The First Rescue

It wasn't long after the 6 great gods left through the gate before people started appearing from the other side. Dressed in nothing but rags or less they came through the get terrified. Yet, once they crossed the threshold, it was like an overwhelming sense of collective relief. 

"They really have been treated terribly. It almost reminds me of our previous world… Yeah, that won't do. A place for the people is absolutely necessary. It may not be a Utopia, but we can always work towards such a lofty goal… Time to get them taken care of."

Night Silver smiled with some difficulty, the castle's maids had already been mobilized and stood at the ready. But even though they knew the number of people that might come through, it was clear that this would take all day. 

"A good thing we took the time to teach the other humanoids how to cook. Otherwise I really would be… No, either way I am overworked here."

"Welcome to your new home. Women and children follow these maids to get cleaned up. Men, you'll follow these maids. Once you've had a nice refreshing bath, you'll be given a clean set of clothing and some food." 

The people, seeing an elf speak to them so plainly… Was confusing. Or was it the smile? Or was it the safety? Or perhaps that they could see a sight of children laughing. Some people didn't want to leave each other's side. Small families or just really close and they refused to part. 

"Meow, Lady Mother Nature. It seems there are some that desire to be difficult. They refuse to part ways for this time." 

"Hmm, I had a feeling this would happen. You choose another maid to help you, I'll prepare another bath."

Night Silver floated up to hover just above the ground. She cast several spells in quick succession. The once grassy field had been reformed into a steamy bath house. Well, the house was a bit of a stretch, it didn't have a ceiling, but it did have walls. 

"Those of you who feel uncomfortable separating from your families, even for a short while, I understand and have created a separate place for you. I only ask that you don't overwork the maids in this one." 

"A GOD! Like the others!" 

"Listen to their words! Disobeying a god's words is too sinful."

"Hmm, not sure if I'd go that far… But at least it gets the point across. I'll take it. And give a smile to my kin." 

The maids went to work taking care of a variety of things, Night Silver did as well. Making clothes for this many people was anything but smooth sailing. She also made sure to take note of any problems she noticed as they took care of the people. 

"It's a lot of work. But it's worth it." 

A few of the new elves had approached Night Silver. Most of them were wearing the clothes that had been made. Others were still stark bare, though it was a shock… It wasn't a surprise to her. She took out several large cloths, and started handing them out. 

"It seems there aren't enough clothes to go around. Please, wear these for now, my children." 

"I knew it, the moment I first saw you." 

And the elves kneeled, their ears twitching in excitement a childish, innocent happiness. 

"Hmm, you noticed something?" 

"Yes, you are our kin's Guardian Mother. We felt a change several days ago, now we know why. Please, mother, allow us to help you in any way we can." 

"You're all so kind. I'll start by teaching you a few things about making clothes by hand. But… Hmm, though… If you trust me to provide you with clothing and shelter, would you who have yet to receive a proper outfit be willing to help bathe the new arrivals?" 

"As you wish mother!"

"Alright, then please go and lend your aid. Men, go help the men's bath Women… Go to the women and children's bath. The family bath should be fine. Children, you go play with the others." 

"And what of the rest of us? The ones who have been blessed with clothes already?"

"You'll be learning directly from me on how to make clothes."

"Mother! Let us help make clothes too." 

Night Silver patted the young elf child on his head. Between the head pat and the smile, the child felt an immense joy, the innocence was nothing short of priceless. 

"Priceless innocence, I can't ask them to work. Children should be children. Laughing & playing. Learning how to have fun and enjoy their life." 

"A child's job is to have fun. Let the adults handle this. You and the other children should go play. Many of my pets are protecting this place in secret, you need not fear a thing. Not even the dragons. For if any appear here to do harm, I'll swiftly send them on their way. No one is going to hurt my kin while I'm on watch. I promise you that." 

Night Silver smiled and just to drive the point home she gave the child a kiss on his forehead. The speed at which his face went red would make Sound jealous, and Light worried. 

"Hey! I want a head pad too!" 

"But I got it first! Ahahaha!" 

"I'll get you!"

"Catch me if you can!" 

The children started running off, not realizing they just started playing. The older elves started crying basically right away. 

"To think… I'd see this day arrive! A day where they can live free of worry!"

"There will be many, many more days free of worry. Now let's begin teaching you how to make clothes." 

"And we will follow your orders, Kin-mother."

The elves all nodded while the others took off the cloths they had been given to wrap up in. Stretched, then folded the cloth back up and walked back to the baths to lend a hand. 

"Hmm, I suppose that works. Now, take these and do a little like this…" 

Night Silver went on to show the elves how to make clothes. There were of course others from the human's who came by to learn as well. The sense of urgency was quite clear. 

"Only about a thousand people in… And we are struggling to keep up. Even with the help of these ladies, it's still not easy. They make mistakes but that is fine. We just need to get through the growing pains. I never thought my knowledge of researching random things on the internet would come in so handy." 

Night Silver looked around, the way everything was coming together wasn't the greatest, but it was all they could do for now. The 6 great gods were on the other side of the gate ensuring the transfer of people would go smoothly. 

"The elves, they see me in a similar light to a child looking at their mother… A source of care and nurturement. I suppose this is a good thing. Not really how I saw my life going… But then again, I didn't expect I'd be an elf in another world. Then there's the other race's women. Looking up to me in a similar, albeit lesser light. We're doing the right thing."