i've been smiling at kazu everytime our eyes meet. whether during class or he's busy talking to someone else or when we're eating together with akane, especially when we're eating together with akane.
"did something happen?" akane asked me and i just immediately looked and smiled at kazu but he returned me a death stare like woah calm down big boy because---
"i'm not telling!!" then i winked at kazu-
he slammed on the table that he moved next to akane's and whoever mine belonged to. "woah what's up with you?" akane said.
"can we talk?" he referred to me.
inside the mens' bathroom stall, kazu slammed his hand on the wall next to my head, and moved closer to my face... DID I JUST GET WALL SLAMMED 😳
"so you know i like akane right?"
"you do?!"
"just kidding! yeah i know." ahaha the look on his face. it's like he wants to kill me.
"and i'm sure you know i haven't told her."
"oh but you should definitely shoot your shot to a fucking LESBIAN!!! you know she's not faking it right like what other people say."
"i'm not doubting that she likes girls, i just dont want you to tell her!"
"oh i won't!"
"which also means dont make it obvious! like what you've been doing."
"oh sorry ahahaha."
"it's not funny.... what're you thinking?" i was being quiet for a sec.
"so you only hated me cuz you were jealous of me right? that i'm close to her?"
"i- uh- i guess."
"OKAY! NICE! i really thought you hated me for me haha."
"let's just go back.." he opened the lock.
"what, you miss her already?"
"shut up... maybe."
"oh my god you're deep in love!!" i jumped in excitement while he tried to hide his blush. i didn't know he can be cute like this?!
"am i the first one to know?"
"unfortunately, yeah."
"that's awesome!" WE CAN BE BEST FRIENDS THEN. "then i'll tell you who i like too just to be fair!"
"isn't it harumi?"
"what, how'd you know?!" i never told them since akane's there and kazu doesn't talk to me outside of lunch.
"you keep saying you like big breasts and she had those and you guys were also in the same class last year."
"it could be anyone with big boobs though. mina had them and we were classmates."
"well then you would've said a name but you didn't so i thought it must be that you're hiding it from akane."
"oh shit you're smart."
"i'm just not dumb like you maybe..."
before i could say anything about his diss, i already pulled him back to the stall where we were in and made sure to lock it. "what the hell??" kazu said but he would've done the same if he saw who came into the bathroom.
"kazu..." i whispered. "did you take me to the the girls' bathroom?"
"what?! why would i do that??"
"then why is akane and harumi HERE?!!!"
the sink opened and we could hear them talking. "i'm just so happy i can go anywhere with you, harumi. think of all the places we can be next, besides more bathrooms of course. though i dont really mind that either."
"NOT in the weird way of course! i mean watching you do your makeup and stuff."
"no, i'm just here to wash my hands."
"i wash my hands too, oh my god."
based on how they're talking like usual, i guessed they're either sure they went in the girls' bathroom or just didn't see their mistake. but between them and us who rushed to get here, who is more likely to be wrong?
i looked at kazu. "you're stupid as shit."
"do you even remember seeing urinals when we got here?"
"well, do you?"
"i don't! but i wasn't the one that dragged us here! now i could be mistaken as a pervert."
"but you are."
"oh fuck you! maybe you did this on purpose cuz you're actually a pervert!"
"fine, maybe i got it wrong! i was just really fed up with you ok? wasn't in the right mind."
"that's just what it is when you're in love i guess."
"shut up."
so we stayed and waited for the two who we wanted most not to know we're here to go while of course, eavesdropping to their conversation. i mean not like we have a choice!
"you know i'm really happy to be classmates with you this year."
"so i hope we can be close, and that's why i wanna know if you're free after class? maybe we can grab bobas or something."
"i have plans."
"aw but i'm sure take and kazu would love your company."
"oh your lipstick looks great! though i thought you said you're only gonna wash your hands.."
"well, you mentioning it made me wanna fix it. and i can go later!"
"you said you had plans!"
"it's not that important!"
