Chapter 9- Do you think I’m filthy?

Whether intentional or not, Capone walked downstairs, kicked over a bucket, and the water spilled over her feet and soaked her clothes.

Sophia was indeed angry. "What's wrong with you? Why did you kick over the bucket?"

All her efforts early in the morning seemed to have been in vain. She was furious, and the dirty water had made the soles of her feet sting.

Capone twisted his mouth into a smirk, about to mock her, but then noticed something wrong with her feet. "What's wrong with your foot?"

"None of your business!"

He grabbed her wrist. "What happened?"

"I got cut by a zipper while washing clothes yesterday! Let go, you're hurting me!"

Capone then noticed the red marks on her wrist where he had gripped her. He muttered a curse under his breath.

How come this woman is always covered in injuries?

His mind became a bit chaotic. He held onto her without letting go. "Don't work today. Freshen up and change into clean clothes. Wait for me to come back later. We have guests coming."

Sophia didn't ask who the so-called guest was. She was too busy cleaning up the spilled dirty water; otherwise, she wouldn't finish her work today and would end up hungry.

What kind of good people could Capone's guests be?

She knew what Capone was thinking: he probably just wanted to see her break down and beg him. But she was determined not to give him the satisfaction.

In fact, the tasks she was doing were usually handled by Lucy. Lucy was used to them and could complete them quickly and efficiently. For Sophia, however, these were unfamiliar chores, and with the additional responsibility of caring for the injured men and washing clothes, it was especially exhausting.

"Sophia, stop cleaning and come eat some pasta!" Lucy, who was the most opposed to how Capone treated Sophia, called out. The delicate young girl was clearly struggling with these tasks, especially since she had her own injuries.

Lucy wasn't going to let Sophia starve, but the stubborn girl wouldn't soften up in front of Capone. Her once-beautiful, fair hands were now wrinkled from the water.

"Ugh," Lucy sighed, looking at Sophia who was eating pasta with her head down. "Those guys don't know how to cherish a delicate girl. Fortunately, Diana is coming back soon; she'll keep you company!"

Sophia paused. "Who is Diana?" The name sounded like it belonged to a girl.

She guessed correctly; Diana was indeed a girl, and she was the guest arriving today.

In fact, she wasn't really a guest. She had grown up here and only left her hometown to attend university. Her connection to Capone seemed to be a matter of their parents' generation; her father had saved Capone's father Henry and a few of his men. After her parents passed away, she was protected as a child of the benefactor.

How nice. Could it be that they were childhood friends?

Sophia poked at the pasta in her bowl, imagining a spoiled and fashionable college girl with long hair and a red dress who was good at being charming.

With Diana coming, would Capone's attention no longer be on her?

So from noon onward, Sophia kept glancing outside the yard, hoping to see any signs of the delicate girl approaching.

She felt uneasy, as if this man was tainted, with his childhood friend probably being just another fleeting interest. The refined skills he had might have been practiced on many women, and now he wanted to see her submit.

It wasn't that she didn't hate him, but what would hate achieve? He hated the Diaz family, and he took out his resentment on her. What could she do with her hatred?

She couldn't escape now; she could only look for opportunities and people who could help her.

Lost in thought, Sophia heard a knock on the door. She rushed over to open it and found a young girl standing outside. With ear-length short hair, large black-framed glasses, and no makeup, the girl wore a lake-blue checkered flannel shirt that highlighted her slightly tanned complexion.

"You are…?" The girl, surprised to see Sophia, adjusted her glasses and asked.

Sophia wasn't sure how to introduce herself, but fortunately, Lucy came out just in time.

The girl, who had an almost bookish demeanor, was actually Diana!

No red dress or long hair, and dressed in a somewhat plain outfit, this girl was Capone's childhood friend?

Capone came back with Cronus, and the dinner table was nearly set. Tonight's dinner was all made by Diana. Sophia had heard from Lucy that she was an excellent cook.

Capone's expression softened a bit upon seeing Diana, but he merely smiled and asked, "You're back?"

Diana, holding a spatula, glanced at him and softly said, "Capone," before ignoring Cronus entirely.

No hugs, no coquettish behavior—Sophia had never seen such a distant childhood friend.

"I'll handle the rest of the cleaning. You go and keep Capone company!" Diana said, frowning at Sophia's pale, wrinkled hands. "Leave this to me!"

"He doesn't need my company!" Sophia said curtly, peeling potatoes. She was already uncomfortable being confined next to him every night and wished she never had to see him again.

"But his eyes have been glued to you since he came in!"

Diana spoke with a flat tone, saying exactly what was on her mind. Sophia was startled, glanced back, and saw that she couldn't catch Capone's gaze; he was talking to Cronus.

But before she could respond, Capone's footsteps were already getting closer.

Diana didn't seem to pay him much attention—was it just intuition?

Diana took the items from Sophia's hands while Capone grabbed her wrist.

"Come with me to the room!"

He pulled her upstairs, still with no explanation or reason. Sophia tried to pry his hand away and caught a glimpse of Cronus on the sofa, watching with a smirk as they passed the corner of the stairs.

"What are you doing?" Sophia asked as he dragged her into the room, slamming the door behind them. Her heart raced with a thud.

It was broad daylight, and there were so many people downstairs. He wouldn't get violent with her now, would he?

Capone smiled at her reaction and, with a deliberately teasing tone, pinched her chin. "Why are you so scared of me? Hiding things like this, if I really wanted to do something, could you stop me?"

Sophia pushed his hand away. "It's broad daylight, and everyone is waiting for dinner! You… you better not do anything foolish!"

"Oh, so you're hungry. Have you finished all your work? You're in such a hurry for dinner?"

Seeing her glaring at him with suppressed anger, Capone's mood lifted inexplicably.

There had been so many complicated matters lately, and each one required careful attention, making him feel quite gloomy. But teasing this girl seemed to brighten his mood. This little toy… was indeed quite enjoyable.

"I've finished my work, so you'd better keep your promises! The meal… it's Diana who insisted on cooking. Lucy said her cooking is much better!"

Capone laughed. "Yes, her cooking is definitely much better than yours!"

Sophia clenched her fists. For some reason, his words filled her with a surge of bitterness.

She was also good at cooking; even a Michelin chef from France, who had taught her pastry techniques, praised her creations. But Capone had forbidden her from cooking and claimed he hated the smell of pastries.

Now he mocked her for not being able to cook well!

"Of course, the dishes made by your childhood friend must be to your taste!" Sophia shouted at him, her eyes reddening.

Capone was taken aback. "Who told you that she and I are childhood friends?"

"Isn't she?" Sophia sneered. "Or have you forgotten because there are too many women around you?"

Capone narrowed his eyes. "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous of you? I'm glad she's back! Now you won't need my cooking or my company, right? When will you finally let me go?"

Capone stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his embrace. "Diana isn't my childhood friend. I've known her for ten years and consider her like a sister. To me, she's no different from Mandy or Cronus. She cooks well, but that doesn't mean I have to sleep with her. For now, no one can replace you, and I have no intention of letting you go!"

He traced her petal-like red lips with his thumb in a suggestive manner. Sophia struggled in his arms. "Even if she's not your childhood friend, you must have other women! Why do you insist on holding onto me?"

"You're still jealous! Other women are the same for me, but you, the rich young lady, are different from them. I'm not tired of playing yet, understand?"

Capone began to open her collar and kissed her collarbone. Sophia winced in pain and shouted as she pushed him away. "Don't touch me! Isn't it enough to have so many women? Don't you find it disgusting?"

Capone stopped, lifted his head to look at her. "Do you think I'm filthy?"