Cleaning the Battlefield

The dragons seemed a little confused by the human's words. Though they could feel the sense that he wasn't being rude. One walked closer, he was likely the oldest of the surviving dragons. 

"Human? You don't mean their sacrifice has been in vain?" 

Nekonyan was still confused, some of the others were as well. So he was quite trying to think of what the right way to frame his thoughts was. When Night Silver spoke up in his stead with a sigh. 

"He, like the rest of us, is from a different culture as opposed to you and your kin. To show our respect for the fallen. We keep their memory close. And live the best we can. It's not about regret." 

The dragon near them was taken aback by the logic for a moment but started to think about it deeper. 

"You have an interesting culture… But what about that undead?" 

"Oh, this… We can talk more about it later. But in short we are, oh how do I explain this… Know what? Lady Druid of Night Silver, you've been doing a bang up job already. Why not continue?" 

Night Silver heaved a heavy sigh. 

"Fine… Sir dragon. All of us here are actually human. Or… We used to be. Though it seems some here still are. Through some means unbeknown to us, we became like this… The version of ourselves we played as in a role playing game." 

The dragon let out a heavy thought provoking sound. 

"Alright. We should have more discussion later. We need to tend to our wounds…" 

"And what will you do about the corpses of the fallen?" 

"Hmm, we tend to allow our brethren to have their final rest where they fell. Is that a problem?"

"No, I just thought, if they gave up their very souls, would you willingly waste their corpses?" 

"So what do you have in mind then?" 

"Well, for starters, I'd like to make this area a lush greenery and fill that crater I made with water, turning it into a lake." 

"I don't understand? What does that have to do with my family's corpses?"

"I'll just do it so you can see it in action. It'll take some time though… Say can you start tending to their wounds? We might be able to solve this problem more quickly. Besides, I think you've got an idea about a country of some kind or something like that?"

Kikotenshin Nekonyan gulped realizing that he now had to think of what comes next. 

"Yes, I did make mention of that earlier didn't I… I was half bluffing but… It would get boring if we were all alone. And building a nation sounds like it could be fun." 

"Let's do it! And make it a place without the hell we lived in." 

"Uh… I'm confused… Heal our wounds? You have magic like that?"

"Yes, I can heal just about anything. But I'm limited right now. It's like only magic that's been used before or has similarities to what's been used…" 

"Don't worry about it too much, it just takes time to get used to it. I'm a druid so it was way easier for me to connect with this world's nature. And now I can do this." 

Using magic, Bumps of earth rose up underneath the dragon corpses and moved them out of the way. With outstretched hands, a torrent of rain appeared, all collecting in one spot above the center of the crater. 

"This is the power of what you call a druid? Creating rain clouds like that?" 

"Well, I suppose she's doing it this way to conserve effort. I'd be exhausted after two super tier spells. Just how high are her stats?" 

"Huh? You mean there's another way?" 

"Create Water! See, it's actually a pretty basic spell to be honest with you. Everyone that study's magic should be able to learn it. Especially druids, priests, clerics, wizards and sorcerers." 

"That's amazing! With magic like that one would be able to stay clean. Hmmm… Now then. Let's talk business while Nature's Mother works." 

Night Silver in that moment, felt a surge of power swell up from inside her. It was different, but felt familiar enough to know what it was. She leveled up. 

"Say… I feel very different." 

The giant ball of water fell and filled in the crater, filling it about halfway with water. Night Silver looked at her hands, then closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling. 

A breeze followed her breath as if the air itself wanted to be with her. "This… Is definitely not the class I had before. I feel like it's another rare level class of some kind. Nature and I feel closer than ever… No, that's not it… It's as if we are one in the same… Like my will, would be done. I'm going to have to temper this to avoid accidental catastrophes. Yikes." 

"Well this is new, let's see… with my boosts I can make Create Water nearly a 5th tier spell. How strong would it be then?" … "Triple Maximized Boosted Over Arch Nature Magic - Create water!" 

Night Silver's hand stretched facing the half filled crater… Three spots appeared focused around her palm. Water then flowed at a rate so fast, the streams of pure water looked like they were solid. And the lake quickly filled up with water. 

"WOAH! That was the first tier spell right?" 

"Yeah… I cast it at the 5th tier and as natural magic to give it a boost from my other abilities… I wasn't expecting that level though. I filled the lake in a matter of mere moments. Now it's time to give it an ecosystem. Mass Summon of Permanence - Freshwater Fish."

Suddenly the absolutely massive lake had several fish swimming around as if they had always been there. 

"Maximize Widened Magic Grow Plants." 

Following Night Silver's second spell another natural feat occurred. Various plants grew, transforming the, once crater, into a welcoming place for all. 

"I still don't see what this has to do with the bodies?" 

"I'll make 36 statues to represent them. And space them out around this lake, facing the center. And then we can make use of the bodies to help advance this world. In this way, we will honor their sacrifice. And embody their resolve by making use of their parts. This is how to show the greatest respect to the dead." 

"Hmm, I see. We would also eat every part of the creatures we consumed. Bones and all, it's different when it's one's own kind being talked about but… Is that how you all feel?"

"Yes, hearing that our kind has been reduced to little more than toothpicks is not an enjoyable feeling." 

"Well, so long as we don't see you do it… I guess it will be easier to accept for the others. Now then… I gave that one a title. I wonder what should be done for you 6?"

Night Silver ignored the rest of the discussion opting to finish her task of creating 36 perfect statues. Even for her, this was anything but quick. 

After what amounted to a long discussion between Nekonyan and the eldest dragon lord, the other dragon lords were healed and Night Silver had finished the statues. 

"Ah, all done. I'll call it… Lake Fallen Cry."