Chapter 26: The Wedding Day

The sun bathed the grand estate in a soft, golden glow as guests arrived for the wedding of the year. Everything was perfect—just as Olivia had imagined. The sprawling garden where the ceremony would take place was adorned with a breathtaking array of flowers—white roses, baby's breath, and peonies. Twinkling fairy lights were draped across the ancient oak trees, casting a warm and magical ambiance over the scene. The aisle was a path of pure white, lined with petals, leading up to a beautifully decorated altar, with delicate lace curtains flowing gently in the breeze.

The guest list was elite, filled with high-profile names from business, politics, and the media. Everyone was there to witness the merger of two worlds—not just in the corporate sense, but in the personal as well. Despite the underlying tensions, the scene was one of celebration and love.

Ethan stood in his dressing room, pulling at the cufflinks of his custom-tailored black tuxedo. He glanced at his phone for what felt like the hundredth time that day. His fingers moved quickly as he sent a text to Olivia.

**Ethan:** *Ready for the big moment? I can't wait to see you.*

The corners of his lips tugged into a smile as he imagined her in her dress. He hadn't seen it yet—tradition, of course—but he knew she would be stunning, as always. His heart pounded with anticipation.

A few moments later, his phone buzzed.

**Olivia:** *I'm nervous, but I can't wait either. Don't you dare start without me!*

He chuckled softly, but beneath the humor was a knot of nerves in his stomach. He'd never been more sure of anything in his life. Yet, there was a tension in the air that he couldn't shake, a nagging feeling that something could go wrong. Shaking off the thought, he focused on the fact that, in just a few hours, she would be his wife.


Meanwhile, in the bridal suite, Olivia was a vision of beauty in her dress. The gown was breathtaking—ivory silk that clung to her curves and cascaded down in layers of delicate tulle. The bodice was adorned with intricate lace, and a subtle shimmer reflected the soft light in the room. Her veil was long and flowing, pinned elegantly into her loose curls.

She stood in front of the mirror, her hands trembling slightly as her maid of honor adjusted the final touches. Her heart raced, excitement and nerves battling for control. But even as she took deep breaths, something felt... off. She couldn't place it—maybe it was just pre-wedding jitters. 

Her phone buzzed again.

**Ethan:** *I promise I won't. But don't make me wait too long. Everyone's already here, and the media's ready to broadcast this.*

**Olivia:** *Not a chance. I'll see you soon.*

She smiled at the screen before setting the phone down. Everything was perfect. Soon, she'd walk down the aisle and marry the man she loved, despite everything they'd been through.


The ceremony was about to begin. The guests had taken their seats, and soft classical music played in the background. The chatter of excitement filled the air, the attendees eager for the moment to arrive. Ethan stood near the altar, trying to steady his breathing. His best man patted him on the shoulder with a reassuring grin, but Ethan's focus was entirely on the moment Olivia would step into view.

The minutes ticked by. Guests began to glance around, checking their watches. Ethan frowned, glancing back toward the entrance. Olivia was late—only by a few minutes, but it was unlike her to keep him waiting.

Another five minutes passed, and whispers started to fill the crowd.

**Ethan:** *Where are you?*

He sent the text with increasing worry, pacing near the altar as his eyes darted toward the path leading from the bridal suite. There was no response. The officiant cleared his throat awkwardly. His best man gave him a concerned look.

Ethan dialed Olivia's number, but it went straight to voicemail. A sinking feeling began to settle in his chest.

"Where is she?" he muttered under his breath, walking toward the side of the garden to make another call. His mind raced. This wasn't like Olivia. Something was wrong.

Suddenly, murmurs among the guests grew louder. People began to look around nervously. 

"I'm going to check on her," Ethan finally said, handing his phone to his best man. He could feel the panic rising in his throat as he hurried toward the bridal suite.


In the suite, Olivia's day had taken a terrifying turn. As she was putting the final touches on her dress, someone had knocked on her door. When she opened it, two unknown women barged in, locking her in the room. She had tried to escape, but the door was bolted shut from the outside. She banged on the door, screaming for help, but no one came. 

Her mind raced. Time was running out. She couldn't let them stop her wedding. Frantic, she looked around the room, her eyes falling on the window. It was her only option.

Without a second thought, she gathered her dress and climbed through the window, her heart pounding. The ground was two stories below. There was no easy way out, but she couldn't stay locked in. Mustering all her courage, she lowered herself down, gripping the ledge. Her dress caught on the frame, ripping as she climbed, but she didn't care.

She slipped, landing hard on the ground below, her dress stained and torn. Gasping for breath, she picked herself up, ignoring the pain and ran toward the ceremony.


Ethan was about to make the dreaded announcement to stop the wedding when a commotion erupted near the entrance.

"Olivia!" he heard someone shout.

He spun around, his heart leaping into his throat. And there she was—rushing toward him, her dress soiled and her hair a mess, but her face filled with determination. 

She reached him, out of breath, her eyes wild with panic.

"I'm so sorry," she gasped. "Someone locked me in—I had to climb down from the window. I couldn't... I couldn't let them stop me."

Ethan pulled her into his arms, relief flooding his body. "You're here. That's all that matters."

The crowd watched in stunned silence, then erupted into applause.

Ethan held Olivia in his arms for a moment longer, trying to calm his racing heart. The relief of seeing her safe overwhelmed him, but as he pulled back to look into her eyes, a surge of determination replaced the fear.

"Let's get married," he said softly, brushing a loose strand of hair from her face.

