A Meal & Guardian Mother

Soon the 43 people were moved to tables in the dining hall. Nervous, they sat in silence for most of the wait. From their perspective they were dining in the house of the gods. And about to be fed food from the very same gods. To them, this was simply too much pressure. 

However, all of their nerves went away the moment a couple of cat-like humanoid looking ladies came out of the kitchen, they were cait siths that were made to look more human in form. The scent of the soup in the pot filled the dining hall. A smell so comforting it couldn't possibly be bad. 

There was a mass inhale and a relaxing sigh. "Ahhmm"

"With a smell this divine, this truly the food of the gods! Surely no one would question their divinity just by this scent alone!" 

A human man exclaimed, which started a round of similar compliments by the others. While this was all going on, the cait sith maids giggle cutely as they pushed the large pots filled with a light yet hearty stew. 

The cart they pushed was specially made. There was a place for a large pot and several small shelves. The pot was only as wide as the cart, but it was as tall as the cart, well, minus the wheels of course. 

"Meow, aren't they excited…" 

"Yes they are, nya~" 

The cait sith maids each took a table, stopping the carts. They turned to their creators and bowed respectfully before grabbing a bowl off the cart filling it with a steaming stew. The maid's moved in sync with each other. A symbol of their training, or that of their pride. Either way they moved with a brisk freedom. 

It really didn't take long to serve all of the people their stew, after, the maid's pulled the curtains from the shelves revealing several long plates of sliced, freshly baked bread. Placing each of these plates in perfect position on the tables, One of the maids noticed that an elven child was staring not at the food, but rather at Night Silver. 

"Is something wrong child, nya~" 

The child ignored the maid… Or it was more like the child couldn't hear the maid. The sound's were coming through just fine, but the child was too focused on Night Silver to pay attention to anything else. Night Silver let her lips form a pleasant smile. 

The child blushed, realizing that they may have been rude. The sense of frantic panic was too cute, but also not something anyone wanted to see. So, now that the food had been served, Night Silver picked up her bowl and bread. 

"You all enjoy the meal as friends here." 

"Don't do anything crazy alright?" 

"It's not like I'm fighting the dragon emperor again. I'm glad he's dead, he really felt like a cancer upon this world." 

"I got a vague sense of that as well."

Night Silver flashed a smile towards her new friends and then found her way to the child that had been staring at her. She set down her bowl and bread. Next to the child's. Smiling she rubbed the child's head warmly, sitting down next to the child, Night silver then sat the child upon her lap. This was simply an incredibly sweet scene, but the child was still panicking for some reason. 

"Why so nervous, little one?" "I wonder is this too much? I only tried to emulate what I had seen others do for their child… Perhaps it's different if you're seen as a deity?"

"Is… Is it okay…" The trembling yet sweet voice sounded. "Can… I… Mommy?" 

"No! Don't be so disrespectful to the gods." 

Night Silver shot a look at the human who just raised their voice. Daring to speak for the gods they just tried to defend… Insulting. "Seems educating these people is going to be more difficult. That I thought… It's important though…"

"If this elven child desires to call me by another title, as long as it is respectful I don't mind. What is a problem is attempting to speak on others behalf." 

A chill went down the human's spine but quickly left him. 

"I beg forgiveness from Lady Nature." 

"It's fine, just don't do it again. Learn from this mistake."


Night Silver took the spoon that had been provided, using a spell she shaped it to fit in the child's mouth more easily. With a filled spoonful, she blew on it just a little so it wouldn't be too hot. 

"Good, now eat. You'll like it." 

The child opened their mouth and ate the spoon full of broth and tiny chunks of meat & vegetables. In that moment, the worry left the child's eyes, tears of happiness flowed. The child's ears wiggled and a smile came to their face.

"It's so good!"

Witnessing the transformation for themselves the others all gulped. Before they offered any thanks or even waited for their gods to eat first, they all put a spoonful in their mouths. The sound of joyful tears was palpable. 

"OH NO! Please forgive our disrespect, great gods!" 

"It's fine, you should worry about eating first. Afterwards, we will explain what comes next." 

"Mommy, can I have another bite?" 

"Hey no fair! I want mommy to feed me too!" 

"Pfft… Ahahaha, you're all so adorable. And yes you too, I see you shyly stealing glances." 

A couple of slightly older elven ladies had been stealing glances and getting all squirmy. They weren't so old, but they were either right on the cusp of being adults or had already announced their adulthood. Either way, it was fine for them to act a little childish. 

"Oh Guardian Mother… I couldn't possibly…" 

Night Silver again, had a moment she felt a change in her occur once again. "Hmm, this is similar… And now I feel so much stronger for some reason… I'll have to investigate this class soon."

"It's possible, you should all learn this. As long as I am alive you will be safe. You only need not turn on me or my kin. And I'll be around for a while, I am immortal after all." 

"Mother… Can you teach me magic!" 

Night Silver looked at the other elf that had been squirming. She was now beyond enthralled. 

"I'll teach what I can. But you should understand that my power is limited to that of nature's might. Should you desire another path, my friends over there should be able to teach you."

"No, I want to learn the magic of our new guardian mother! Ah, I mean, the magic of the 6 great gods is amazing, but I feel closer with you. And I want to be closer! If I learn you're magic I know I can do just that!" 

"You've got spirit. But eat up first…"

"Mommy, can I learn you're magic too?" 

The child in Night Silver's lap asked with a bright smiling look on their face. Night Silver replied in kind, with a smile of her own. Then put another spoonful in the child's mouth. 

"First, to teach anyone, they must be able to learn. Second, no one learns on an empty stomach. So eat up first, alright." 

"Mhmm nom, yes mommy!"

With such a scene the Night Silver put on, it made some of the human children a bit jealous. And their eyes went straight for the God of Water. Which ended as one might expect.