Chapter 10: "Revelations"

Chapter 10: "Revelations"

Dusk had cast a heavy atmosphere over the GIGN command post, a blend of weariness and concern. The debriefing room, usually a space for quick exchanges and concise analyses, felt more oppressive than ever. The artificial glow from fluorescent lights cast a cold, harsh light on the walls, intensifying the tired shadows on the faces of the GIGN members. The sound of keyboards clicking, pens scribbling on paper, and scattered whispers formed a nearly hypnotic background noise.

Commander Mathieu Moreau, a man in his fifties with features weathered by years of service and stress, stood behind a large metal desk. He observed his men, who had just returned from an especially grueling mission. The operators were still in their tactical gear, covered in mud and blood, their pale, exhausted faces contrasting with the intensity of their gazes.

Beside him, two agents from the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI – France's equivalent to the NSA) were dressed in dark but immaculate suits, taking notes with almost manic precision. Their presence was discreet yet imposing. The air around them was charged with the tension of the exceptional situation they were about to hear. They exchanged furtive glances and took notes with calculated speed, each word spoken weighed heavily in the balance of the ongoing assessment and investigation.

Commander Moreau, typically a man of few words, appeared drained. His eyes had taken on a new depth, marked by a concern even years of service couldn't mask. He motioned for his men to begin their report, a gesture that made clear the gravity of this debriefing.

"Gentlemen, start when you're ready," he said in a deep voice, fatigue evident in every syllable.

Sergeant Louis Marchand, a man of average height with disheveled brown hair and a budding beard, spoke first. His voice was raspy, marked by hours of combat and stress. "We were sent to investigate reported disappearances in the forest near the industrial complex. Upon arrival, we established a perimeter around an abandoned house, suspected to be linked to the disappearances. We found signs of recent human activity—footprints, personal items scattered around. Everything indicated that someone had been staying there recently."

Marchand paused, gathering his thoughts. "As soon as we entered the house, we heard screams… or rather, vocalizations. They were strange sounds, something unfamiliar. We tried to organize ourselves, but the moment we were inside, we were attacked by creatures. They were nearly invisible in the darkness, with an impressive ability to mimic their surroundings. We struggled to grasp what was happening."

Corporal Éric Dubois, a younger man with sharp features and a determined demeanor, took over. "The creatures, which we later identified as SCP-939, according to that secret organization, seemed capable of imitating human voices to deceive us. This caused complete chaos in our ranks. The screams and calls sounded like they were coming from our own men, which led to widespread panic. We tried to regroup, but the situation quickly spiraled out of control."

He continued, his tone growing more somber. "We lost several men in the initial encounters. The creatures were extremely aggressive and appeared to be coordinated, as if following a plan. We were forced to retreat urgently. We attempted to establish a defensive perimeter around the house, but the attacks were relentless. We had to evacuate the site, but the creatures were everywhere."

Moreau listened intently, taking notes in a worn leather notebook. His hands trembled slightly as he wrote. "Communications were disrupted," Dubois explained. "We tried to stay in contact with HQ, but we lost the connection at a certain point. We advanced through the forest, trying to hold the line against these things. We encountered significant difficulties and sustained additional losses."

One of the DGSI agents, a man in his fifties with salt-and-pepper hair and a stoic expression, looked up from his notes to ask a question. "What did you observe about the armed organization you saw after your withdrawal?"

"We saw a heavily armed force, better equipped and more coordinated than us," Dubois replied. "They appeared while we were evacuating toward the industrial complex and began clearing the area. They seemed to have precise objectives and moved with deadly efficiency. We attempted to make contact, but it wasn't clear which group they belonged to. They took over, but we had no way of verifying their affiliation."

The DGSI agents exchanged worried glances. They resumed taking notes with heightened concentration, realizing that the situation was far more complex than it initially appeared.

"We temporarily joined them and participated in an operation to 'exterminate' these creatures," Marchand added. "It was pure chaos, and the battle to clear the area was exhausting. We had to face wave after wave of creatures."

Commander Moreau turned to the two DGSI agents. "We left some captured creatures on site, but we didn't have time to examine the area thoroughly. The Foundation teams arrived before we could. They completely wiped the area clean, leaving no trace behind. Even the entrance to the cave, which they collapsed, was camouflaged to look like a solid rock, and the result was astonishing."

The DGSI agents, diligently noting every detail with unwavering rigor, concluded the debriefing session with a series of additional questions about the GIGN members' observations. Their growing concern was palpable, even though their expressions remained professional and controlled.

Commander Moreau thanked his men for their detailed report. "You did well, given the circumstances. We now need to await the results of the investigation and prepare our next steps. We'll reinforce security and determine the exact nature of the threat. You'll be informed of any future developments."

The GIGN members, still shaken by the battle they had endured, slowly filed out of the debriefing room. Their morale was low, and the memories of the night were still fresh in their minds. The situation was far from resolved, and many questions remained about the extent and nature of the threats they had faced.

The DGSI agents also withdrew, their information-gathering mission now complete. They had amassed a considerable amount of data, but the scope of what they had uncovered would require thorough analysis. The revelations about the unknown armed organization and the anomalous creatures were only the beginning of a larger investigation, and the measures to protect the public and ensure security would now become a top priority.


Léonard received a notification on his phone as he finally relaxed at home:

[ Ding! Congratulations, Administrator! Your operation has attracted the government's attention. ]

[ Ding! Reward: 5,000 gold coins added to your balance. ]

[ Ding! You have received x50 Field Agents of the Foundation infiltrated into the Lille Police to help cover your actions. ]

Léonard, wide-eyed, murmured, "Oh crap."