Before the Rescues

After dinner and several days later, Night Silver was now likened to the Mother of all elven kin. The humans had a similar feeling towards the God of Water, but it was nothing compared to how highly the elves viewed Night Silver. It was night and day, the human's would bend the knee and worship the gods, to include Night Silver. 

But when it came to the elves… There wasn't a single one of them that didn't run right up to Night Silver for a hug, or a head pat. The younger kids were the more frequent recipients of head pats, though they weren't the only ones. 

The dwarves were feeling a bit out of place, with no god of their own kin it made them… feel a little depressed. But that changed a little once one of the dwarven children had run up to Night Silver, trying to get in the mix. The young dwarf, plump and short, was clearly very different from the elven children, but they still looked up at Night Silver with innocent desire in their eyes. 

"So cute. They look mildly nervous but that's fine. I'll give them a pat on the head as well."

"Yay! Lady Mother Nature's head pats!" 

"Pfft. You've been eyeing the others getting these for several days now haven't you? Well, I tell you this, I'll give you as many headpats as you want, now go and tell the others."

"Yes! I'll bring everyone."

The 6 great gods had arrived, walking up to Night Silver. One of them had a table appear. Sitting down around the table, Night Silver noticed that the God of Water was wearing something unusual. 

"Sister Water, that's an odd outfit. Are you sure you want to fight in that?" 

"Ah, this. It's a world level item, called Downfall of Castle & Country. We figured it's best to bring all of the big guns we could since today is the day to rescue the people. We saw those dragon's and even with the 6 of us, it will still be a bit difficult."

"It's our only one sadly. But it'll have to be enough."

Just then a Fenrir appeared, riding on its back was a singular rider, a hollow golem. Nigh Silver gave the Fenrir a few pets a hug and a kiss. And the golem got off its back. 

"You did a good job, fenrir, thank you for your effort. Can you go play with the children now? They've wanted to play with you again for the last couple of days." 

"Aowh! hah hah, wolf!" 

Fenrir went off to play, giving the children rides on his back. Or play hide and seek. Whenever Fenrir found one of the children, he'd tag them with a playful pet-like lick. And the children would giggle. It took a while for them to get used to Fenrir, but with the promise of the gods that it was a friendly creature everyone relaxed quite quickly. 

"The kids seem more cheerful. That's good. They see hope in the world."

"Indeed, the adults are learning skills at a blinding speed. They really seem ready to accept the task of building a nation together. Oh, has anyone managed to conjure those berries yet, Sister Nature?"

Night Silver with a heart warming smile on her face from the scene of the children playing, turned around to answer the God of Fire. 

"Huh, oh yeah, the two eldest of the elves have already managed to create several berries. It's inconsistent, only 3 to 5 berries a cast. But they can cast it about 4 or 5 times a day. I have them practicing it right now. I've had them try eating them as well. And they seem like they are comparable to what I can create. They really are quick learners. And there are a couple children who have managed a cast but I want them to play more. Perhaps they'll discover more applications for druidic magic."

"Wow, if that's the case, there should be limited issues with feeding the people right away."

"Yeah, I also created several farm animals for the dwarves and humans to get accustomed to raising, breeding and slaughtering. I figured it's easier to give them this knowledge first."

"I appreciate that, I haven't quite finished preparing the earth for farmlands. I know it would be faster if you did it, but…"

"No need to worry, just ask me about something you don't understand. I can show you how I do it, I'm sure you'll manage a similar effect."

"Yeah, I can't very well be called the God of Earth if I don't make an effort to tend the land. ANd we can't let you deal with every issue that pops up."

Night Silver sat down again and the golem opened up, revealing the several world level items that had been hidden from the dragons. She inspected them closely. And started to hand them out. 

"Here, I was able to hide these from the dragons before they arrived to help in the battle. I think it's best for you to each have a world class item."


"I know you're shocked but I don't know much more than you. These were just sort of laying there once I was here."

"And, you're willing to share them with us?"

"Why not? We're friends now aren't we? It's only normal to worry for safety."

The 5 remaining great gods each took their own respective world class item. At first they were hesitant, but then they realized that their magic felt less restricted. As if it was suddenly easier to move. 

"With this gate just became a whole lot easier to handle." 

"Surshana, don't go overboard alright. We are going to prioritize the safety of as many people as we can." 

"Don't worry about this place, so long as I'm here, it will be safe."

The 6 great gods, now far more confident in their task, stood up from the table. Night Silver tossed a berry at each of them. 

"Take those with you, you can use them how you see fit."

"Thanks, Night Silver. You've already been a huge help… I look forward to how the future turns out."

Night Silver giggled soft and warmly. She stood up and began preparing a spell. 

"We are friends. Now, one more thing before you go…" 

Night Silver started casting all of the buffs a druid has access to. Filling the 6 gods with confidence. But, she wasn't the only reason. The 43 people who had already received blessings in spades, knelt down and prayed, wishing their gods good fortune in battle. 

Surshana, Having finished locating one of the dragons, opened a gate. The 6 gods left through the gate with the spirits of the people on their side. 

Meanwhile, Night Silver was writing out lesson plans for teaching the rescued people all about everything. And when she had drawn a blank on what to do next, she went to write proposals for laws. 

"I really am doing a lot. I hope this nation remembers the effort that the 7 of us went through to make this nation possible. A theocratic republic of meritocracy. That's what this nation has to be. Even if I don't like it, I can just bring my Kin elsewhere."