Olivia nodded, still breathless but resolute. Despite the torn dress and dirt stains, she looked as beautiful as ever to him. Together, they turned back toward the altar, their hands tightly clasped.

The crowd, now buzzing with excitement and awe, watched as the couple made their way down the aisle. Soft murmurs passed through the guests—everything from admiration to surprise at Olivia's perseverance. In the front row, Ethan's mother sat with her lips pressed into a thin line, clearly displeased by the turn of events but unable to stop what was happening.

The officiant cleared his throat, smiling warmly at the couple as they reached the altar. "Well, that was certainly an entrance no one will forget," he said, his voice light. The guests chuckled, the tension finally easing.

Ethan looked at Olivia, his grip on her hand tightening slightly. "You okay?" he whispered, concerned about her physical and emotional state.

"I'm fine," she assured him, her eyes glowing with determination. "Let's do this."

The officiant began the ceremony, his words flowing smoothly, but Ethan could hardly hear him. All he could focus on was Olivia—her strength, her resilience, and the way she smiled despite everything. This was the woman he was going to marry, and nothing, not even sabotage, could stop that now.

As they exchanged vows, the media, which had been covering the event live, captured every moment. The cameras zoomed in on Olivia's torn dress and dirt-streaked face, showing her journey to the altar in all its raw, unfiltered glory. Far from being a disaster, it only made the moment more powerful—proof that love could overcome any obstacle.

The vows were simple but heartfelt. Ethan spoke first, his voice steady as he gazed into Olivia's eyes.

"I never imagined finding someone who could challenge me, inspire me, and stand by me the way you do," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "We've faced so much together, and I know there's nothing we can't overcome. I promise to always be by your side, to protect you, and to love you with everything I have."

Olivia's eyes shimmered with tears as she responded. "Ethan, you've taught me what it means to be strong, to fight for what we believe in. I never imagined that love could be like this—so full of passion, challenges, and joy. I promise to always support you, to stand by you no matter what, and to love you endlessly."

As the officiant pronounced them husband and wife, the crowd erupted into cheers. Ethan leaned in, cupping Olivia's face as he kissed her softly. It wasn't just a kiss of love—it was a kiss of triumph, of survival.

The reception that followed was nothing short of spectacular. Held in a grand ballroom draped in golden lights and floral arrangements, it was the perfect blend of elegance and festivity. The tables were adorned with crystal vases filled with roses, while chandeliers glittered overhead. Guests mingled, toasting the newlyweds, while servers passed champagne and hors d'oeuvres.

The media coverage continued throughout, with reporters eagerly discussing the dramatic events of the day. Olivia's climb from the window had already gone viral, with headlines calling her "The Unstoppable Bride." Commentators marveled at the twists and turns of the wedding, making it one of the most talked-about events of the year.

As Ethan and Olivia made their grand entrance into the reception, hand in hand, the room burst into applause. They shared their first dance to a soft, romantic tune, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Ethan whispered in her ear, "You're amazing, you know that?"

Olivia smiled, leaning her head on his chest. "I wasn't going to let anything keep me from you today."

As the night progressed and the reception unfolded in its grandeur, Ethan and Olivia made their way to the center stage. The crowd quieted down, and all eyes turned toward the newlyweds. Ethan, standing tall beside Olivia, held her hand and looked at her with pride before turning to address the guests.

"Thank you all for being here today," Ethan began, his voice warm and confident. "This day has been nothing short of extraordinary, and not just because Olivia and I are now husband and wife."

A round of applause followed his words, but the crowd was eager to hear what came next.

"We've been through challenges that tested us both personally and professionally," Ethan continued. "But through it all, we've come out stronger, and today marks a new beginning—not just for us, but for something much bigger."

Olivia smiled at him before turning to the crowd. "Today, we're excited to announce the launch of our new brand, Eva," she said, her voice clear and confident. "It's a merger of our passions and our vision, combining the best of what we've built separately into something that we believe will make a huge impact in the industry."

The room erupted into applause, the excitement in the air palpable. The announcement had been a closely guarded secret, and now that it was out, the media buzzed with new energy, eager to capture every detail.

Ethan continued, "Eva represents everything we stand for—innovation, creativity, and the belief that together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. We can't wait to share more about our projects and plans, and we're so glad to have you all here to celebrate with us."

Olivia nodded, her eyes sparkling. "This is just the beginning," she said. "Eva is about pushing boundaries, creating new opportunities, and doing it all with heart."

As the applause echoed through the ballroom, the cameras flashed, capturing the moment for the world to see. The launch of Eva had become as monumental as their wedding, with their love story and business journey intertwined in one grand celebration.

As the night began to wind down, Ethan took Olivia's hand and led her outside, away from the crowd. The cool evening air was refreshing, and the stars twinkled above them in the clear sky.

"I still can't believe what you went through today," Ethan said, his voice soft. "You really climbed down from the window."

Olivia laughed lightly. "It wasn't exactly part of the plan, but I wasn't about to let them win."

He looked at her with admiration, pulling her close. "You're incredible, Olivia."

They stood in silence for a moment, taking in the quiet. The chaos of the day was behind them, and now it was just the two of them, finally married.

"I love you," Ethan whispered.

"I love you too," Olivia replied, leaning in for another kiss.

As they embraced, the cameras continued to capture their moment from a distance, the media still buzzing about the wedding of the year. But for Ethan and Olivia, nothing else mattered. They had made it through every trial, every obstacle—and now, they were ready to face the future together.

Inside the ballroom, the celebrations continued. But outside, under the stars, it was just the two of them—husband and wife, partners for life.