Welcome home?


**Beware..there would be talks about suicide and abuse etc. Just generally triggering topics.. you can skip if it makes you uncomfortable. I love you;)**


On getting to my town, I picked a taxi to Karen's house which was thankfully a 7 minute drive from the station. I turned around to the back of her house and looked up.

There was a soft light coming from her room. Thats a good sign, right?

I began to creep up the pipe to her room sneakily as the feeling of deja vu washed through me. We did this a lot in high school, with no particular reasons, we just enjoyed the adrenaline.

I scaled with ease, surprising even myself. I would have used the front but it was late and I didn't want her hypertensive mother hammering me with questions I don't have answers to.

When I got to her floor, I climbed into her balcony thankful that her doors were open. I leaped inside the room to search for her. She's not on the bed. I checked the closet, the toilet, her tiny kitchenette; she wasn't here. I felt my blood run cold in my veins.

Noo.. she wouldn't go down that lane again. She promised me she wouldn't.

I think my pounding head hadn't forgiven me yet, because as I took a step forward, it felt like the entire world was about to crash land on me. I immediately reached for the closet strongest thing around me that could hold my weight and leaned on it.

I lifted my head massaging the bridge of my nose and upward. I kept going higher, massaging both sides of my forehead at the same time.

Dear head, please let me find my best friend, I promise to stay wherever you see fit, okay?

I took in another deep breath, bolting out of the room, ignoring every protest my poor head made. Where's this headache coming from? I don't feel sick. I tried to ignore it as I creeped down the stairs to the drawing room. I looked in but she wasn't there. I checked the cinema, the gym, the pool, the kitchen and parlor. There was no sign of her.

My blood couldn't have gotten any colder as I checked the packing lot and realized that her car was missing...

Oh God, Karen. Kill me now please.

You know when you hear about suicidal people...like literally suicidal and shit and your like.. do they really exist...they must be few.. etc.

Please, pray hard so you do not meet anyone like that, and pray that if you eventually meet one, you'd always get to them before they do go ahead with such thoughts.

Pray that you'd be given the grace to talk them out of it, make them see reasons to live.

I sat down at the balcony of the house staring at the skies.

I really hope you are safe, Karen. I hope you'd keep your promise to I and Jason..

Speaking of Jason, I took out my phone to call the asshole. I froze as I looked down to my phone.

Why do I have 20 missed calls from Raymond? Is he dying? I swear I can't handle anymore tonight, my head is on the verge of bursting open here!!!

I ignored them and went straight to Jason's contact. He hasn't called me yet.. weird. I dialed his number again and again but he wasn't picking.

These guys wouldn't be the death of me.

I laid on the floor, with my arms and legs wide apart from each other. I stared at the stars thinking 20 miles per minute. My head was hurting in another level. Today is the absolute worst.

A thought popped in my head. I could ask Raymond to use his connections to search for them. Besides that's what rich people do right?.

I reached for my phone to call him.. but hesitated. Isn't it too early to ask for any favors?...

'Girll, you guys kissed today. Like french kissed. Besides from the look of things, he'd give anything to hear from you right now' My subconscious reasoned.

I reached down to feel my phone...

Fuck it.

I dialed him. He picked up before the first ring was over.

"What the fuck, Anna. I've been trying to reach you?!" Oh no...not the screams!! My head fucking hurts people!!. I gripped my pounding head pleading with it to take a fucking break as I took deep breaths.

"Anna?!, are you there?"

"Shut the fuck up, Raymond" I seethed. My voice sounding deeper than I expected it to. Sheesh, I just scolded my boss. Again. I never learn, do I?

"So sorry, I'm just worried. Are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

" Help me find these two people and take them to my mom's house. Her address is in my file. I'm going to text you their names right now-"

"Okay, I'd do that but what's wrong, why do you sound like this?"

I texted him their names and hung up.

I'm sorry baby, but I honestly do not feel like talking.

But Ray being 'Ray' kept calling back. I didn't pick. I just stared at the stars. My headache was getting worse..and my vision darkening. I was trying as hard as possible not to pass out and remain aware of my environment but I was failing miserably.

I gripped my hair really tight. Maybe an extra physical pain will help. I just need to know if they've been found.

My mind wandered as I waited for a confirmation from my boss. I thought back to my mom. Her house isn't too far from her. I wish I could roll over there and rest in her arms a little. I've missed them all.

Hot tears were rolling down my eyes and my head banged harder against my skull. My screen lighted up in my hands saying that they'd been found and were currently on their way to my mom's house.

The relief I felt was one of a kind. The headache eased up a little bit not enough to keep me conscious.

I did it.. I stopped her.

I smiled closing my eyes, welcoming the darkeness.