Welcome to New York

The ride to New York was smooth. A little cold but smooth. No crying or messy children or bickering adults. It was really quiet. It gave me time to reflect on my life now or what was going to be my life as soon as I get off the train.

It was a step I was taking and I wouldn't lie that I wasn't shaking in the inside because I was. But I knew I had to get my shit together and keep moving. I was going to make the most of this opportunity, take care of my family and make my dad proud.... wherever he was.

I didn't do much on the train. Just stared at the cities, walls and trees we passed. With nothing catching my attention, I thought about anything and everything... nothing in particular and before I knew it , we were at the station.

I had finally landed in New York.

I felt myself shiver in my hoodie. The station was crazy busy. I was told the York was busy but I never imagined this busy. There were so many people with bags, on the phone, speaking to their Bluetooth whilst trying to pull a bag and hold up files. It was a lot. I was bumped back to the present by a grinning Paige. Thank God she had found me. I really didn't know how I would have found her in this sea of people.

She was holding a yellow placard which had something written on it. And she looked good. Slim but good.

We hugged..she basically squeezed me but it was okay. She looked so happy. I was too. I hadn't been here long but it felt good to see a familiar face amongst this crowd.

"How you doing?!, you look good Anna." She said checking me out like I was some material or something... She even looked behind me to check out my ass!!!!. This wasn't the Paige I knew! What the fuck had changed. It felt weird but I think I liked this new her.

"Um.. Paige". I tried to get her attention so that she could stop checking me out with people watching. "We can continue this at home.. people are watching you check me out like some fancy thing".

"Yeah, geez . Sorry I got carried away. Let's go get your luggage." She said already walking ahead. I moved faster to catch up with her. I couldn't loose her.

We got my luggages and got in a cab. As I settled in. I stared at the buildings. We passed a lot of high rise buildings and Paige gave me the names of the ones she could remember and the others she assumed they were apartments she didn't know about.

I got tired of staring tried chatting with her.

"So how has life been..you know.. in the 'York'?"

"Hmm, initially it was tough. You know. After Pa died , I came here to move on and get a life ..I think. Just wanted to leave the memories behind and focus on something else. His death held me back and down for so long because I kept thinking it was my fault. That if I had been a good daughter, stayed with him. I would have called 911 earlier, maybe it would have just been a harmless robbery and he wouldn't have gotten killed.-"

"- although I know deep down I still think it was my fault. But Instead of sulking, I decided to make him proud. I promised to be the best at everything I do. Atleast I'm sure that would make him happy.-"

"- so living in the "York" has kinda been about him but I've made some friends at work. We aren't very close but close enough as partners. How about you? How has your life been? I heard you graduated last year."

"Yeah, you heard right." I said chuckling" I graduated last year and Im here...with you. There hasn't been much going on in my life though. I've just been chilling with Jason and Karen all along then I decided to come here to search for better pastures. -"

"- I don't think I told you. I got a job at Brooks" I said smiling at her.

"Brooks!!!! Like freaking Brooks.co!!" She screamed and the driver turned to see what was going on . I waved my hand assure him that everything was okay but as I turned I realized that a vehicle was about to hit us head on, the vehicle wasn't swerving and before I could make a sentence we got hit. I hit my head on the sit in front of me. I tried to move but I couldn't.

In seconds another car hit us from behind with so much force. I tried to hold Paige close when the rear glass burst into the car and landed on me. Thankfully Paige was beneath me so she didn't get hurt..I think.

My head was lighter by the second I tried to shake it but I still couldn't move it was frustrating. A lot of people where watching from a distance. I could bet tons of them were videoing other than calling freaking 911!!!.

I hadn't heard any movement from the front since this incident. I hope the driver still has a pulse. He's the worst hit in all of this.

So much for greener pastures..

In a few minutes someone opened the door and tried to pull me out. He had an extra hand and they tried to get me out of car. When they were successful I was placed on the stretcher. The paramedic started asking questions I honestly wasn't interested in answering. Where did they take Paige and the driver. I tried to turn to look for them but I couldn't. I tried again but I didn't.

I wasn't seeing clearly anymore. I struggled. Tried shaking my head again to see if that truck would work this time but it didn't. Where was Paige?. I was loosing consciousness.But I shouldn't right? It wasn't a serious hit right? What about the driver? Was he alive?

So many questions were running through my head at this moment. I tried to ignore the dots but they were very powerful.

I gave up struggling and let the powerful arms of the spots take me.