Showdown (Part 2)

If I had my full power you wouldn't be able to put up a fight, or hurt me, much less kill me." The dragon landed, clearly annoyed. "You're nothing more than food for my belly." He snarled. "JUST DIE ALREADY!"

"Never! I refuse to die here. Arch boosted over Earthquake!"

The ground began shaking relentlessly causing the dragon to attempt flying again. Just as it flew up a little bit. Night Silver smirked. She felt it, the thrill. The challenge was real. But more than that, she felt like she could use it now. 

"Arch Storm of Vengeance!"

"What the fuck is this!"

At the far reaches of their sight, Night Silver saw some of the forms flying her way. 

"Arch Over Boost Maximize Extended Magic - Draconic Transformation. Phoenix Flame." 

Night Silver began what looked to be one of the most painful experiences one could possibly endure. A transformation from a small elven figure into the giant form of a dragon. Claws, long neck, wings, tail and sharp ass teeth with powerful jaws. 

"Count yourself lucky, I've only been forced to use this 3 times before." … "It may be an 8th tier spell but it holds an amalgamation of power. I was hesitant to use it but if I have to fight with dragons at my side… I'd rather be in this form. Much easier for pick-up allies to help out if they have the same form as yourself. Though I don't really like how they now know I can do this… Oh well. This form is quite strong and the golem has reached a safe… " The golem's view came in loud and clear… "I'm gonna fuck the damn dragon up!"

ROAR!! The dragon roared, ferociously. 

The powerful roar of a dragon left Night Silver's new form. It was a sound filled with fury. One that caused the dragon she had been fighting to shiver slightly. 

"Arch Maximized Boosted Magic Bear's Endurance. Arch Maximized Boosted Magic Bull's Strength. Arch Maximized Boosted Magic Owl's Wisdom. Arch Maximized Boosted Magic Cat's Grace. Arch Maximized Boosted Magic Tier 10 Dryas Druid! Arch Maximized Boosted Magic Tier 10 Call of the End! Triple Arch Maximized Boosted Magic Graviton Ball!" 

Night Silver's now draconic body was boosted to absolute maximum. In fact, her ability right now, stands at about half that of this dragon's total capability. 

Stunned by the sudden change of events, the enemy just stood there still shaking as a result of the earthquake beneath him. 

"I am the Dragon Emperor! All dragons MUST BOW TO ME! OR DIE!" 

"Finally, I have a name. It's rude not to introduce yourself before a battle." 

"You know… Maybe you aren't that bad after all. I'll make you one of my lesser queens. With strength like your's I'm sure you'll have…" 

The dragon stopped talking as he finally started feeling the effects of the graviton balls. To which he quickly swatted them away in a panic. 

"You know, first you tried to eat me. Now you're trying to use my body for your own needs? Disgusting. It almost makes me want…" 

At that moment a pair of dragons came hurtling down at a shallow angle driving right into the side of the dragon emperor. The sound of these two impacts rang out. 

The force of this impact sent shockwaves out and toppled the dragon emperor over on his side. 

His neck flapped around like a whip and his head slammed into the ground with a thud, creating a split in the ground as the dragon emperor's blood started flowing. 

And then in what could only be a fit of rage. The dragon emperor roared out. His massive head lifted up to snap at the other dragon that hit him. 

"You're dying first!" 

"Oh my, you want to kill me? But father, you'd kill your own daughter?" 


The dragon emperor snapped, catching the other dragon's tail in his jaws. As he stood up, whipping his head around in a wild whipping motion the one dragon he caught was slammed into the ground creating craters with the sheer force of the throws. 

"We're here, do what you need to do!" Another dragon called out. 

The scene before Night Silver turned from causing her a thrilling despair of a challenge into one of terror. "This is why player's weren't allowed to play as dragons. These dragons need to be controlled. Is this the right thing to do? Should I actually swap sides now? No…" 

A dragon landed next to Night Silver standing shorter than her. A clear representation of their respective powers. 

"You are? That Night Silver, yes? Tell me about this plan." 

"I can't tell them the specifics… But…" "First, are all of you prepared that you might not make it back alive?"


"No time for that. Yes or No?"

"Yes, we came here knowing that we would struggle to beat our father…"

"Good, Then don't blame me for what happens. There will be a moment when I tell you to scatter. If you aren't at least 3 lengths of my body away from that bastard… You will be injured. That I can promise. I'll try to concentrate on it more but…" 

"Hmm, no need to worry. This is a chaotic field. I'll tell the others to scatter when you say. Alright, time for a tumbling I guess." 

The smaller dragon took off joining in the fray. A thunder of dragons fighting it out… 

"If I wasn't built as strong as I am… Or had little exposure to world class enemies… Alright, no time to think stuff like that. This will take me a lot of time to prepare. Back in the game it took 10 minutes to charge. I always felt bad for my friends when they were holding the enemy back. But this time… I somehow don't feel back about it at all. Here goes…" 

In the area immediately around Night Silver, grew thick and hazy like a mass of power was surging. Along with this haze came the shining brilliantly flickering glow of a grass green light. Green colored spell circles appeared in a giant dome all around her. 

"What the hell is that?" 

"Keep fighting! Whatever that is, we must not let it be interrupted."

"Oh? So that elf is your trump card?" 

The dragon emperor smirked, sending a high powered stream of dragon's breath directly at Night Silver. She didn't flinch in the slightest as five other dragons combined their own breaths to knock the attack away. 

"Just focus on that. You'll be… Hmm, that's some resolve you got there sister, I'm liking you already." 

"I'd tell you how long, but I'm not sure we have the same sense of time. Just wait a while. This attack is any but easy to pull off." 

Night Silver smirked as she managed to activate the second half of her plan. All the green was accompanied by a red color. The two spells were now charging to full power. This was a feat only two others in all of Yggdrasil had pulled off. But she was the only one to do it more than once. A double cast is one thing but…