Goodbyes and Greener Pastures

Believe it or not; we three slept on the same bed. My bed. And I was squeezed in the freaking middle. Apparently I'm the smallest between us three.

I've been awake since 4am thinking about this searching for greener pastures thing I was about jumping into. I have never been one to leap into the dark without a torch light but that was what I was going to do today. Running to New York on a train without knowing what was in store for me.

I got a job at Brooks as a secretary without an interview. I don't even know who is supposed to be my direct boss. I was just told a vehicle would be in front of my apartment building by 6:30am and that I should be ready. The lady wish me freaking luck. I've never felt so eerie about luck in my life.

I was going to leave my friends and family me this is a really huge leap. But some things just have to be done right?..

I began planning on how to release myself from my squeezed or squished position without waking them up so that I could start arranging my things. I did not want to be late to the train station because going to the York from here was about two hours away and it was a daily train so I couldn't afford to miss all.

I was able to wiggle my way out of the bed and my space covering immediately after. If they were this tired, why did none of them say a thing. I was going to miss this guys a lot.

Thinking of it now; how was I going to live without them?. We have been friends since eighth grade. Went to the same college. I and Karen were roomies and partly Jason because he was always around. I've never really lived without them unlike the twins and Mom.

But I had to do this. I do not want the twins to go through the same things I went through.

I brought all the shopping bags from the car to my room and made another trip downstairs to carry the boxes to my room. Mom was awake already. She was having coffee on the Island. I went to sit beside her but she shoo'ed me away saying I couldn't afford to be late. Hate to admit but she was right.

I made the difficult trip of taking the boxes up the stairs... It was really difficult. Luckily I did not wake up the twins as I passed their bedroom.

I got to my room and started parking. It was a slow process but I was done before a few minutes to 12 because Jason assisted. I didn't let Karen help because she'd make me test every new clothing and I did not want that. Time was of essence at the moment so she went to help Mom make breakfast.

I went to shower and came down for breakfast. I gave Mom and twins the things I got for them. Mom liked the scarf I got her. She had always had a thing for scarfs and Mike always got her new scarfs every week but since he died, She hadn't had on any of them.

With the scarf there was a card were I wrote;

"You do not have to act strong anymore, Mom.

I see the way you move and talk and act.

I want you to know that I'd always be there for

you, to support you, for you to lean on.

Whenever you need a break, I'd be

One Call Away.... I love you"

I could see her eyes tear up as she read it. Luckily, everyone else was busy arguing and with breakfast to notice. She cleaned the tears slowly and blew me a kiss. It felt so good..and light.

I took a bite of my toast and looked up to see what the rest were up to. Karen and Nathan yet again were arguing about something while Eva and Jason were chatting about the things they'd love to do at the fair that was going to happening later today in the town. Seeing the way they were, I was convinced they were going to be fine without me and that I was always.

"Alright!! That's enough chatter for breakfast" Mom called coming to seat on the Island with us. " Your tea's are getting cold".

We had our breakfast in silence and I savoured it but I still needed to hear their voices. I wasn't gonna be hearing it in a while but they were quiet already although I knew it wouldn't be long before the started shouting.

"Thanks Sandy. This was a nice upgrade from horrible office coffee and toast." Jason said taking his plates to the sink.

"Is office coffee that bad?" Eva asked.

"Yes love. But not in all companies though. I don't think It will be too bad in the company Anna would be working at."

"Yeah, they'd definitely have fancy coffee machines and really nice coffee and probably tea bags as well." Karen said giving me a small smile.

The conversation became louder after Nathan asked what types of coffee there were in America. Karen began listing and Jason countering and it wasn't long before the started their old couple bickering. I was enjoying the show honestly and Mom was too as I noticed; she was trying to stiffle her laughter so it wouldn't look like she was taking anyone's side.

You know they both of them would really be good for each other if Jason wasn't gay. I bet they'd make really cute and loud babies. I glanced at the clock and subconsciously jumped out of my seat.

"What the fuck, Anna?!" Karen screamed at me almost running in my direction. I think I scared her and everyone else.

"So sorry guys but it's 20 mins to 1 and the train leaves by 1!!" I said running up the stairs to get dressed. Jason and Karen took the bags down stairs and while I dressed up. I wore a hoodie with a black jean trouser and my sneakers. Brushed my hair quickly took my purse, confirmed my card and phone were present.

I flew down the stairs with the smallest box and put it in the car. Everyone was outside already. It was time to say goodbye to them. I hugged the twins first giving them a dollar bill each and kissed their foreheads.. I was going to miss 'em. I hugged Mom and kissed her cheek and climbed into the car and Jason sped off.

In no time we were at the train station. I got my ticket and checked in quickly. Saying goodbye to these two sparked tears from me and from them as well apparently. We were going to miss each other.

After promising to call each other everyday I got into the train, searched for my seat and got settled.

I was doing this.

Greener pastures, here I come.