Chaos Arrives

"Oh? That sounds good. I appreciate that. But I'm afraid I have to ask, do you have enough provisions to feed 5 dragon's so freely?" 

Tsa asked curiously, looking around at the rather mundane looking lodgings and overall set up. His eyes glanced over a rather large pond with two concave walls meeting at a center point, Subdividing the pond into four sections. 

"I wouldn't worry about that, we are confident in feeding 20000 people. A handful of dragons shouldn't be a problem…" 

"I see, you must have something to back yourself up then. Well, anyway, I was curious about that construction you've got over there? It's larger than the one you had yesterday, is it for the same purpose, to bathe in?" 

Tsa asked, pointing towards the large pond his eyes had been glued to. 

"Yes, in order to accommodate the bathing of the new arrivals, we had to increase the size of the bath. We've also prepared food, clothing and healthcare. Enough for everyone to receive the nutrients and care they need."

"I see, last time, there were three sections, now there are four. Do you just put whomever in at random? Or do each of the sections serve some sort of purpose?" 

"I'll explain that part. Originally we had three separate sections, one for adult males, one for women and children, then the last for families or groups consisting of men and women to bathe in. This provided a more comforting atmosphere when they arrived. And we have a similar system set up here." 

The god of water started explaining, she stopped to see if Tsa had been lost. 

"An interesting system, but why separate them? I mean, if you have a spot where they remain mingled, should they not all be mingling?" 

"Well, no. Not everyone is comfortable being in such a vulnerable state around the opposite sex. But in the case of children, no one should really feel that way around them. If any do, we'll punish them severely." 

Night Silver replied, gritting her teeth. The other gods all nodded in agreement. 

"I see, and then, that fourth section, what is its purpose? It doesn't seem like it's as hot as the other three." 

"Oh that, one! That's the place we made just in case there are pregnant women on their way here. In the event they must push their baby out, we set that place up to be a sort of haven for new mothers. And the water supply there is treated with numerous spells. It's probably the cleanest thing in the world." 

"Huh, it seems you've even thought of things like that. You're all quite thorough and it pleases me. You're indeed worthy of being friends. Even still, what… are those?" 

Tsa asked, pointing towards the rather rickety structures. They were made of what seemed like twigs, spit and leaves. And to a point… That was basically what they were. 

"Those were the mass tents we had them build to gain some experience. They seem poorly constructed, but that's already quite the improvement from having nothing to shelter themselves from the elements." 

Tsa seemed to nod in understanding as he continued taking in the sights. There seemed to be a few questions on his mind. 

"I'm afraid we'll have to wait until the chaos settles to answer any more of your questions, Tsa. We've got a lot to do today." 

Night Silver interjected, noticing the mannerisms of the dragon as Tsa was thinking. She was a little startled to see she could grasp these mannerisms. Did I seriously understand that? I… Hmm, that deserves some investigation. Can I tell what all races are doing, or is it limited? If it's limited then what races are beyond my ability to read? Perhaps an adventure around the world would help shed some light on these questions. A grand quest to explore.

"I see, well, they are here. I'll leave the instructions up to you. Feel free to give myself and my brethren here instructions. We will have to bring this technology back to our nation with us, upon our return." 

"Don't worry, we're only going to work you to the bone." 

The God of Fire laughed energetically, putting his hands on his hips leaning back to over exaggerate the laugh. For some silly reason, the people who heard him laughing bowed, seemingly saying a small prayer of some kind. The God of Wind chuckled along and then cleared his throat activating his method of flight.

"Alright, let's go and welcome our new people. Mr. Paws, cait sith maids & new apprentices of the same, get to work. We're going to be busy." 

"It will be grueling, but will also be rewarding. With your very own hands, you'll build the future for yourself and your descendants. A place where humanoids can live in peace and prosper." 

"Pfft, brother Earth, with speeches like that people might forget you're a total pervert." 

"Ah, it's not my fault you and Sister Nature are neuron activating beauties." 

"Oh? Who's better looking then?" 

Night Silver and the God of Water hugged each other, teasing the God of Earth. 

"Let's stop this before it gets too crazy. We don't want any fights starting because of questions like that." 

The God of Wind said, leading the way towards the arriving 18000 people.

The people looked up at a man wearing white armor, floating in the air above them. And soon after 6 others arrived floating as well. Aside from the one undead among them, these were powerful beings that looked like them. 

A sense of relief washed over the group of migrants. Tears flowed, and they fell to their knees making an effort to praise or beseech the ones they saw. 

"Mighty Gods, who are able to bargain with the True Dragon Lords. We beg of you, take us in…" 

The God of Wind raised his hand to stop the people from continuing with that reverent prayer. 

"All of you, listen up. I am the God of Wind. These are my friends: God of Earth, God of Fire, God of Life, God of Death, Goddess of Water and finally, Mother Nature. You have all made a painstaking effort to migrate to these lands. Here, you will not fear the setting sun, for you will see it rise again. We are here to teach and guide you towards greater heights. All humanoids are welcome in our country. Especially you all, for it will be by your hand that this nation shall raise from land. Let this great nation, this theocracy be a beacon to all other humanoids out there. To let them know, a sanctuary exists for their own kind." 

The God of wind spoke his speech. It wasn't planned, just what came to mind at the moment. Once he finished speaking Night Silver rushed in towards someone in the crowd creating a berry in her hand as she did so. 

"Here, eat this young man. It will help you to regain your strength." 

The nearly naked, human boy, frail, weak & pale, gulped at the sight of food. He was so hungry that he even though he was clearly in or post puberty, didn't even pay the slightest attention to the beauty of the one bestowing him food. Instead he simply ate the berry and began to feel better, some color returned to his face. An expression of a long forgotten emotion appeared on his face, one that replaced the hopeless look of despair, joy