"yay!! we get to hang out!"
their convo made me shook my head. "man, harumi must really like you."
kazu didn't say anything. "you know about it right?"
he nodded nonchalantly. ok, mr. popular.
"it's funny that the girl you like turns out to be a lesbian though."
but then something came in me. "you know... if you like akane and i like harumi, that just means one thing right?"
"what else?!"
"what? i dont get it." god i think he's actually dumb. maybe he's just good at academics.
"that means we can WORK. TOGETHER." i tiptoed and whispered that right to his ear.
"oh shit, yea!"
"or else they might even end up together... pft, which i doubt cuz i know harumi's straight as hell but... akane is..."
"akane's what?"
"she's... GOOD you know? she's made girls turn gay before and she got em RIZZ you know?"
"you didn't just say that.."
"i mean you heard her lie just now right? we don't even have plans for later but she made it up just then just so harumi would hang out with her."
"oh that was a lie? i thought maybe she's already thought of asking us later."
"ugh, you're so fucking dumb, man. you're even making me scratch my head." i am scratching my head.
"ok so now that she's used me as an excuse, she can just keep using it to be with her."
"yep, that's definitely what she's gonna do."
"so we're gonna work together to stop that."
"even better, we use that."
"think about it. us four together. and who do you like again? akane. and who do i like again? harumi... we can just keep their attention to us while making sure we dont leave them alone together."
"holy shit." that made me slap his chest but i regret it since it made a noise. "why'd you do that??"
"it's cuz you're just so stupid!"
"well, i guess that's just how it is.. when you're in love i guess..." i see his lips turn into a smile and mine cant help but do the same. ah love.. it really makes you wonder.
"is someone making out in the stall, wanna check together?"
our eyes widened to what harumi said. fuck, knowing harumi, her curiosity gets the best of her ALWAYS.
"c'mon let's check! i know you're curious too~"
"no. i dont care about... girls making out. but if it's guys.." i couldnt hear the last part.
"well, i'm gonna go and check!" JUST STAY WITH HER, YOU PRICK!
what's worse than us being spotted in the girl's bathroom is HARUMI SPOTTING ME IN THE GIRLS' BATHROOM. i panicked in the spot and used my eyes to ask kazu what to do. he shook his head frantically and i'm sure as hell we're doomed.. until he pulled me down with him to the floor then pushed my head down to his chest.
"oop!" she's right above us i know. definitely used the toilet next stall to peek on us shamelessly as ever. but what confused me was that she didn't say anything more before stepping back down and going back to harumi.
"so were they making out?"
"i think so and they went crazy.. not only they didn't notice me but they were also on the floor!"
"what the.."
"could be us?"
kazu let go of me and i could finally breathe, my hair was all messy though.
"sorry, it's all i could think of. not letting her see we're in pants."
"oh that's why you pulled me down! it's smart!"
"you're just stupid." ugh, did it get to him when i kept calling him that? he stood up and held out his hand. i grabbed it and pulled myself up.
we both patted our pants for dirt. "you know i think working together might not be bad." my face lightened as i looked at him. "should we do this?"
he held out his hand again, making me pumped up.
"deal." i shook his hand without hesitation.
"but no telling akane first about my feelings. i'm gonna do that on my own."
"same, then! and we should try and help each other as possible which means teaching the other better rizz."
"shut up but ok."
"ok! this is operation: work together so our crush likes us back! orrrr"
"WTS.. O..."
"C.L.U.B. club."
"wtso club."
"watsup club."
"WATSUP CLUB! i thought of that! by kazu."
"operation: watsup club... it sounds cool..."
"welp." i pushed open the stall. "it's time to go back. we dont want another girl to see us here."
kazu went ahead before me and showed me his fist. i looked up at him and i guess he really doesn't hate me anymore. i pumped fists with him and just before he faced the door, i froze in place which he noticed.
"those are urinals."
they were just behind the sink.
kazu snorted. "i wonder who made the mistake?"
end of ep 2 - that time i got wall slammed in a bathroom stall