My heart.


I was in my office when I got a call from one of the guys I had keep an eye on Anna. He said she was on her way to the subway.

I got confused. She didn't say anything about travelling home to me. I checked my phone for any emails from her but found none. I checked my other phone for a text message since I do not receive mails on that one when I saw her text saying she wouldn't be able to make it to work tomorrow. I replied immediately asking why but I didn't get any replies. I called twice but she wasn't picking.

My heart almost stopped.

Is she sick? Was she in another accident? What happened?

So many scenarios ran through my head. The possibility of her being hypnotized, or charmed. Then I remembered the rouge king and my blood ran cold. I bolted out my seat leaving behind all the important files on my desk and ran to my elevator.

It's a really fast one but it felt like the regular one every other employee used. I raced out of the elevator to my car. Luckily there were no other cars in the parking lot so I didn't run the risk of hitting another car .

I drove as fast as I could to the subway. It was foolish but I couldn't help it.

I just need to see her atleast from afar. All I need to see are her eyes. To know if she's hypnotized.

I could tell the guys to do that but I needed to be sure. For the sake of my sanity....and others.

I saw her enter the train. I went forward to reach her but the doors were closing. Just few minutes, please.

I felt really dejected as I stood there watching the train leave. It was a train going to the town before hers. Could there be an emergency at home? If there was I would have known.

Something isn't right.

I dialed Darius's number as I returned to office. He picked on the second ring.

"Hey, man. What's up".

"It's Anna. She's on her way home."

"Home? By this time? Fernando is going to flip.. shit"

"That's if he doesn't know already" I scoffed. "Could you help me find out why? I'm going crazy here" I said pacing about the office as he hung up.

It's past 8, almost few minutes to 9pm. Anna wouldn't go on a train by this time unless it's really urgent. Fuck. She didn't even look like she was thinking.

'And how would you know that? You couldn't even see her face properly' Ritchie reasoned .

'She looked like she was in a hurry, Ritchie!! How are you even calm about this?.. Wait? What if it has something to do with how I reacted in the afternoon or because I didn't return? But I sent flowers?'

'You didn't send any flowers, dumbass. You ordered them but you didn't send them. They are on the table.'

I looked at the table to see the exact flowers I ordered.

Shit.. Fuck me!!! I fucked up.. again.

I pulled hard on my hair. What have I done? Why do I keep fucking up?!

I sat down on the floor, just beside my desk, calling her repeatedly but she wasnt picking up. I'm going crazy. I try to build up a relationship and just keep crashing it. What is wrong with me?.

I heard my other phone ring from the top of the table. It was Darius so I picked immediately.

"Please tell me you have something." I said pleadingly to him. I'm loosing my motherfucking mind.

"Yeah I have something. They guy you have on her says she's at Karen's house looking for Karen."

"Looking for Karen? Is something wrong with Karen?"

"I honestly don't know, but we are tracking her now. And also her phone records show that she's been calling Jason for a while now, she even texted but he hasn't said anything."

Speaking of Jason, I haven't heard from him in a while or seen him in our meetings. Shit. And I didn't ask.

"Hmm, that's strange. Can you track him too? If his phone is off you can use the pack tracker. That would be preferable"

"Okay, I'd do just that."

"Yeah. So he hasn't noticed any other thing? Maybe her eyes?"

"Her eyes?.. Wait a damn minute. Let me call him back." He hung up and I paced about about. I unbuttoned my shirt and sat on the couch as the phone rang again.

"Yeah, anything?"

" Yeah. He says her eyes are normal but that he thinks she's been having a splitting headache because she kept massaging her forehead and the bridge of her nose. This could be really bad, Raymond."

" Yes, it's bad already. I'm going there now. Inform me of her movements.. please." I said picking my wallet and suit jacket. Something told me I'd be needing it.

I ran to my elevator tapping the parking lot button for the second time tonight. What's wrong with today. I'm really hope she's alright..

My screen lit up beside me, I turned to see who it was. As soon as I saw the caller ID I picked, not caring if I was going to get hit.

"What the fuck, Anna?!, I've been trying to reach you?!" I said in one breath. Driving faster than I've ever driven before.

"Anna?! Are you there?"

"Shut the fuck up, Raymond." Shit, she's angry.

'No shit, Sherlock. Your screaming at someone with a fucking splitting headache '


"So sorry, I'm just worried. Are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

" Help me find these two people and take them to my mom's house, her address is in my file. I'm going to text you their names now." Her voice...her voice is strained. Like she's struggling to talk. My heart.

My speed increased. I saw a police vehicle trying to keep up. He knows his going to loose so why keep up. I increased my speed.

"Okay, I'd do that, but what's wrong, what's going on?, why do you sound like this? Please speak to me, baby." I pleaded. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I saw a notification pop in as she hung up.

No, baby. Don't hang up on me.

I called her line again like five times but she wasn't responding.

I was in the town closet to hers as I called Darius.

"Have you found them?"

"Just a second.... Yes we have. Karen is at a cemetery.. and Jason is at a warehouse.." he said in shock " What would they be doing there?"

" I really don't know, Get every personal information on them that you can pay your hands on. But right now get some people to take them to her mom's house like right now.. where is she now?" My heart felt heavy.. like I wasn't going to like what I was going to hear next.

"She's lying on the floor at Karen's parking lot. Duke says it seems like she'd be loosing consciousness soon."

"Fuck Darius!!!! And we can't let her see Duke!"

"Nope we can't. Where are you though?"

" I'm about entering her town. Send me Karen's address now"


Shit. Fuck. Shit.

I texted her that they'd been taken there. And sped to the address Darius sent.

As soon as I got to the gate, I killed the engine and climbed over the gate. How did she get in?

I looked around for the parking lot. When I did, I saw my angel on the ground. I felt my heart crack.

I made my way towards her as I got to her, her head fell to the side and her eyes shut.

No baby! No! You can't do this to me.

I texted Darius to quickly send me the address of the closet clinic. I sped off to the gate with her in my arms. They were locked. I let Ritchie do what he wanted with it -it was bad.. really bad- and left to the clinic.

Baby, you can't leave me. I just found you.