A Tacit Agreement (Part 2)

Tsa, the platinum dragon was both stunned and terrified. The way he felt from this encounter with Night Silver was… Different than that of the first time they had crossed paths. "Is she stronger, or just more confident? No, neither would be enough to explain this chill I get whenever she gets that serious glint in her eye. It's similar to how I see my dinner…" Another chill ran down Tsa's spine. "She's not someone to take lightly. Perhaps she has a slayer skill? Either way, I don't have a choice, here's hoping my siblings don't do anything reckless…" 

"I'll give you my word that the people of the nation we form will be safe from our jaws. We can eat just about anything anyway. As far as security, I'd think it's best for them to learn how to do that on their own."

Night Silver let her lips form a genuine smile. "Good, he's worried I would blame him for that. Which means he knows not to hide anything. He can be reasoned with." 

"Good, then as I'm still enjoying my bath. Windy, shake on the deal for now. We'll draw up papers later." 

The god of wind responded with a confused jolt. 

"Windy? Seriously?" 

"What? You want me to call you Neko?" 

Night Silver sloshed around in the water, moving in a sensational manner. Enough that would draw any man's eyes to her and make them blush. 

"Or was it a more personal nickname you wanted?" 

The wind god along with the others gulped, audibly. The god of water, on the other hand, moved to behind night Silver. Pressing her chest against Night Silver's back with a smirk. 

"How's this sister Nature? Think they'll have a hard time now?" 

"It's a good start, but you and I both know it's what they imagine us doing when we're alone that gets their blood pumping." 

Night Silver and the god of water started snickering with the same teasing look on their face. The five peepers turned away again, heaving a collective heavy sigh. 

"I look forward to building a bright future. Let us work together to accomplish this." 

Tsa, who was confused about what was going on, dazed in a trance thinking about it. Snapped out of his thoughts once he heard the wind god speak again. 

"Oh, yes, let our relationship be a fruitful one." 

"Now that that's all settled, how long until the 18000 people arrive? And what kind of condition are they in exactly?" 

"Uh, hmm… I know they should arrive within the day. But what do you mean by condition, exactly?" 

The gods were stunned for a moment and looked around at each other. A few noticed that there were a couple of elven children running over. But aside from that, nothing was helpful… Then it clicked. 

"Mommy! Why are the others saying you gave them a bath?!" A young eleven child flailed his arms in frustration. 

"It's not fair mommy!" 

More and more of the elves came running over. To Night Silver's surprise even the adults were coming. 

"Hmm, should I let them in now?..." 

A few of the kids took off the clothes they had been given and jumped into the large bath. A scene that made Night Silver feel a mix of different emotions all at once. But they only grew more confused when the adults joined… The men had enough sense to stay away though. 

"Tsa, do you mind talking with them elsewhere now? I'm not worried about myself, but when my kin are here. I should focus on them." 

"Hmm, it seems you are quite loved. To have those not of one's blood call one by such a title. Very well, I'll leave you to it. Pardon me for my intrusion, Silver." 

Tsa and the 5 gods left to finish the discussion elsewhere. The god of water let go of Night Silver understanding that what was about to happen, she shouldn't actively get in the way of it. 

"Even though I shouldn't get in the way, I'd like to understand why they are so enamored by Night Silver? Like, I want to have some more… Pleasurable fun with her later. But the elves seem to have a different feeling towards Night Silver. Hmm, she seems willing to explain…" 

The god of water waded through the bath, towards a stunning elven woman. The water wasn't incredibly deep, it was deep enough that with the wavy flow of the water, her belly button would be covered at times and visible at other times. The elf she was approaching was roughly of a similar height. 

"Mind if I ask you something?" 

"Oh? Please ask anything, lady goddess."

The elf smiled and bowed, crossing her arms in what was meant to be a respectful gesture. Though she was still stealing glances towards Night Silver. 

"Why are you so infatuated with my friend? Not just you, but all of your kin." 

The elf tilted her head confused. 

"It's quite simple really, you're all our saviors. But for us, we feel a depth of motherly love from her. I can say that I truly desire to be like her. Able to love my kin so freely. It would be nice to become as strong, but that won't happen… I guess if you're still confused. Simply put we love her with every fiber of our being." 

The god of water remained puzzled, unable to understand it. So she had to ask another question. 

"And what about the men? How do they feel?" 

"Oh? If we divide the thoughts up like that, the women want to be like our guardian mother. The men want to be strong to be worthy of such a woman. And the children… Hmm…" 

One of the elven children swam over, it was the child of the elf the god of water was speaking to. Lifting the child up out of the water and holding her close, a skinship. 

"Lady goddess, we just want to be around our loving guardian mother. It's like having a second mother… No, more than that. We feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever we're around her." 

"Is that so? I wonder what caused such a change. Did she level up and acquire a class like that… That must be the reason. It happened at the table that day." 

"Mother Nature is our guardian mother. We can't help but love her. And… She feels the pain of losing a child every time one of us dies…" 

The god of water's face turned to one of thought. 

"Is there really that big of a difference? With such a benefit as perfect love of their goddess… Maybe I shouldn't mention that Night Silver was a man prior to transferring over." 

Night Silver was basically besieged by children that just wanted to feel close. Close to someone so warm and loving. 

A feeling stirred within the god of water. "Damn, now I'm jealous. I wonder if the other children will ever see me in that kind of light. Maybe I should have some of my own? But who should I turn to for that… Seems I have a lot of thinking to do." 

The bath finished, but Night Silver was exhausted. Not in a bad way, but still she was exhausted. 

"This mother business is tough… I was a guy for the longest time. I hardly know what it's like being a woman, let alone a mother…" 

Night Silver sighed inwardly as the events continued moving forward.