"No touching"

My head hurts... A lot.

I was on a bed. A really stiff one. I made a mental note to tell Paige that I would love to change the mattress to something more humanly...if that's a word.

I tried to open my eyes but my lids wouldn't budge. Why did it seem like I was hit with a ton of bricks or like I was hungover. I know Paige said she was happy she had a drinking partner but I don't remember going out for drinks with her.

Scratch that.. I can't remember a thing. I tried again to open my eyes but it wouldn't budge. I cursed in frustration then I froze.

Why did my voice sound like that??!! And why did it hurt?

"Call the doctor, she's awake." I heard a voice say from beside me. Sounded like it belonged to a man or a lady with a deep voice.

Why was a man in my room and why did he say doctor. My state of confusion was growing exponentially at this moment. I forced my eyes open this time not caring if it hurt or not.

Everything was blur at first then it started getting clearer by the second. I closed it again and opened it

The ceiling was white and there was no fan in the room. I tried to sit up but I couldn't because my was hurting so much. 'Shit! Did I fall on the curb or something '. I tried to sit up again when someone held my hand. I snatched it away in reflex.

"Wtf!" I screamed turning to look at the person that tried to hold my hand. It was a man. A man?!

" What are you doing here?!" I peeked down a little to see if I was dressed. Thankfully I was. Wait a damn minute. I was wearing a hospital gown and there were tubes stuck to my arm.

I looked up at the man in confusion. I then realized that I was in a hospital room. But why? Where's Paige? Are my kidnapped?!!. 'Oh God, all I wanted was a better life'

I laid back in resignation and tried to remember what happened. Why I was in a hospital and had needles in my arm, why Paige wasn't here beside me instead of a strange kinda handsome... 'Anna, you're in a hospital. I don't think it's the best time to admire anyone '. My mind warned me. It was right though.

I closed my eyes again trying to remember but it wasn't working. I couldn't even see fragments.it was frustrating. I didn't open my eyes anymore. As for the man as long as he doesn't hurt me. I'm okay.

Soon enough I felt sleep knock on my door and I welcomed it hoping that by the time I woke up, All of this, including the man -I half hoped- would be part of some elaborate dream.


And it wasn't. I was so disappointed. I don't know what was more disappointing. The fact that I was still in the hospital or that the fineee man wasn't by my side anymore.

I tried sitting up and when I did I took the water that was on the bed stand and gulped it all down. Geezz why was I so thirsty. I looked around the room. Paige wasn't here yet.


Where was Paige.

Paige!! There was so much glass. Paige was whimpering in fear. The driver. Was he alright? Where did they keep them?

Pulled the tubes out of my hand and hurried off the bed. I groaned really loud. My body was hurting. So freaking much. But I couldn't stop. I had to find Paige and the driver. This was all my fault. If I hadn't sparked up a conversation with Paige and waited till we got home. She wouldn't have shouted. Our driver would have been able to swerve in time and He and Paige would be okay.

I made my way out of the room gripping the wall with all my might like my life depended on it. My vision was blurry once more but I didn't care. I squinted my eyes to look for the reception but I couldn't find any.

I started opening the doors on the hallway searching for the one that belonged to Paige or even the driver. I couldn't really recall what he looked like, but I felt that if I could see him I'd recognize him.

A nurse and a doctor came up the stairs into the hallway with the Mr. Handsome. As soon as I saw them I tried to hide knowing that they'd try to send me back to my room and I really did not want that.

So I opened the next door, entered into the room and hid. The door opened and I stood behind it so that whoever walked in wouldn't see me. I was scared that it would be one of the those three that I saw in the hallway.

It was a nurse. She came in to check the patients vitals. I tried as hard as possible not to make a single noise but my feet were killing me. Luckily she was done so she walked out closing the door behind her.

I immediately ran to the side of the bed and sat down leaning on the person's leg. It was really strong but I didn't care as long as it was strong enough to hold me.

I looked around the room. There were a few flowers in the room and it was bigger than mine. And better furnished . It had a large smart television on the wall and two doors by its side. I guessed that one was the toilet while the other could be a ... kitchenette? I didn't know but this room wasn't for poor people obviously or was the hospital just generous. Who knows.

I finally turned to look at the person that I was leaning on. He was sleeping and hot was an understatement. I know I thought that the other man that was in my room was handsome but this guy was on a very different level!!!.

His facial skin was so smooth my hand itched to touch it. He wasn't fair or dark. He had this delicious caramel chocolate complexion. That type of sweet chocolate that melts as soon as you put it in your mouth.

His brows look so silky and smooth, perfectly carved and they were full!!. I honestly think God cheats us women. Because tell me why a man can have such beautiful full brows, silky looking hair that I'd give a thousand bucks to touch. And his lips. Oh God. My self control was slipping really fast and I was trying really hard not to feel him.

His lips looked so good. I reached out to feel them alittle when a hand gripped mine.

"You are only allowed to look, Anna. No touching."