Chapter 25: A Brewing Storm

Alexander sat in his dimly lit office, his eyes glued to the television screen. The champagne glass in his hand remained untouched as he watched the extravagant proposal unfold on the rooftop. The sight of Ethan, on one knee in front of Olivia, made his blood boil. The cameras zoomed in on their smiling faces, and the cheers of the crowd only fueled his fury.

His hand clenched around the glass, the stem snapping under the pressure. He barely noticed the shards falling to the floor, his focus locked on the happy couple, oblivious to the storm brewing just beyond their fairy tale moment.

"How dare he," Alexander muttered under his breath, his voice a low growl. "How dare he pull off something like this right under my nose."

The image of Ethan and Olivia celebrating their engagement, basking in the media's attention, made his stomach churn. The merger that had once seemed within his grasp was slipping away, all because of that woman—Olivia.

He switched off the TV in a fit of rage, standing abruptly and pacing the room. The wedding was fast approaching, and every time Ethan and Olivia appeared in the media, it made his grip on Titan Industries feel weaker. This wasn't just about love—this was about control, power, and the empire he had built. Ethan marrying Olivia meant Alexander losing control, and that was something he couldn't tolerate.

As he stormed to his desk, his phone buzzed. He grabbed it quickly, hoping for some useful news. Instead, his assistant's nervous voice echoed in his ear.

"Mr. Alexander, I have news. Jenna's been arrested."

Alexander froze. Jenna, his co-conspirator in this mess, had become a liability. He couldn't believe it had come to this. The plan had been simple—get Jenna close to Ethan, ruin his relationship with Olivia, and ensure the wedding never happened. But now, with Jenna locked up, everything was falling apart.

"And?" Alexander snapped, his voice sharp. "What's being done about it?"

"She's asking for bail, sir," the assistant replied, hesitating. "She claims she was set up."

Alexander clenched his jaw, his mind racing. If he bailed Jenna out, questions would be asked. His connection to the situation might be exposed, and the media would have a field day. He had too much to lose if his name got caught up in Jenna's mess.

"No," he said coldly. "We're not bailing her out."

"Sir? But—"

"Do not bring my name into this," Alexander interrupted. "If Jenna's stupid enough to get caught, she can stay in jail. We're cutting her loose."

The assistant stammered but didn't dare to argue. "Understood, sir."

Alexander ended the call and threw the phone onto his desk, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Jenna was useless now, and he couldn't risk being implicated. But that didn't mean his plans were over. He still had other ways to stop the wedding—and he knew just who to call.

He dialed another number, this time with purpose. After a few rings, the voice on the other end answered.

"Mrs. Pierce," Alexander said smoothly, leaning back in his chair. "It's Alexander. I assume you've seen the news?"

Ethan's mother sighed heavily on the other end. "Yes, I've seen it. This engagement is a disaster. Olivia has completely changed him. He's ignoring me, ignoring my advice, and now this... public display. It's humiliating."

Alexander smirked. He had expected as much. Mrs. Pierce had never liked Olivia, and he could easily use that to his advantage.

"I agree," he said. "Ethan isn't thinking clearly. He's blinded by her, and if this wedding happens, it'll be the end of everything we've worked for. Olivia doesn't belong in the Pierce family. She'll ruin everything."

There was a pause on the other end before Mrs. Pierce spoke again, her voice filled with bitterness. "I've tried talking to him, but he's completely lost to her. He won't even answer my calls anymore."

"Then we need to take matters into our own hands," Alexander said firmly. "If you want to stop this wedding, we have to act quickly. We need to drive a wedge between them before it's too late."

Mrs. Pierce hesitated for a moment. "What are you suggesting?"

"We need to make sure Olivia never makes it to the altar," Alexander said coldly. "We'll sabotage the wedding. I have connections—people who can make sure she's... delayed. Long enough to stop the wedding from happening."

"You mean... hurt her?" Mrs. Pierce asked, her voice uncertain.

"No," Alexander replied smoothly. "Nothing drastic. Just enough to make her miss the ceremony, create doubt in Ethan's mind, make him realize she's not dependable. We'll handle this discreetly, and by the time the wedding falls apart, Ethan will realize he made a mistake."

There was a long pause before Mrs. Pierce spoke again, this time with more resolve. "I don't want her marrying my son. Do whatever it takes."

"Good," Alexander said with a wicked smile. "I'll start putting things in motion. Don't worry, Mrs. Pierce. By the time we're done, Olivia will be out of Ethan's life for good."

As Alexander hung up the phone, a dark satisfaction filled him. He wasn't going to let this wedding happen. Jenna might be out of the picture, but with Ethan's mother on his side, they had the perfect inside advantage.

No one was going to take what was his. Not Olivia. Not anyone.

He stood by the window, looking out at the city below, his mind already working through the details of the plan. Soon enough, the media would be covering a very different story—the downfall of Olivia and Ethan's so-called love story. And Alexander would be there, watching it all crumble.

The wedding would never happen. Not if he had anything to say about it.