Showdown (Part 1)

"Alright, let's think rationally, I doubt even in a weakened state I'd be a match for this thing even with my full power… Let's try using that tactic. It's annoying without help but it will buy me time to figure out what's going on here." 

"Why am I not transforming? What the fuck is this shit? Hmm, can I create a berry?" 


"Okay, so not everything is impossible. And I can use that strategy. But fuck this is going to be a pain. Hopefully there are other players here who could team up with me even if only temporarily. Until then I don't have a choice." 

"Oh? You want to fight? You overestimate yourself. You are nothing more than playthings. I am giving you the honor of feeding my belly. To become part of something greater! Though you're a pathetic creature you're at least worthy of being my food." 

"If you think I'm just going to roll over and let you chomp those fangs into me… You're sorely mistaken! Dryas Drive!" 

A thick green aura enveloped Night Silver as her shout sounded out. Picked up by the ears of some others. They were already heading towards the scene. 

"How dare you refuse my kind offer." The dragon roared. 

"Did… Did you just roar at me?" 

The large dragon roaring again, began a sprint towards Night Silver. Her brow twitched in frustration. Then set the berry she made in her mouth. And from a stand still she sprinted to her left in a mad dash. 

"The time for talk is over now. Let's see here. Tier one spells worked for some reason. Fortunately Dryas Drive can be cast at any tier. A shame it's not a Super Tier version. But it'll have to work for now. Let's see now… How about Bear's Endurance?" 

A light wrapped around Night Silver. 

"Good, Tier 2 works now. I'll figure out why later. But I can at least keep running forever now. Perhaps it'll be a progressive thing." 

"World Piercing Horn" 

"Huh? He's catching up to me? The fuck? My speed enchantment should still be in effect. This thing is fast for an injured bastard. And what was with that spell?" "SOFTEN EARTH! TRIPLE MAXIMIZED BOOSTED ARCH MAGIC - SPIKE GROWTH!!!" 

In that instant three massive spikes shot up from the ground slowing the dragon down. It may have been slowed but it certainly wasn't stopped.


Night Silver gave a smirk. "How to fight intelligent foes 101: Drag the fight until they make a mistaken assumption. Then double & triple down on it… So glad I read that book my friends made. It's already come in handy." 

"SO IT'S TRUE! DIE! YOU ABOMINATION!" The dragon roared as it's neck swayed in an erratic pattern, stomping the ground as it did so. The earth shook with a tremendous rattling sending the equivalent of earthquakes in all directions. 

"Hmm, a phase change? Shit… This is bad. Can I use Tier four yet? Here's hoping… It looks like this dragon is going to use its breath attack… What is up with this difficulty setting? And why is this dragon so fucking big!" 

"DIE!" The dragon roared out with a seriously widened cone of dragon's breath. 


Three Spherical shells appeared around Night Silver just as the dragon's breath enveloped her form. From above this scene would look like an ant helpless before the fury of the sun itself. And the shields felt the weight of that. They were quickly showing cracks. 



"AHAHAHA! 4th tier Dryas Drive! And Maximize Boosted Arch Widened Magic - Commune with Nature!" 

A burst of energy, devoid of corruption, spread out in all directions. The green aura around Night Silver grew several times thicker. Her eyes are reminiscent of the color of nature. 

"Summon swarm! Maximize boosted magic - Mass Bear's Endurance! Air walk!" 

"Huh! What? You're up there! Then I guess I'll eat you where you float!" 

The Dragon started flapping its wings getting ready to ascend. 

"Thankfully I have some passive healing at no mana cost. Otherwise I'd definitely be close to or dead by now. And I have to finish this fight soon. Those things closing in… Don't seem like they would be friendly. And… I'm gonna grab all of those items around on the ground. Silent Summon Nature's Ally 8th; Earthen Golem." 

"Why are you just waiting there? Forgot I could fly? Typical stupid lower life form." 

"He doesn't seem as energetic as before. But that could be a ruse. And he's got friends coming. Even if they are only half as strong… I have to leave. I don't know where to go yet. Let's see if there are any players…" 

The giant dragon flew at high speed with its mouth wide open. 

"POISON FOG! Summon exchange! I'm sorry little guy.

The dragon ate the entire cloud of fog and a tiny rat, all in one gulp. That's just how massive this dragon was. It seriously looked like it could take bites out of the world. 

"That was way too close. Message!" "Arch Plant Growth!" 

A tree sprouted up from seemingly nothing. All while Night Silver waited for a response. And then… 

"Huh? Why does it feel like someone is communicating with me? And it doesn't… What?"

"Huh? My message spell… connected? What? How? Alright, if one picked it up then… Open mass communication!..."

"Huh?" "Are you getting this?" x50

There were now 51 entities nearby all connected to this call. Night Silver had a scary feeling but decided to be hopeful either way. 

"This is a call to any and all nearby players! Immediate aid requested! Will give rewards! World Class Boss Enemy Encountered. I'm holding on by the skin of my teeth here! ALL ARE WELCOME! It's Druid of Night Silver! If you can hold this damn thing off for just a bit I can promise it's going down! OH SHIT! HURRY!" 

A couple of the dragons nearby were confused as hell looking to each other for answers. And for some reason the 50 of them were still connected. 

"It doesn't matter who that is. Or what they call it. That burst of natural power, and the sense I got when they said druid… It's likely the place we're going. If they made a promise then they must have something. This might be a substantially easier fight if we join forces with whoever that is." 

"Hmm, let's trust them for now." 

The call dropped as these dragons picked up the pace. 

"Just great, I had a feeling it was those dragons that I contacted. Now I'm sure of it… Friend or foe… That's the question now ain't it…"