Chapter 11: Discovering the System Features

Chapter 11: Discovering the System Features

Léonard sat in his bed, his laptop resting on his knees. The day had been exhausting, both physically and mentally. Between school, the unexpected encounter with the Foundation agents, and the visit to Site-35, he finally had a moment to himself. The calm of the night was a welcome relief, and he hoped to escape into a bit of rest. But, as often lately, his thoughts drifted toward the mysterious system that had been granted to him.

With a sigh, he opened the holographic interface of the "SCP Foundation Management System," which appeared ethereally before him. Tonight, he had decided to dive deeper into its functionalities.

[ Ding! Opening the main interface ]

The screen displayed several distinct tabs, each seemingly packed with hidden features. He browsed through the various options, ready to understand all the nuances of his new role. The interface was far more complex than he had initially perceived, and this both excited and intimidated him.


Léonard started by exploring the dashboard, a comprehensive overview of the current situation. It provided information on available resources, potential anomalies, and ongoing operations. Although nothing was currently active apart from the recently contained SCP-939 anomaly, he could monitor the Foundation's statistics in real time.

"Impressive," he murmured, analyzing the data. "Everything's here."

He then navigated to the next tab.

**Resource Management:**

This tab grouped personnel units, vehicles, and equipment. Léonard noticed that he had already received a basic allocation for his site. The essential personnel were already in place, but he could recruit more if needed.

A secondary menu appeared, detailing the different units currently available:

- Site Security Agent – 500 gold

- Site Medic – 800 gold

- Site Researcher – 700 gold

- Site Engineer – 600 gold

- Field Agent – 900 gold

- Minor Special Response Unit (MTF) – 1,500 gold

Léonard furrowed his brow. Each unit had a specific cost, and he realized that carefully managing his gold would be crucial for the success of his missions. He continued exploring.


The equipment tab allowed him to outfit his units with necessary gear. Although his site was relatively well-equipped, Léonard could upgrade their armament and protection with additional resources.

- Tactical Gear for Field Agent – 100 gold

- Level 1 Body Armor – 300 gold

- Medical Kit – 150 gold

- FN P90 Submachine Gun – 200 gold

- Gilboa Snake Assault Rifle – 350 gold

- FN SeveN Pistol – 100 gold

He pondered for a moment. These resources seemed crucial for the upcoming missions. If anomalies emerged again, he didn't want to be caught short on equipment or personnel.

**Vehicles and Bases:**

Léonard had already obtained Site-35, and for now, the Foundation seemed focused solely on this base. However, he noted the possibility of acquiring additional sites in the future. For now, he could explore the available vehicles, including:

- Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) – 4,000 gold

- Tiger Attack Helicopter – 8,000 gold

- NH90 Transport Helicopter – 5,000 gold

- Military Transport Truck – 3,000 gold

- Unmarked Car – 500 gold

Léonard smiled. He could already envision himself commanding these units, sending teams across the country to contain new anomalies.

**Mission Planning:**

Finally, Léonard explored the mission planning section. This allowed him to coordinate the actions of different teams, set priorities, and devise strategies for each operation. Nothing was currently in progress, but he knew that would soon change.

He spent long minutes exploring every corner of the system, feeling more and more in control of this new ability. Though only 16 years old, he was now responsible for a force capable of protecting the world from its most dangerous anomalies.

He collapsed against his pillow, eyes fixed on the interface. "Okay, this isn't bad. But now, I'll have to be careful about what I do."

Just as he was about to close the interface and prepare for sleep, a new notification appeared, interrupting his thoughts.

[ Ding! Anomaly detected: SCP-049, appearance reported in the city of Strasbourg, France. Prepare a team for intervention. ]

Léonard felt a surge of adrenaline course through his body. The next mission had just presented itself, and it looked just as dangerous as the last.

He smiled, resigned. "Another long night..."