever I started to feel a little restless was how genuinely at ease Dani's office made me feel.
The room was cosy in a way large spaces rarely ever are. There was a lit fireplace to the right, tall bookshelves to the left, scented candles sprinkled here and there, and blankets draped over the back of the sofa where I sat.