A Tacit Agreement

The other 5 gods had come running out fully kitted out and prepared to fight. Though, only one of them remained undistracted by the scene. After all, Night Silver and the god of water were still bathing in comfort. 

"I'm not here to fight. I came ahead of the others to let you know we've brought 18000 people with us. The majority of them are human's." 

"You 5 can relax a little, this dragon is unlike the others. He seems reasonable. That's why he's still alive right now. I'd have killed him before he arrived if he was hostile."

"Hmm, if you say so, Sister Nature." 

"I do, now do you mind turning your eyes away? You're an adult, control yourself. You don't get the same treatment that young children get." 

"Ah! Forgive me." 

The 5 Gods relaxed and made sure to position themselves in a way they wouldn't be able to see anything. The Platinum dragon looked confused for a moment and then sighed, seemingly reluctant to ask. 

"Pardon, but should we wait to talk until after you're done with, I assume a bath?"

"Oh? Why? It's not like you're lusting after us. Even your filthy father didn't start that until I transformed."

"Yeah, and if you wanted to wait till after, you'll be waiting a long time. We aren't getting out until we're satisfied."

"Oh, I see. Then I'd like to inform you of the reason we didn't bring all of our people. I'd prefer to be honest about this matter in hopes of avoiding future conflict with each other." 

Night Silver cocked her head and counted again. "It seems like the number is close enough. Or did they do something different?" 

"I see, as long as it's reasonable, we can come to an understanding. I'd prefer to relax and enjoy this life as well. Fighting your kind isn't really a fun prospect. We don't have to be allies, but we should at the very least, not be enemies." 

"I was right, you are indeed an Elf worthy of respect from my kind. My name is Tsaindorcus Vaision. I don't know what the others did, but I'd appreciate it if we could avoid hostilities as well." 

"Hmm, so long as you believe that what they did has nothing to do with you, you should also not get any feelings over what their fates were, correct?" 

"So they did suffer… Their pride got in the way of their brains. But it can't be helped I guess. I felt the power of that attack I used on my father, it didn't kill him. And thus I know how powerful the attack you used must have been. It's foolish to actively make enemies with you while there's still a chance at friendly relations." 

"You're more reasonable than I gave you credit for. I had some friends where we come from who managed to see that line of thought too. They were great to hang around from time to time… Since you're so reasonable and talk about friendly relations, May I call you Vaision, in exchange you may call me Silver." 

"Hmm, I'd prefer it if you used Tsa instead of Vaision. It feels more friendly this way." 

"Good, then I will speak to you like this. You'll afford similar respect to the others, as they are my friends." 

Tsa seemed slightly apprehensive for a moment, taking a mild glance at the other 5 people. He knew that they were strong, but also that calling them friends was a bit outside of his ability to understand. Dragons don't just make friends with those weaker than themselves. But he relented, knowing he must. 

"Very well, You may refer to me as Tsa as well. Now, let me explain." 

Tsaindorcus sighed, with a hint of nervousness. A hint that Night Silver picked up on. Responding by letting a calm smile appear, and remaining attentively silent. 

"Some of my siblings and I had a discussion. In total 7 of us decided to band together and attempt to guide the weaker life forms. An experiment of sorts. So with our 36000 people total, we brought half of them here to live in this nation you're building." 

"I see, then, you made sure to leave behind only the ones unwilling to make the journey?" 

"Indeed, Also, there were some elves that decided to stay. Though, I suspect they may change their minds if you were to show yourself to them. If this day comes to pass, I hope you'll treat them well." 

Night Silver's lips were about to deform from the smile she had forced on her face. This news wasn't the greatest for several reasons…

"With that kind of proposal we can't very well make any demands. They've come this far already. And I'd prefer not to rock the boat but… I won't allow a single elf to ever live under the rule of a dragon that could use their beautiful soul for a stupid spell. Especially ones so weak. So…"

"I see, then tell me friends, are you alright with this arrangement? I won't blatantly contest it if you don't have any qualms."

The god of wind rubbed his chin and thought about it. And looked at his friends, his guild mates. Though he didn't look at the god of water for long. Only long enough to get a nod. "They are basically leaving the answer up to me… very well then. Let's go with this, I think Night Silver will be fine with it, right?"

"Tsa, what promises can you make to us that those of our kin will be safe under your care? We might have trouble keeping so many safe from harm, but we will do our best and take the responsibility for that upon our shoulders, can you do the same?" 

"You wish to ensure the safety of your kind. Is that not… A bit… overzealous?" 

"It's fine, you don't have to act tough about this matter for my sake. I'll be taking my kin either way. As much as I desire to trust our new friend Tsa… His brother recently called me a bitch and had his group slaughter our people just to make us angry. I do not relish the idea that my people are under the rule of creatures who have already gone back on their word. Any elves not under my protection are at risk from that other large dragon." 

"I see, then, Tsa. Let's start by allowing a delegation to travel to this country you wish to create. If you can agree to that then I can promise not to fight you for those people. Perhaps we could even trade some information on nation building." 

The platinum dragon Tsa, was still in a daze from the stark contrast he witnessed before. But it wasn't like he hadn't suspected as much. "I should be grateful that they didn't outright attack me. But at least I got away with keeping enough souls for ourselves to use in the event we become enemies. Even if it's small in number… It could grow to incomparable size." 

"I agree to your terms. I feel this will be beneficial to us all." 

"Great, we will begin preparations to receive the other people. Sister Nature, do you mind…" 

"Yes, I do mind. If we use our own power to guide their migration here, it will become uneven. Have everyone ramp up temporary shelter construction and have the children sleep in the more comfortable areas. And Tsa, for now, I'll trust that my kin remains safe and sound. But if they get hurt… You'd better hope my anger can't be rationally directed towards you."