Telling Mom.

Anna's pov

I came in really late last night, courtesy to Karen and Jason because they felt it had been too long since we drank together and that I was leaving soon so we kept drinking and chatting about everything and nothing.

Luckily I didn't get hungover.

Karen updated us on the happenings in our town. You know, sometimes I really wonder where she gets her news from,honestly, because, She barely leaves her house.

Unless she was going shopping or to get her hair and nails done or on an errand and these are not things she does daily.

Jason works in a small firm that's like 5 or 6 blocks away from my house so I understand where he gets his 'tea' from, but Karen, I really don't.

But anyways, so long as she's okay and it ain't fake 'tea' , I'm good.

I got up from my bed after whispering a short prayer for myself, my family and friends, washed my face and went down the stairs. My babies where already having breakfast and Mom was dressed for work.

"Anna!!-" Eva screamed, jumping off her stool and running to me as soon as she saw me coming down the stairs.

"-Nathan keeps picking my eggs, I've told him to stop but he won't listen" Tiny tears where already rolling down her face.

I took her hand and led her back to the table placing her on her stool.

"Nathan, why would you do that to your sister?" I asked him, placing my hand across his shoulders

"Her eggs are more than mine, Anna. Mommy gave her more egg-". He was looking at me with tears in his own eyes

"That's not true!!; We had equal eggs Nat" Eva interjected cutting him off

"We didn't!"

"We did!"

"Alright! Alright!-" I stopped them from shouting.

We didn't have enough food for eating not to talk of for a food fight so I had to stop them

"- I'm sure Mom didn't do it on purpose Nathan, and Eva , you should learn to share with your brother, Okay?"

"Yes, Anna". They both muttered

"Now here are some more eggs-" I gave them some of mine

"- No more fighting, Ok? Now hurry up. We don't want to miss the bus".

In few minutes we were done eating, they bid Mom goodbye and we left to the bus stop.

I waited till the bus came and left. After it had left, I started heading home.

Mom was home when I arrived, although she was preparing to leave.

"I'm back, Mom. You heading out now?"

"Yes, love".

"Okay, I wanted to tell you something."

" I'm listening" she said walking to the couch and patting that I sat beside her.

"Okay-" I was really nervous at that moment. I knew she was gonna be happy for me but I also knew it was gonna be really sad for her.

"- I'm planning to move to New York...soon". I said lifting my eyes from my hands to look at her face.

She had tears glistening in her eyes threatening to pour at any moment. But she was also smiling. I was so confused.

"Mom, please say something" I pleaded taking her hands in mine.

"Oh my baby-" she wrapped my hands in hers and brought it up to her lips kissing them. The tears were pouring without constraints now.

She brought her hands to my face cupping it and using her thumbs to wipe the tears on my chin. I didn't know they were there. I lifted my hands to wipe hers too but she stopped me.

"-they are tears of joy my love. I'm so proud of you baby. I've never been more proud of being your mother."

" Thank you so much Mom" I said as more and more tears where shed between us.

"Alright, enough tears now Annabeth. It's a good thing you have to leave Anna. Do not feel bad about it-"

"How do yo-" I started to ask in shock but she shushed me with her finger on my lips.

"I know you, Anna. You are worried about how I'd manage with my job and the kids, I know. But you seem to forget that I'm really capable baby.-"

"- We'd be fine. I'd be fine. Just make me proud okay?"

" Yes Mom.Thank you so much" I said hugging her really tightly.

"It's okay, so when are you leaving? What's your plan?" She asked sitting upright and arranging her dress.

"I have a friend I plan on staying with. Her name is Paige. She works in one of the companies over there and she lives in a 3 bedroom apartment. -"

"- I've told her of my plans already and she's cool with it. I haven't gotten any responses to any of my applications yet but I plan on getting a small job while waiting ".

"Oh wow, that's a very good one. When do you plan on leaving?"

" I plan to move on Sunday afternoon, so that I can begin my job search on Monday"

"Okay, that's cool. Have you packed your things? Today is Friday".

"Nope, I haven't, but I will start today."

"Okay then. I'd get you somethings to take to your friend. Just a token of my appreciation." She said as she began to stand up from the couch straightening her dress.

"Oh no no Mom, that won't be necessary, plus I wouldn't like to have a lot of luggage." I said holding her hands

"Oh alright then, I'd just send you the money, you can get it over there then." She said already walking to the door.

I really wanted to argue but I know my mother really well. If I refuse to take the money, she would hide it somewhere in my bag or send it physically. She doesn't stop when she decides to do something. And she was late for work already. Thanks to our little moment.

"Alright Mom, Thank you."

"It's okay. I'm off though. I think you should tell the kids when you pick them from school today."

"Alright Mom, I will"

"Okay, bye Anna. Please clean up the kitchen for me. I love you." She said half hugging me

"I love you too, Mom". I watched her leave till she was no longer in view.

I released a breathe I didn't know I was holding

Well that went better than I expected. I just hope they would be fine. Ha!, who are my kidding, I know they would be. I'm just being emotional.

I went back inside and stretched.

It was time to clean and pack.