Calm Between Chaos (Part 2)

"Hmm, this… If I had known we would have been transferred like this, I might have changed my race before leaving. I bet these berries taste fantastic." 

The god of death lamented looking at the berries that he couldn't eat. He heaved a heavy sigh as the regret sank in. 

"Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure you still could. But it might cause problems with your current strength. I may be strong, but even I don't want to take on extra work that you could have handled." 

Night Silver conveyed, sipping her drink calmly then tossed a berry into her mouth. 

"This could be a boon to the people here. How many of these can you make a day?" 

"Oh… They're only tier 1 magic. So it really doesn't take anything from me." 

"Then why didn't you make more?" 

"Hey, just like you I was busy. Do you even know how many of my kin wanted hugs and kisses before bed? News flash, there were a lot." 

Night Silver snapped, lightly, but still snapped. She took a breath and calmed down. 

"I'm not used to this many people. I wasn't much of a people person. I was a solo player after all. I really could use that spa day. A nice massage would go a long way…" 

"I volunteer! I'll give you a…"

The god of earth all but shouted springing up from his nap. The creases of having slept on the table were still imprinted on his face. Night Silver tossed a berry in the earth god's mouth, shutting him up before he said any more stupid things. 

"I'd sooner get pregnant by one of those elven men, than get a massage from a pervert." 

"Pfft, talk about harsh, but it's deserved. Earth, you should take a seat and chill out. Huh, why are you crying?" 

"I'm not crying! I'm just sweating from my eyeballs…" 

Silence overwhelmed the 7 of them. All it took was everyone's gaze fixated on the god of earth save for one, that let dams loose. 

"FINE! I wanted to eat breakfast but I'm fully satiated for the whole day. I'm going to miss the bacon!" 

"Seriously… That's your issue? You do realize you hit on a man in a woman's body just now right?" 

The god of wind sighed as he rubbed his temples, slowly removing the migraine he developed trying to keep track of things. And the god of earth sat down with a sigh. 

"Oh, you should probably think of me as no more than a woman at this point… At least that's how I see it…" 


The god of fire said, way too quickly. 

"Ignoring your eagerness, I'll answer, yes. I've played the role of an Elven female druid since just a little after the launch day of Yggdrasil. Also, I quite like this body, I feel good. Like I'm whole or something like that. Well, I guess you could say that my kin see me as such. And they have a much better grasp on this than I do at the moment…" 

"They sure do, I know you like being called momma." 

"That… That I do." 

Night Silver's lips gently curled into a pleasantly warm smile, conveying the feeling she got every time she heard that word. The god of fire blushed hard as Night Silver spoke and even more when he saw that smile. The god of wind cleared his throat, snapping the god of fire back to his senses. 

"Anyway, Tsa wanted to stay here while we teach the people about building a nation and codifying laws. He said it was related to the research he needed for his own experiments in nation building." 

Night Silver's smile faded from her face faster than it had appeared. And she let out a troubled sigh. "That's why they said they'd be relying on my ability to keep them all awake. So annoying!

"I see, judging by your tone, I suspect you agreed to that…" 

The god of wind paused for a moment realizing that he might have made a mistake or at the very least made a choice that wouldn't be beneficial for them. 

"Yeah this idiot didn't even ask what we thought about the idea. We're already tired as it is." 

The god of earth complained, rubbing his eyes and belly. 

"Yeah, and now we have to stay on guard against those things throughout the day and night. When are we ever going to sleep?" 

The god of fire complained, gently yet firmly hitting the table with his fist. 

"Stop whining about it already, would you? We can sleep in shifts with the aid of spells. It won't be that difficult." 

The god of life interjected to stop the complaints. And he did it just in time too. Two young elven girls had come out of the Nature's Shelter Night Silver had provided for them. The door had been left open so the people could escape if something happened inside. 

Meanwhile, outside the entrance to the Nature's Shelter, were 5 Fenrir. One at lvl 80, another at lvl 75 with the remaining three being lvl 70. In simple terms the only thing getting through those pups were dragons. To which Night Silver would have already been made aware of giving how their presence feels, she'd never forget that hair raising feeling. 

Night Silver turned, making note that one of those Fenrir had followed the children in secret, acting like a guard dog in the throws of the shadows. The faces the girls wore, made it undeniably clear what drove them to come seek Night Silver. 

"Even if I know why they came to me, it's better for them to tell me about it themselves."

The girls were nervous and slightly trembling. But even so, they seemed to sense that Night Silver was waiting for them. 

"Moth… My sister… I had a nightmare. Can we…"

"We… Can we stay with you?" 

Night Silver smiled, stood up, wrapped the girls in her arms. Lifting them up in either arm, then sat back down. Their heads each resting on Night Silver's breasts, they snuggled in close. 

"I'll be here whenever you need it. Now, how about an elven druidic lullaby while you get nice and cozy." 

"Yay, mommy is going to sing us to sleep." 

"Mommy, can I move this cloth away? It doesn't feel right on my cheek." 

One the girls asked, with beady eyes, talking about the top of Night Silver's dress. If removed, Night Silver's breast would be made for the world to see. So obviously the answer was clear. 

"Sorry sweety, we can be naked in the bath, and topless in bed or other designated areas. The one exception is if a woman is nursing her baby." 

"Can I be a baby for now?" 

"Pfft, it seems like you've got your hands full. Perhaps you should be the first one to take a nap." 

The god of wind chuckled, at the sheer cute and innocent smiles on those two girls. Truly something worthy of fighting for. To bring back joy, the joy of living a fulfilling and happy life. 

Night Silver looked around her and smiled. 

"You're all wonderful friends. I promise I won't take more than a couple hours. Surshana take these scrolls and use them if the need arises. I'm sure you understand what they are and why you're the one getting them. And with that, I'm going to go and take a nap and sing a lullaby to these adorable cuties." 

Night Silver stood up, walked away and entered the Nature's Shelter. Leaving the others behind to think about what to do, while looking at the scrolls.