Chapter 10- childhood

"Don't touch me! Do you have so many women and still find it not enough? Don't you find it disgusting?"

Capone stopped, looked up at her, and asked, "Do you think I'm filthy?"

"Yes, I think you're filthy! People like you only know how to play around, touching any woman without fearing diseases! You don't understand... such things should only be done with someone you truly love; doing it with anyone else is desecration! You have no feelings, no respect; you're just a mafia who kills, kidnaps, and bullies the weak!"

Capone pressed his lips tightly together, with anger seething in his eyes. If it weren't for his strong self-control, this woman would have already been strangled by him.

He used some technique, quickly pinning Sophia's hands so she couldn't move, then pushed her onto the bed and pinned her down. "You're quite sharp-tongued. Do you have someone you love?"

"It's none of your business!" Even if she had once loved someone, she could only bury those feelings deep inside now, all because of him!

"Is that so? Well then, today I'm going to make you dirty like me and help you forget your 'beloved' person!"

Capone was different this time; his body was charged with anger. The speed and ruthlessness with which he removed her clothes were evident. Yet his hands and lips seemed almost magical, traversing her sensitive and soft body with the power to restrain her, but also gently stimulating her body's inherent passion.

What she said was true; with his background and experience, it was impossible for him to have only her. His exceptional skills hadn't had many opportunities to be displayed on her, but now he was being deliberate, deliberately making her enjoy the process, even knowing that her beloved person would never be him.

There was too much disparity in strength between them. Even if she struggled, as long as he maintained a dominant stance, he could still bring her pleasure while restraining her. Her seductive voice escaped uncontrollably, and her body, once tensed to the extreme, became soft and irresistible—this was undeniable.

His anger did not dissipate with the physical release. "Do you see now who is making you feel good? Reflect on this well; you are not allowed to eat today, and you're not permitted to leave this room without my permission!"

At nightfall, at the Royal Club in the port.

"Hey, what's going on with you and that girl? She was fine before the pasta, I thought you were taking her upstairs to try on shoes or something. Why did you end up having an argument and not even letting her come down to eat the pasta?"

Cronus popped a few cashews into his mouth, while the girl next to him kept pressing against him, the garish perfume making him feel dizzy. Capone was still having the madam send more girls into the private room.

He couldn't understand what was up with the boss. Everything seemed fine during the day. He asked about what kind of shoes would be comfortable for girls, and for some reason, the Diaz family girl didn't like wearing shoes, injuring her feet by going barefoot.

It was surprising that the boss showed such concern for her, which meant she was special.

Cronus had bought a pair of pink-and-white Crocs garden shoes with Hello Kitty designs, which he thought the Diaz girl would like, as he usually wore them to work and found them very comfortable.

But instead, he saw the two arguing, and Capone ended up dragging him and JoeyJoey out for drinks, locking Sophia Diaz in a room.

"Don't mention her to me, ungrateful thing!" Capone exhaled a puff of smoke and pulled two of the new girls into his lap, then continued drinking cup after cup.

Cronus exchanged a glance with Joey, unsure of what else to say.

When Capone took over his father's business, IDGM Capital, it was already run as a conglomerate with diverse operations. Whatever made money was pursued. Essentially, the money was cleaned up, but some profitable ventures still required special backgrounds, like entertainment assets such as clubs.

Especially in the port area, known as a major tourist and entertainment hub in the south, the vibrant, never-sleeping city had most of its entertainment industry shares owned by IDGM. ROYAL was one of Capone's enterprises, so it was expected that he would have the best of everything here.

However, Capone usually limited his indulgence in beauty. When his brothers gathered for drinks, having a beautiful woman around was just for fun; he never made a fuss or took anyone out.

But today was evidently different, especially when Penny, who was no longer working as an escort, showed up. They realized that Capone's intentions for the day went beyond just having someone to accompany him or drink with.

Sophia lay on Capone's large, somewhat empty bed until her body had grown cold, as if it had no warmth left, before she sat up.

Her tears had dried, but with the slightest movement, she could still feel the heat and filth flowing out of her, as if intentionally reminding her of everything she had just endured.

Sophia hugged her knees on the bed and cried out loud, feeling ashamed of herself.

She was a captive, a tool for his gratification, but how could she feel pleasure under his disgusting techniques, making him proud and satisfied?

He always discarded her like trash once he was done, forbidding her to escape or think of anyone else, shattering her hopes one after another, even torturing her body by making her work but denying her the pasta she longed for.

At least this way, starving to death was better than being cruelly abused by him with no hope.

There was a knocking sound coming from the sliding glass door to the balcony. Sophia jolted, tensing her voice as she asked, "Who is it?"

There was no answer, and the knocking continued softly and persistently. Sophia felt a bit scared. She put on her clothes, walked over, pulled aside a corner of the curtain, and peered out into the moonlight to see the silhouette of the person outside.

"Diana? How did you...?"

Sophia was a bit surprised but still opened the door to let her in. It had started raining outside, and since this was the balcony on the second floor, she had no idea how Diana had managed to get up here. However, looking at Diana's somewhat dazed expression and the backpack she carried, Sophia felt no sense of alarm.

Diana's hair was wet from the rain, sticking to her cheeks. She pushed up her glasses and, as if knowing what Sophia was thinking, pointed to the adjacent terrace. "The door to the next room wasn't locked. I climbed over from that terrace." She pulled out a lunchbox from her backpack. "You haven't eaten, so this is for you!"

"What? You climbed over? That's so dangerous. What if you fell? I don't mind not eating, but… but you shouldn't take such risks!" Sophia found it hard to imagine. A girl who looked so delicate and gentle would risk climbing heights just to bring her some pasta?

"It's fine. I've been doing this since I was young. It was actually Capone's idea. He used to be locked in this room by his dad and would escape and come back like this. His dad never noticed."

Sophia froze. Capone used to... be locked up by his father?

Even the mafia prince had moments when he wasn't free?

"Currently, only Capone and Mandy have the keys to this place. Lucy and I can't open it, so I had to come up with this method. Anyway, eat up; your stomach is already growling!"

Diana handed the pasta box to her, and only then did Sophia awkwardly realize her stomach was indeed making noises.

Diana's thick glasses hid any trace of mockery, and she said no more, just sitting down beside her.

Sophia, who had been hungry for most of the day, was unable to resist such temptation and, after hesitating for only a second, began to eat.

There was no point in punishing herself just to defy that awful man!

"Capone and the others went out drinking. He's in a bad mood. If he asks when he gets back, just pretend you haven't eaten anything and don't mention me. He can be unreasonable when he's angry!"

Sophia paused, her mind flashing back to his whip and slaps. The wounds on her back seemed to throb anew, and she shuddered inwardly.

Diana glanced at her and continued calmly, "He's like me, grew up without a mother, and doesn't understand how to be considerate or gentle with women. He only responds to softness, not hardness. Making him unhappy just means making yourself unhappy. So when he said he wanted to introduce me to a boyfriend and marry me off today, I couldn't refuse, even though I already have someone I like."

Sophia was a bit surprised. "Aren't you his childhood sweetheart?"

"Not all boys and girls who grow up together are childhood sweethearts. He doesn't look at girls like me, and the main reason is that I'm not his type."

Diana seemed out of place among Capone and his crew. When she spoke with such a serious tone, it almost seemed amusing, but Sophia could tell she was a smart woman, using a tactful way to indicate that she was not Capone's woman and to warn her not to confront Capone head-on. Otherwise, it wouldn't just be her who suffered; others would be affected too.

"It's his lack of vision; you're actually very beautiful!" Sophia instinctively liked her.