Calm Between Chaos (Part 3)

The silence got too annoying for the great gods and so the god of death sighed, unraveling one. He had a pretty good idea what they were but he wanted to make sure. 

"Sure enough she handed me scrolls of awakening. And some of these are… Huh, I've never seen this spell? Oh, a message from her? … Yes, sister Nature?"

"Good, there is a spell there you likely won't recognize. Don't use it. I'm just curious if you'll be able to decipher what it does. You can spend as long as you like on it or not at all. Just know if you do happen to try, it will help my research into how strong we really are in this world." 

"So then… You wish for me to decipher this spell's name and effects without being told what they are? Any ideas about how to go about that?" 

"I'd start with writing the meaning of every rune in the circle. Though… I'm limited on that because I can use quite a few runic magic. As a result, anything I draw up that has the associated runes could be accidentally…" 

"Imbued with a power you don't understand and thus all your work goes up in flames?"

"Yes, exactly that actually. I wish I could do it myself. Oh well."

"Very well. I'll work on it slowly and carefully, just need to find enough paper to handle this mess. Even a Tier 1 spell has over 300 runes inscribed in them." 

"Thanks, now then time to get these girls a nap." 

The god of death sighed as the message spell vanished. He rolled up the random spell and stowed it away in his inventory. Then taking a look at the other scrolls, he put those away as well. 

"All of them are scrolls of awakening, save for one. Apparently our friend has given me a hell of a task. But… Aside from that she's basically said that I have to make sure you're all awake and alert. I suspect it's due to my race. The people find themselves scared of me. Perhaps it's for the best if I hunker down and do research." 

"I don't think it's as big of an issue as you may think, but if you feel differently, then I won't stop you from retreating to focus on research. But, we should build a system first. You'll need to play a part in order to be remembered alongside us. None of us want that for you." 

"Ah, well, I guess that's fine. Just chalk it up to some light complaints about my form."

"Pfft… If sister nature heard you just now, she might have slapped you. Anyways, we should get to work on the important matters. There's only a few hours left before our new people arrive." 

"It looks like the early risers responsible for cooking have started to put out a spread." 

"And the people are waking up… Huh? Why are they hugging each other and crying? Is there something worrying them?"

"I think it's more that they are grateful, the first night they were able to sleep in relative peace, comfort and safety. When they had arrived here, they had mostly been naked and covered in dirt & grime." 

"Is that why many of them still are partially to fully… Oh it doesn't matter. Let's go and get everyone prepared to tackle the day. We are looked up to as gods, so we ought to show the right way to live. Let's make it a place without that corporate nonsense." 

"Alright, I'll get a nice hearty breakfast and check in on the women that open up to me. We'll need to draw a whole new bath too… Since that's the case mind it I take a short nap too? It's going to be a busy day."

"After you've eaten something. Do what you want. The dragon lords will arrive soon." 

"Ugh, fine. I'll manage."

The great gods stood up to walk away from the table. Each mentally preparing themselves for the day ahead. It was sure to be a doozy of one. 

In the Nature's Shelter, Night Silver laid down letting the children snuggle up to her. When she had arrived it was clear that there were more than the twins that had come to find her. So she ended up being smothered by little ones. 

There were some older children that had nightmares as well, though they were content being in the same room as Night Silver. Though, Night Silver wasn't cruel in treating just the really young with swaddled affection, she would give all her attention. 

"Perhaps this is why… This might be why I earned that title. This doesn't feel out of character for me in the slightest. A caring parent… Or is it the effect of the class, [Guardian Elven Mother]? Either way it doesn't matter. What I should do now is help develop a culture around the elves. So, for the first lullaby, I'll make it about the thing that makes them feel most comfortable & safe." 

And so, after getting comfortable, Night Silver asked the children. 

"Do you know the druidic-elven language? It is similar to elvish but has a more natural feeling to it." 

The children looked at each other confused for a moment. Then one of the older children spoke up. 

"Guardian Mother, we don't know this language. But that doesn't matter, I'm sure anything you say we will understand the meaning." 

"Hmm, I see. Then I will trust in the bond we share. And trust you know that this lullaby must never be shared outside of our kin." 

Night Silver knew that it wouldn't bring the other races any comfort. Well, the dwarves might feel something pleasant but, as far as the humans go… They would likely never be able to comprehend the story. 

The children all nodded their heads, not even wondering why Night Silver mentioned such a restriction. But they figured it was something about knowing the feeling behind it. With the children agreeing to the rules. They eagerly awaited Night Silver's lullaby story. 

Night Silver started the story, singing in a soothing tone. Her words filled with an etheric power. As if this story were to be carving a permanent position in the elven culture. Soon the children feel asleep, covered with warm blankets. Night Silver made it a point to kiss their foreheads, only pausing her singing momentarily to do so. 

It didn't take long for the children to go back to sleep. Taking a comfortable nap free of nightmares. With all of the children tucked into bed, Night Silver yawned and stretched. 

"That went well. It didn't take too long and now they'll have sweet dreams for an hour or so. Time for me to take a nap." 

Night Silver laid down in the spot that had been made for her, closed her eyes and started to relax. The nearest children gravitate towards her murmuring. 


"Beat the dragon…" 

"Hmm, the same dream, once a nightmare has turned to a pleasant one they want to have." 

Night silver gently snuggled them against herself. And of course she noticed there were a couple of adults you had come by to see how the children were doing. The look on their faces conceded a deep sense of gratitude and jealousy. At least for the women, the men on the other hand were embarrassed yet couldn't look away either. 

"Don't worry, I'll teach all of you that lullaby. So you can remember it in times of strife."