Chapter 13: Into Big Mom's Territory

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The waters of Totto Land were unlike any other in the New World. Vibrant, treacherous, and alive with an eerie sense of whimsy, they stretched out before the Flying Dutchman like a twisted fairy tale brought to life. Candy-colored waves lapped at the hull, and the sky above was a patchwork of shifting hues, ranging from pastel pinks to deep purples. But there was a darkness lurking beneath the surface, a malevolent presence that permeated everything within Big Mom's territory.

Davy Jones stood at the helm, his eyes scanning the horizon. He could feel the pulse of the sea beneath him, its rhythm slightly off-kilter, as if even the ocean itself was under the influence of Big Mom's power. The crew moved with caution, their usual bravado tempered by the strange atmosphere. The legends of Totto Land were well known, and none of them doubted the dangers that lay ahead.

"Strange place, this is," grumbled Maccus, one of the more seasoned members of the crew, as he eyed the candy-like structures that dotted the nearby islands. "Can't trust a place that looks so sweet."

Jones nodded, his expression unreadable. "The sweetness is a mask, hiding the rot beneath. Stay alert. We are in enemy waters now."

As the ship sailed deeper into Totto Land, the crew encountered the first of many strange islands. They passed by Cake Island, the heart of Big Mom's empire, its towering confectionery castle visible even from a distance. The temptation to steer the ship towards the grand structure was strong, but Jones knew better. Big Mom would be expecting that. Instead, he directed the ship towards one of the outer islands, a place less guarded but no less dangerous.

This island was a chaotic blend of flora and fauna, with trees that bore fruits of impossible sizes and colors, and animals that seemed to defy the laws of nature. As they disembarked to explore, the crew found themselves in constant peril. The plants were carnivorous, the ground unstable, and even the air seemed to have a mind of its own, shifting and swirling in unnatural patterns.

The first real threat came in the form of Big Mom's loyal subjects. A group of powerful warriors, each one as bizarre as the land itself, ambushed them as they ventured further inland. These were no ordinary pirates; they were Big Mom's "Homies," living beings infused with fragments of her own soul, giving them life and power.

The battle was fierce. The Homies, though strange in appearance, were formidable opponents. One was a giant teapot with arms made of steaming hot tea, another a hulking figure made entirely of marzipan, its sugary exterior hiding rock-hard strength. The crew fought valiantly, but it was clear they were up against something far beyond the usual.

Davy Jones, watching from a distance, knew he had to act. Drawing his sword, he advanced towards the thick of the battle. The ground seemed to tremble beneath his feet as he walked, the very air around him growing colder. With a single command, he unleashed the power of the Kraken. The sea itself responded, tendrils of water rising from the ocean and snaking their way towards the island.

The Homies turned their attention to Jones, sensing the overwhelming power emanating from him. But it was too late. The Kraken's tentacles burst from the ground, wrapping around the marzipan giant and crushing it into dust. The teapot Homie, caught in the surge, was ripped apart, its boiling contents spilling harmlessly to the ground.

Jones's power was undeniable, and the remaining Homies hesitated, unsure whether to advance or retreat. With a wave of his hand, Jones summoned a torrent of water, sweeping the remaining enemies off their feet and dragging them back towards the sea. The crew, emboldened by their captain's display of strength, rallied and finished off the stragglers.

But the battle was far from over. As the dust settled, a new figure emerged from the shadows, one who exuded a menacing aura that even the seasoned crew of the Flying Dutchman couldn't ignore.

Charlotte Cracker, one of Big Mom's most feared children, stepped forward. His presence was overwhelming, a towering figure clad in imposing armor and wielding a sword nearly as large as himself. Cracker was known as the "Thousand Arms," a title earned from his ability to create countless biscuit soldiers, each one a formidable fighter in its own right.

"So, you're the one who thinks he can waltz into Mama's territory and cause trouble," Cracker sneered, his eyes locked onto Davy Jones. "You'll regret ever setting foot here."

Jones said nothing, his gaze steady as he sized up the new threat. Cracker's confidence was clear, but so was the deadly intent in his eyes. He wasn't here to talk.

With a snarl, Cracker swung his massive sword, sending a shockwave of energy towards Jones. The captain raised his own blade, the Kraken's Wrath, and met the attack head-on. The clash of steel echoed through the island, the force of the impact shaking the very ground beneath them.

Cracker wasted no time, summoning an army of biscuit soldiers to overwhelm Jones and his crew. But Davy Jones was not easily outnumbered. The sea answered his call once more, the Kraken's tentacles surging forward to crush the soldiers, their brittle forms shattering under the immense pressure.

Cracker roared in frustration, his attacks growing more desperate as he realized that brute force alone would not be enough to defeat this foe. But Davy Jones was relentless, his movements precise and unyielding. He fought with the cold efficiency of one who had long since embraced his monstrous nature.

Finally, with a powerful strike, Jones shattered Cracker's sword, the force of the blow sending the pirate crashing to the ground. Cracker, battered and bruised, struggled to rise, but the fight had been drained from him.

Jones stood over him, his expression one of grim finality. "Tell your mother," he said in a low, dangerous voice, "that Davy Jones is coming. And I will not be stopped."

Cracker's eyes widened in fear, but he nodded, knowing he had no choice. He had seen firsthand the power that Jones wielded, and he knew better than to challenge it again.

With a final glance at the defeated warrior, Davy Jones turned back to his crew. "We're done here," he said, his voice carrying the weight of command. "Prepare to sail."

As the Flying Dutchman left the island, the crew couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and unease. They had faced one of Big Mom's most powerful children and survived, but they knew that this was only the beginning. The true battle lay ahead, in the heart of Totto Land, where Big Mom herself awaited.

And Davy Jones, with the weight of the sea and the souls he had claimed behind him, was ready for whatever came next.