Chapter 15- Disgusting

Bruno noticed her momentary distraction and got straight to the point. "Miss Sophia, listen carefully. I'll inform the Diaz family about your situation at the port, but if the person holding you is Capone, things could get complicated. He has too much influence at the port, and if we anger him, not only will we fail to rescue you, but we might also endanger others! I work at the port, and I'll figure out a way to contact you again. Where are you staying now?"

"I don't know... It's on an island!" No one had revealed the exact location or name to her, so she had no way of knowing.

Bruno nodded. "Then wait for my message, and don't act rashly!"

"What are you doing?"

Capone's voice suddenly pierced the air, almost making Sophia jump in fright.

"Nothing…nothing at all. I felt unwell and just vomited. I ran into Bruno here and we just chatted a bit."

Capone walked over and gave Bruno a curious glance. "I didn't realize you two had become so friendly so quickly. What were you talking about? Where's Diana?"

Mentioning Diana, Sophia quickly came up with an idea. "He…he has quite a liking for Diana, but he hasn't had a chance to talk to her yet, so he asked me about her!"

Capone narrowed his eyes. "Is that so?"

"That's right. I wanted to ask Miss Diana out, but I was afraid it might seem too abrupt, so I thought I'd get some information from Sophy first!" Bruno, now calm, picked up where Sophia left off, already forming a plan in his mind.

He just hoped the man in front of him wouldn't catch on. Being this close, he could sense Capone's sharp instincts and wariness, like a leopard. If Capone realized his prey might be taken from him, he would never let it go.

At that moment, Diana returned with a hot towel. Hearing Bruno's explanation, she smiled shyly and said, "I didn't even know how to contact Bruno. Could you give me a business card?"

"Of course!" Bruno pulled out a business card and handed it to Diana, slipping one to Sophia as well.

Sophia was still feeling the effects of the alcohol, and Capone's sudden appearance had left her drenched in cold sweat. She gripped the business card like it was a lifeline, too scared to examine it closely. She only had time to glimpse the name "Bruno" printed in neat characters before the card was soaked with sweat from her palm.

Capone smirked and took the business card from her hand, effortlessly tearing it to shreds. He then calmly said to Bruno, "She doesn't need it. Just keep your attention focused on Diana. If my woman has any issues, she'll come to me. There's no need for her to keep another man's business card! Diana, take Bruno down to the Moonlake Hall. Joey and the others are already waiting there! Sophy isn't feeling well, so I'll help her sober up and we'll be down shortly."

With that, he ignored their reactions and grabbed Sophia Diaz's wrist, dragging her into the nearby elevator.

Sophia was already feeling extremely dizzy, and in the fast-moving elevator, she could only lean against the wall to keep her balance; otherwise, she wouldn't be able to stand. But Capone wouldn't let her off that easily—he pulled her wrist, drawing her into his embrace.

She struggled and yelled at him, "Let go of me! Where are you taking me? I need to go find Diana and the others..."

Capone sneered, "Or is it another man you're looking for? What, has that Bruno taken a liking to you? Are you trying to use him to escape from me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I haven't! Capone, not everyone is as vile as you!"

Sophia thought for sure he would slap her hard, to teach her a lesson. After all, wasn't he supposed to be helping her sober up? Pain would be the perfect way to do that!

But in the next moment, he pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard.

His kiss was domineering and aggressive, pouring out his anger and frustration. His teeth bit into her lips, and soon Sophia could taste the metallic tang of blood in her mouth, her tongue numb and faintly aching.

The pain made her want to push him away, but he only pressed her harder against the elevator wall, her hair becoming disheveled in the process.

Her struggles and kicks were futile; Capone was much taller and stronger than her. With one hand, he easily pinned both of her hands behind her back, forcing her to arch her body as he devoured her breath.

The only consolation was that this wasn't a glass elevator with a view overlooking most of the city. This private club was designed to protect the privacy of its guests from start to finish—especially since Capone was essentially the ruler of this place.

This also meant no one would come to her rescue, and no one would even know where he had taken her.

The elevator stopped on the 18th floor. Capone's kiss left the intoxicated Sophia nearly breathless. When she saw the number 18 on the display, she had a fleeting thought that she had arrived in hell.

A crimson carpet, heavy wooden doors—she wasn't in hell, but he had dragged her to a hotel room. He had his own private room, his own key card. As he opened the door, the dazzling golden lights inside made her squint.

He tossed her onto the king-sized round bed, leaving her dizzy and with a ringing in her ears. Her cute, puffy short skirt had ridden up to her thighs. She tried to pull it down and get up, but Capone pinned her down from behind.

"We still have to go back downstairs to meet people, so don't dirty your clothes. We've got time; we can take it slow," he said, smoothly unzipping the back of her dress and peeling it off her body.

The deep red sheets contrasted with Sophia's pale skin and dark hair, creating an image as vivid as a painting. He pulled her hands above her head, forcing her body to open up to him. He had been drinking too, his breath carrying the same heat and scent as hers.

"Let go of me! What are you going to do?"

"F*** you!" Capone's cold lips spoke, but his body burned like fire.

"Disgusting! Don't touch me, don't touch me with the same body that's touched those other women. Get off me! Ah..."

Before she could finish speaking, Capone thrust into her like a sharp blade, giving her little time to adjust. The pain made Sophia arch her body, her nails digging into the flesh of his arm, which only spurred him on.

"I don't owe you any explanations, but you'd better remember this: don't get cozy with other men, or I'll make sure you suffer—and make them suffer even more. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand! I don't understand!" Tears welled up in Sophia's eyes, her emotions spiraling out of control due to the alcohol. "Why won't you let me go? What grudge do you have against the Diaz family? Why are you doing this to me... I want to go home!"

Her remaining words were swallowed by Capone's lips, leaving only silent, wet tears slipping down her face.

He didn't like being questioned like this, nor did he want to offer any explanations.

With each thrust, he shattered her consciousness, overwhelming her frailness with his power. Her mind drifted to the business card she had clutched like a lifeline earlier, and to the name that had once taken root in her heart.

She silently mouthed it, as if that could bring her some new hope. And then, as Capone took her to the peak, those two words slipped from her lips in a barely audible murmur.

Sophia didn't even realize she had spoken Roger's name aloud, but it was enough for Capone to hear.

It was a man's name—a man she depended on, trusted, missed. Not him...

Sophia was exhausted and sleepy, unwilling to say another word, and all she gave Capone was her back.

He initially wanted to grab her shoulders and force her to turn around so he could question her about the man's name she had called out. But in the end, he decided against it. He had no reason to do so—he shouldn't care too much about her. Whoever she was thinking about was none of his business.

But hearing another man's name in bed was undeniably an insult.

Capone narrowed his eyes as he looked at her back before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom to shower.

He'd deal with her once she sobered up a bit.

Sophia felt as weak as a noodle, her waist and legs aching so much that she couldn't move, and she was too uncomfortable even to sleep.

She heard Capone go into the bathroom to shower and thought this might be a good chance to escape. So she mustered all her strength to get up from the bed, intending to put on her clothes and try to flee.

But after searching around, she couldn't find that bright yellow dress. He had clearly stripped it off her and tossed it on the floor earlier, but now it was nowhere to be seen.

Sophia glanced at the tightly closed bathroom door and gave a bitter, self-mocking smile.

Of course. How could he possibly give her such an easy chance to escape? He must have taken the dress into the bathroom with him. Unless he came out, she had no chance of leaving with clothes on.