Telling the twins

Today passed pretty faster than I thought it would. Karen had offered to pick Nathan and Eva from school while I finish my packing and cleaning the house. My back was hurting seriously. I would have just stuck to cleaning the kitchen.

After cleaning, I literally ran to the bath tub to lay in it as I had initially prepared myself a cold bath as my reward for all the hard work and really couldn't wait any longer .

The bath as expected was really nice and I had considered sleeping alittle in the tub more than 3 times, but I couldn't as the kids would be back soon and Eva never knocks.

I stepped out of the tub reluctantly and stared at my frame in the bathroom mirror.

I had put on some weight, not very noticeable but I could see it. It made me kinda happy. I didn't like being slim. Tiny frame with tangerine sized titties and a size 40 balloon ass.

Karen saw this as hot and yet she's the one getting all the guys. That bitch. Can't blame them though. Who would want to pass on a figure like that?.

Even I wouldn't.

The opening of the front door brought me back from my reverie and I rushed to get dressed and mentally prepped myself for the tons of questions and tears that I was going to handle.

When Karen offered to pick the kids, I asked her to tell the kids of my plans and that I'd be leaving on Sunday. Karen of course declined as she didn't want to be -in their case- the bearer of bad news and when I told her she could get them Ice cream and she agreed gleefully.

She never passed on the opportunity to spoil those children. I'm glad they have her.

I know the sugar may or may not work against me but let's see.

I was blowdrying my hair when I heard footsteps close to my door and hushed whispers. What where they up to now?.

My door was opened slowly and Eva and Nathan walked in looking at me with doe eyes and their cheeks tear stained.

They came to stand by my both sides each taking my hand. I got really confused and scared. Why were they acting all solemn?. I could see so much sadness in their eyes that I got really worried. It can't be just the news that's making them look this way right?

Fuck, I couldn't stand more tears today.

They both tackled me in my seat hugging me really tight and crying on my body.

I didn't say anything since they weren't ready to talk yet so I just let them have their moment then Eva spoke up first.

"Anna" she said not looking at me

"Yes baby" I pulled them closer to me.

"We are so sorry, we promise to stop fighting each other and making Mommy a headache. Please don't leave us"

Her tears kept falling freely as she put her head on my shoulder. I looked at Nathan to see him doing the same thing.

I had never been so confused and concerned. Why would they think- wait a damn minute.. I looked at Karen to see her grinning widely resting by the door frame

"I will kill you" I mouthed to her. Damn Karen!

"Hey, Hey-" I cooed them rubbing their backs.

"- I'm not angry with you and neither is Mom "

"But Aunt Karen said-" Nathan tried to chip in but I pulled him closer

"Aunt Karen pulled a prank on you guys-" I said standing up from the chair and walked to the bed to sit. They both flanked my sides. I was still holding them

"- but I'm going to leave to New York on Sunday".

"But you said you weren't angry with us, then why do you want to leave?" Nathan asked again. His usually the talker when his angry or sad and Eva the opposite. She'd just sit and observe.

"I'm leaving because I have to work Nathan. I want to go to the big city so that I can earn more money to take care of You, Mom and Eva. Do you both understand now?" I said looking at them both.

"But then we won't see you anymore, just like when you left for college". Eva chipped in this time, she had stopped crying.

"You'd come to visit when Mom is ready and I will be coming home too. Once in a while though but I'd call you guys every time. I promise.-"

"- but I need you guys to promise to take care of yourselves and Mommy too. Treat her like a baby, Okay? Make sure you leave for school early, do your assignments on time, shower after school and do not fight at school and always assist Mommy in the kitchen and in doing the chores-"

"-Can you guys promise me that?" I said. I felt my calm demeanor crushing. I really did not want to cry before them. Wasn't sure I was gonna stop if I started.

"Yes, Anna" they muttered.

"Thank you so much babies. Now who wants cookies?" I asked smiling, trying to lighten up the moment looking at them both.

"I do!" They both shouted. I knew cookies would do the trick. They were suckers for them.

"Alright now, go ahead and change them come downstairs for lunch ok?".

"Ok" they muttered and left the room. Karen walked in closing the door behind her and plopped on my bed. I struck her thigh.

"Ow!!, Anna!-" she screamed sitting up and moving farther from me.

"- what was that for?"

"Oh, so you really do not know what you did now huh?" I said facing her

" I lied to them because you did not tell me you had decided to leave on Sunday and now we have less than two days to prepare, you bitch!!!" She exclaimed, throwing a soft pillow at me.

Okay.. I may have forgotten to have told her I had decided to leave on Sunday and right now it's clear how pissed she is. I felt bad. She doesn't like to be kept in the dark and neither does Jason.

Shit! Jason doesn't either and I haven't told him yet. Oh God so I'm dead.

"Earth to Anna, Earth to Anna!!-" Karen shouted to get my attention.


"'What?' , that's all you have to say to me?" Karen asked annoyance vividly showing on her face. I swear I saw her right eye twitch.

"What?! No, that was an honest mistake. I zoned out there alittle but I'm really sorry Karen. I honestly didn't mean to keep it from you-"

" Keep what from Karen?" Jason said as he walked into the room and sat on my chair facing us.

Oh shit. I was going to be stewed now. I need saving.

"- and you too, Jason. I forgot to tell you guys that I decided to leave on Sunday. I'm really sorry guys. It really wasn't on purpose. Please don't stew me".

"Sunday?!-" Jason exclaimed

"-You have got to be kidding, Anna. We have less than a day to prepare geez".

"Just exactly what I said " Karen muttered from beside me.

"I'm really sorry guys " I said with my head down. I was tired and sleepy but I had a feeling that I wouldn't be doing much of that anytime soon.

"It's fine- " Karen spoke up. "-Atleast its not Sunday yet. Let's go make lunch then we can reconvene and talk about this. How about that?"

"Sounds cool to me. I could use some food right now." Jason said. He was at the door already. He loved food. Lots of it.

I picked my phone and saw that I had a missed call. It was from an unsaved number

As we were going down the stairs I dialed the number and the other line picked after the second ring.

"Good day, this is Anna" I spoke

" Annabeth Smith?"

" Yes?"

" I'm Carrie, I'm calling from".