Home of the Six Great Gods

"Maybe another time." "I may be a woman now… But while I may have accepted this, I doubt others can fully accept that fact yet." "Aside from the business we have to take care of… The truth is… I was kinda… Well, I was a man in the old world. I've come to terms with this body myself but…"

"Oh? Wait, how did you get past the checker then?"

"Checker? You know there's no problem to be whatever one wants right? So long as one does do anything rated for adults only, everything is fine. There were many others that did what I did. Unfortunately, they did some pretty horrible things. It's partly why I played solo." 

"Hmm, that makes sense. You know, this form suits you. So maybe later then?" 

"Uh… Sure, I guess." 

It didn't take long for that conversation to finish up and the 6 gods along with Night Silver arrived at the 6 god's guild base. It was a castle ranked base. 

"Huh, I wasn't expecting a castle dungeon to be your base." 

"Why? It might be just the 6 of us now. But we had more members a while back, they quit the game though…" 

"I see, well I was just surprised. That's all, it looks like space won't be a problem. Food definitely will be tough…" 

"You know, it's a pity… The other guild members left. They are now stuck living in that horrible world. Never to know just how beautiful nature can be." 

"It is indeed. We'll just have to wish them well. And enjoy this to the best of our ability. For all of our friends who couldn't make it here."

The God of Wind said as everyone landed near the entrance to the guild base. Night Silver had always loved seeing these places in livestreams and videos. 

"Seeing this up close is so much better than watching it all play out on a livestream." 

"Isn't it! I love this place! Just look at all of our adorable NPC's!"

Night Silver looked around at all of the NPC's and noticed they all have stark similarities. Ones that someone would have to be blind to miss, they were all feline in nature. Cats, Cat-like demi humans and the like. 

"Yeah, if you couldn't tell it was a love of cats that brought our guild together in the first place. So we decided to surround ourselves with these cuties. Most of them are level 1, but that's fine. I love each of these adorable kitties!" 

The God of Water picked up one of the cats and petted it. Doing this with an exceptional degree of passion made it quite clear that her words weren't just for show. In the distance a cat-like demi-human seemed to squirm with anticipation of maybe being next. And suddenly there was quite the line of felines waiting their turn. 

There was one who came up to the 6 gods and Night Silver, bowing respectfully. They wore a suit and tie, similar to a butler's. However, unlike the imposing image of a butler, it just looked cute, huggable & petable. 

"Meowlcome home Meowster's! There were no events outside of your orders. Though we did have a few humanoid's wander in."

"Thank you, Paws. These people, did you take care of them?"

"I gave the orders to get them a nice warm bath. Nyan & Nyon are taking care of them, womeown and children, then men respectively. In total there were 43 people. I ordered the meowder, claws & fangs, to prepare some mild mannered meals. They should be wrapping up shortly." 

"And there was no trouble with monsters?" 

"There were a few beasts that had chased the humeowoids inside your home. However, the summons claimed their lives. And the monster corpses are being skillfully processed. Oh, Nya~"

"Good work. Allow me to introduce you, this is the Druid of Night Silver. The one that stood at the top of all druids and likely the game. Recently she has been given the title Mother Nature."

"Moewster! This womeown is the druid everyone feared and respected!? It's meow honor to meet you Lady Mother Nature!" 

"Pfft… Ahahaha, you're funny. Never change. But I'm not the only one that has a different title." Out of the corner of her eye and using her senses, Night Silver sensed it, the 43 people. "I'm going to make an excellent show of this." "Behold! Who stands before are the six great gods of Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, Life & finally Death!"

Night Silver made some overly dramatic motions, all emphasizing her natural form's beauty. Which only gave more meaning behind her words. And it was at that moment the embarrassment of the title really sank in for the 6 of them. Even Surshana, who couldn't show any emotions, was clearly flustered almost like the skeletal face had turned a slight tinge of red. 

This exaggeration was blatant and purposeful, because right after Night Silver finished speaking the 43 people, ran over and began offering their praises and prayers. 

"Oh, Mighty gods! We thank you for your hospitality and magnanimity." 

These people had been brought to tears in an instant. At first it was hard to understand why. Though, it was more because the six gods were just embarrassed. Night Silver knew the reason as if it were the back of her hand. Night Silver was about to go all in on this religious business. And floated up in the air.

"Ugh, this is embarrassing but, if we want to live a good life here. We need to make sure others can live a good life as well." 

Night Silver posed in the air, her right remained free hanging while her left was bent such that the sole of her foot rested against her right leg's calf. She extended her back to accentuate her bountiful features. Finally her arms gently extended forward, palms facing the sky. 

"With the protection of the six great gods, you'll form a nation where you can live freely with pride." Night Silver explained, as she slowly moved arms to either side. "And you'll have my support in this matter as well, The Night Silver Druid, now known as Mother Nature." "Okay… Yeah that feels weird."


Night Silver smiled as she floated back down to the ground. 

"Let us build a place where all humanoids will be safe from the terror of monsters and those that would wish you harm. One day, your kin will protect this peace for themselves. But today, we will fight to obtain for you. You only need, remain faithful." 

Some stomachs grumble. A couple of the human children among the 43 people went red in the face. There were a couple of elves and dwarves in the mix here as well. It seemed like the people didn't care about their differences at the moment. They all were one group. A group that had sacrificed and survived together. Through thick and thin, good and bad. The God of Water placed a hand on the hungry children's heads. 

"You've known the pain of hunger while so young. Let's fill that belly of yours. And I'm sure you're all quite hungry. It's a good thing too, because you'll soon be served a nice hot meal." 


Many tearfully thankful cries let out at once.