Showdown (Part End)

The emperor dragon for the first time during this fight was actually scared. He had moments of mild worry, like seeing the magic around Night Silver. But this time, he couldn't move enough to get out of the way. 

"These damn things are in my way!" 

The emperor dragon dried out, forcing his body to move in a last ditch effort. And just in time too. Because as the beam attack vengeance of souls came into contact with him, it missed all of his vital points. Though it missed the emperor dragon's vital points he could still heal them later and so he…

"AHAHAHA! You're a failure! Even with the full might of your siblings together you failed to kill me! You utter… FAILURE!" 

The dragon emperor roared out with laughter, mocking his son as the energy from the beam faded, and the young platinum dragon began falling to the ground, exhausted. 

"You really think that was the ace in the hole, don't you?" 

"Oh? A puny human is daring to speak to me in such a disrespectful manner." 

The 6 guild members were grouping up. 

"Of course, because you're about to find out just how weak you really are." 

The emperor dragon snarled at the smug comment. And then chuckled no longer bothered by the summons. 

"I'm going to eat you first. Then I'll go snack on the various other morsels I've got saved up. I'm going to need a lot more nourishment to heal these wounds you see. How about it? Want to see what we dragon's do to humans like you?" 

The 6 guild members shook for a moment, then put the thought out of their mind. Being dragon food was not the best thought to have when surrounded by them. And doubly so while in a place one knew nothing about. Nekonyan glanced over to see the area was truly clear and gave the signal to teleport. 

"Heh, you won't be able to do shit when you're dead. And as for the people, we'll be taking them under our care. Probably form a nation? Who knows? What we do know is that you're not going to be around to see it." 

"Greater Teleportation!" 

Surshana quickly activated his spell and the 6 guild members had left the area. And the summons had been called away. Freeing the emperor dragon. 

"AHAHAHA! I'm free! You're…" The emperor dragon said, stopping as he looked up. "What is that?" 

Night Silver's wings spread out as she let out a roar, announcing her presence once more. Sending a shiver down the emperor dragon's spine. His instincts began screaming. 

"You know, it's rude to forget about a lady like this. First you wanted to eat me? How lude. And then you wanted me for my body, gross. But now you forget about me? Oh the horror. Okay, just for you. I'll show you exactly why my name is feared and respected by everyone." 

"You forget I can move now!" 

The emperor dragon tried to take a step forward but found himself unable to move in the slightest. And that's when he realized this was another spell

"Since when!" 

"Oh that little thing? I put it there when… know what, You don't need to know. Now die, you'll do that for poor little ol me won't you?" 

Night Silver teased as her body began to revert back to normal. Once her form was finished changing back. Her stunning appearance lifted the hearts of a few of those 6. Who each quickly received pinches. 

"This thing can't hold me forever!"

"You're right about that. But it doesn't need to. Stupid. So much claiming you had smarts. What happened? Brain rot? Did it go smooth? Or are just feeling a bit breezy inside right now? Either way it doesn't matter… COMBINED SUPER TIER MAGIC - DIVINE DRYAS STRIKE ENDS THE WORLD!" 

The 6 guild members put on sunglasses to avoid being blinded. The dragons on the other hand turned away a little bit, still wanting to witness the moment their bastard father bit the dust. 

The night lit up with a fury of nature's strongest magic. Pulses of power radiated out in all directions. And this was just the very beginning. A single winding pillar of nature's life, illuminating the scene in a soothing green light, erected from the ground. Another pillar descended from the sky of nature's end, illuminating the area with deep red, so dark it looked almost black. 

The two pillars met in the center of the sky. They began twisting into each other causing massive whirlwinds to befall the whole combat zone. Engulfing the emperor dragon in a powerful blow of constant agony. As the pillars twisted together they brought each other closer to their origin points. With every passing moment the pillars grew closer to becoming one, the larger they became. 


The pillars finished twisting together the moment the emperor dragon tried to move. Ripping him into shreds so small there was nothing but bits and pieces of him. 

The spell then collapsed in on itself incinerating everything that had been left. Leaving nothing but a vacuum until the air rushed back in with a wild rush. Forming a natural tornado that petered out rather quickly. 

The dragons looked absolutely flabbergasted. And just like that the battle that started upon her arrival ended. Night Silver stretched up to the sky with a victory smile on her face. And the sun started rising over the horizon. As if to welcome the dawn of a new age. 

The light from the morning sun illuminated the now calm, once chaotic, battlefield. And then the losses became clear, though Night Silver didn't feel any pity for them. That would be disrespectful when…

"It's a shame really…" 

"What's a shame, guild master?"

"All these dragons… Would we have stood a chance if it weren't for them and the Druid of Night Silver? I doubt it. What if another… These losses… It hurts to think…"

The living dragons started getting irritable. It was as if they were going to pounce on him for some reason. Night Silver ran over and grabbed Nekonyan by the collar making sure he couldn't get away. 

"Are you really that stupid you can't understand? How about all of you?" Night Silver bellowed, she understood and she understood the others didn't know but… "If I don't hurry up and make a show of this, those dragons will turn on us. I could win but… It would be too annoying to gain information about this world without them." "Every single one of them came here willingly. Knowing they were unlikely to make it back. Pitying their deaths is insulting to them and to the ones who survived. You may not have been here but…" 

"Oh, I didn't mean any disrespect. It's just… A shame they can't bear witness to the ultimate victory."