Welcome home.


Why is everything so bright? Why is everyone on green? Is this some kind of lame ass dream or something ..

'Miss Annabeth, can you hear me? Look at my fingers.. what number is this? Please reply if you can hear me'

I wanted to talk but I couldn't. I closed my eyes again. It's a fucking dream.


My eyes lids feel heavy and Paige is breathing down on my arm. I feel so tired. Will I be able to make it to work today? Naa.. I have to go.

I tried to get up but there was a sharp pain in my head, it went straight to my eyes.. What the fuck??!! Did I bang my head or something?

I tried to recall if I did bang my head but nothing. This better be some lame ass joke. I tried sitting up again when a really loud sound rang in my ears. It was from a machine beside me.

I forced my lids open to see that I was in a hospital. My heart sank. Have I been in a dream all this while? I looked around for Paige. I saw her beside me. She's okay. What about the driver.

'Oh my God' I rushed to stand up from the bed, ignoring the protest my head was giving. I have to find the driver.. I really hope his okay.

"Hey hey, where are you going" Paige said running to my side in seconds "Are you okay? Is something wrong? Do you want to use the toilet?"

"You are okay, Paige-" I said amidst tears. "-I'm so glad you are okay" I dragged her into my arms and hugged her really tight.

"I'm choking, Anna."

"I'm so sorry" I said releasing her "How about the driver, did he survive?"

She was looking at me in shock..her eyes clouded with tears. My heart sank again.

"What's the matter, Paige? Is anything the problem?"

" You..you don't remember anything?"

" What things are you talking about "

"Working for Raymond, liking him, going home to look for Karen-"

"Thinking she committed suicide" I completed for her in thoughts and...confusion... So it wasn't a dream then, it was real.

" I passed out, didn't I?" I said in a low voice with my head down.

"Yes , Anna!!!. In a parking lot! What were you thinking?! What if Raymond hadn't come for you or found you? It's not fair, Anna." She said breaking down in tears.

I want to console her but I can't. I'm too ashamed of myself to do that. I fucked up but I had to. I couldn't let Karen die.

I sat back inside my bed letting my head fall back. Mom would be so worried. Shit. This is messed up.

I had to do it but I put myself in danger , again.

"How's Karen?"

" She's fine, and down. She's been crying since she heard what happened to you and Jason...its better you see him yourself"

"Why is that? Is something wrong with him?"

" It's better you see him yourself, Anna. As for Raymond, his pissed as fuck.. he's been here since then looking dead as his eyes no longer had tears to share...his pissed, Anna."

"God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make anyone worried, I just -"

"It's not on you, Anna. Really. What happened to you was unfortunate. Raymond is angry because you didn't ask him to help on time and wouldn't tell him where you were. Now that's where you fucked up.-"

"- knowing that I was going to be closing late you should have spoken to someone, babe."

" I wasn't thinking, Paige" I said laying back on my side and facing the other side. " All I wanted to do was save my friend. Don't you think I would have gotten a rental vehicle and driven myself if I was that keen on dying? I almost died once. I don't want to die again-"

"-I want to be alone please " I said shutting my eyes. I do not want to think right now. Atleast I'm sure everyone is okay... I'm so sorry, Momma.

And everything went black again.


I woke up this time feeling less pain in my head and really ready to face everyone. I was surrounded by everyone. I skimmed through the crowd looking for one person. Where is he?

Karen had tears pouring down her eyes, Jason's head was low, Mom sat beside me and the twins cuddled my both sides. So much for coming home..it wasn't supposed to happen this way.

" I'm really sorry guys" I croaked out looking at them. " I'm so sorry Mom, I didn't mean to get you worried.. I just wasn't thinking." Warm tears poured from my eyes. Thinking about it now, Paige was right, I should have called Raymond. Whatever damage control I have to do now would take a while.

" It's okay, baby... For what it's worth, I'm so glad to see you. I've missed you" There were tears in her eyes. She really did.

" I missed you too, Mom. My babies are sleeping right?" From my position I couldn't tell if they were awake.

" Yes dear, they are."

I looked at Karen...she looked really tired.

"I'm so sorry, Karen. For not trusting you... And for probably scaring the shit out of your parents and for knocking over your dressing table" I said the last part in between laughs knowing I didn't.

"Like you'd dare.. Its no time for jokes, Anna. You didn't believe in me.. I wouldn't do that for any reason. I was just sad and lonely and couldn't call you back because there was no service.. that's all.-"

"- Remember when you had an accident, did we come running? We hadn't heard from you in like how many days but we trusted you.. you didn't trust me. I promised you I wouldn't."

" I'm so sorry, Karen. I wasn't thinking..I was just I don't know...I think I needed you guys too. There I said it. I missed you guys a lot, so when this happened I was here in seconds without thinking about anything. Please forgive me guys."

"It's okay, baby. Now I and Karen are not the only ones paranoid. Welcome to the crew.." Mom said giving a toothy grin.. I know I said her jokes were boring but this is one and the fact that she's not angry is sus..

"Momma.... What happened?"

" What are you talking about?" There it is...the light I haven't seen in years shone brightly in her eyes. Oh, I'd question you later, young lady.

" Jason." I called. His head has been down the whole time. " What's wrong? Did Antonio put it in the wrong hole?"

"Annabeth!!!" Mom and Karen screamed making the twins jerk by my sides. I roared in laughter as Mom covered her ears..Yep, dramatic Mom.

"My babies, you're awake" They sat up kissing my both cheeks.

"Anna, is it true that you almost died?"

" Yeah, in a parking lot? That's so lame."


"Yeah, Anna. And there was a really pretty man with big arms, he stood over there" Eva said pointing to corner just beside the door. A faint smile crept across my face. He was here.

"You are red, Sis."


"Alright, that's it. Get of my bed, you tiny demons." I said tickling them off my bed. Rabbits.

" Alright guys, I'd need some privacy with Karen, Paige and Jason".

" Why!! We are family. No secrets, remember?" Eva said wiggling her tiny eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, I said no secrets asides girl talk" I said making a face and sticking out my tongue. Damn I missed these guys.

" Uncle Jason is a boy" she croseed her tiny arms across her chest giving me a sly smile.

" Well he's been permitted to join. But you, Mom and Nat are not. So shoo.. or else I'd tap this tiny button and the doctors would give you the needle." She visibly shook at the 'needle word'. Nailed it!.

She huffed and walked out of the room, Nathan following her closely behind.

"Alright dear, we'd go get you pasta. I know you missed that."

" Thanks, Mom."

"It's alright baby. Welcome home."

She blew me a kiss and closed the door behind her.

" Soo..Jason. Did he really put it in the wrong hole?"
