Chapter 14: The Soul Collector

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The sea around Totto Land was unlike any other Davy Jones had encountered. The waters teemed with life, yet there was a palpable sense of dread beneath the surface. The islands that made up Big Mom's territory were as varied as the flavors of the sweets that her people were so fond of, but the most unsettling feature was the constant hum in the air—a vibration that seemed to resonate with the very souls of those who dared to venture too close.

Davy Jones stood on the deck of the Flying Dutchman, his piercing gaze fixed on the horizon where the largest of the islands loomed. Whole Cake Island, the seat of power for one of the Four Emperors, Big Mom. His ship, a spectral vessel that commanded fear across the Grand Line, seemed almost hesitant as it approached. The air was thick with tension, a weight that pressed down on the crew as they neared the heart of Big Mom's domain.

Big Mom had taken notice of him, of that much he was certain. The soul-wielding Yonko was notorious for her obsession with power and the unique abilities of others, and Davy Jones, with his dominion over the dead, was a curiosity she couldn't ignore. His reputation had spread quickly after the fall of Blackbeard, and now it seemed he had attracted the attention of one of the most dangerous figures in the New World.

As the Dutchman anchored just off the coast of Whole Cake Island, Davy Jones took a moment to steel himself. He was not afraid—fear was an emotion long forgotten—but he was cautious. Big Mom was no ordinary pirate; she was a force of nature, a being with the power to manipulate souls and the will to use them without hesitation.

A massive wave rose from the sea, forming a path directly to the island's shore. Without a word, Davy Jones stepped onto the wave, which solidified under his feet as he began to walk towards the island. His crew remained behind, their ghostly forms fading into the mist that surrounded the ship. This was a meeting that required no audience.

The path led him through a labyrinth of candy-coated streets and towering buildings made entirely of sweets. The air was sickly sweet, a stark contrast to the foreboding presence that hung over the island. As he walked, Davy Jones could feel the eyes of the Homies—Big Mom's sentient creations—watching him, their whispering voices carried by the wind.

Finally, he reached the gates of the Whole Cake Chateau, the centerpiece of Big Mom's empire. The massive doors creaked open as if on their own, and Davy Jones stepped into the grand hall. The atmosphere inside was suffocating, heavy with the presence of countless souls trapped within the walls, their faint cries barely audible over the booming laughter that echoed through the chamber.

At the far end of the hall, sitting atop her throne of sweets, was Big Mom herself. Her immense form dwarfed everything around her, but it was her eyes that caught Davy Jones's attention. They were filled with a mixture of curiosity and hunger, a predatory gleam that spoke of her intent.

"So, the infamous Davy Jones finally graces my castle," Big Mom's voice boomed, shaking the very walls. "I've heard many things about you, Captain. Your power over souls… fascinating."

Davy Jones remained silent, his expression unreadable. He was here to gauge the threat, to understand the nature of this Yonko who held sway over such a vast territory. He knew better than to underestimate her; she was a master of manipulation, and every word she spoke was laced with intent.

"I must say, I'm intrigued," Big Mom continued, her tone almost playful. "A man who commands the souls of the dead… and yet, you come here alone. What is it you seek, Davy Jones? Power? Or perhaps… something more?"

Davy Jones's eyes narrowed slightly. "I seek nothing from you, Charlotte Linlin," he replied, his voice cold and steady. "But I have come to understand what kind of enemy you would make."

Big Mom's laughter shook the hall, a thunderous sound that echoed off the walls. "Enemy? Oh, no, no, no… I see potential, not enmity. Imagine what we could achieve together, you and I. With your power and my influence, we could reshape the seas themselves!"

For a moment, there was silence. Davy Jones weighed her words carefully, recognizing the danger in them. Big Mom was a strategist, just as he was, but her goals were far more chaotic. She sought control, domination, and would stop at nothing to achieve it. Aligning with her would mean becoming a part of that madness, something that did not sit well with him.

"The seas do not need reshaping," Davy Jones finally responded, his tone sharp. "And I do not need allies who would seek to control what should remain free."

Big Mom's expression darkened, the playful glint in her eyes replaced by something far more dangerous. "You would refuse me, Davy Jones? Do you truly believe you can oppose a Yonko on your own?"

Davy Jones met her gaze without flinching. "I believe in many things, Linlin. But I do not make alliances out of fear. I've seen what you are capable of, and I have no desire to become your pawn."

The tension in the room became almost unbearable as the two powerful figures stared each other down. Big Mom's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Very well, Captain. But remember this: I do not take kindly to those who reject my offers. Cross me, and you will find yourself at the mercy of the very souls you command."

Without another word, Davy Jones turned and left the hall, his footsteps echoing through the silent corridors. As he walked back to the shore, the weight of the encounter pressed on him. Big Mom was not to be trifled with, that much was clear. She was powerful, cunning, and dangerous, and the next time they met, it would likely be on the battlefield.

Returning to the Dutchman, Davy Jones stood at the bow, staring out at the sea. He had learned what he needed to, but he also knew that he was not yet ready to face a Yonko head-on. There was more power to be gained, more knowledge to uncover. Only then would he be able to challenge someone like Big Mom and emerge victorious.

For now, he would retreat, but this was only the beginning. The seas were vast, and there were many more souls to collect.