Rapid Development

The God of Earth began teaching the few things he knew of when it came to farming. It was quite the sight, even with the low effort wooden tools the people managed to learn the ins and outs of tending to the fields. Of course this was a limited number of crops, it wasn't like the God of Earth knew everything about farming. For that matter, neither did Night Silver, though she did willingly teach what she knew. 

The Goddess of Water began teaching things relating to hygiene and even some degree of plumping. All the ways to use water for health prospects. She also taught them how to turn fruits into various juices. She was also the one that handed out specialty health care items for the women. All crafted thanks to her imagination and several of the women eager for the peace of mind they were told it would bring. 

The God of Fire supervised and instructed the people on construction, different techniques and the like. Apparently, they had been rather enthusiastic about construction. The God of Life spent time working on the same project. It didn't take long before there was something resembling a main road lined with lights imbued with continual light. 

The God of Wind was in charge of explaining what was happening to the dragon lords, elaborating on the things he could or making notes to ask the others for clarification on at a later time. 

Tsa the Platinum Dragon Lord and his siblings were all a fluster with the breadth of information and interesting techniques being used. The division of labor and improvement of what they once thought of nothing better than food to eat. It was nothing short of a culture shock, it would be accurate to say that phrase wasn't enough to capture their true feelings. At one point the Dragons tried the magical berries Night Silver created for them. 

"Hmm, this berry isn't all that flavorful." 

"Yeah, it definitely lacks that meaty taste the other food served here had." 

"Silver, this berry doesn't seem to be enough to fill us up. Do you mind if I try another one?" 

"Sure, I can make as many of them as I'd ever need, but how about you let her make you one instead?" 

A human woman who managed to learn the spell gulped when Night Silver pointed her way. 

"Oh, this human learned the same spell? So your magic can be taught to other races than your own. I was sure that was a limitation…" 

"Of course, there is always a chance that anyone could learn this spell. Hmm, even you could manage to learn it yourself. But I doubt that you'd like to do that as you are now. It would certainly be a hindrance to your strength. Best to just let it be a strength of others… Now then, young lady, go ahead and use the spell." 

The human woman turned her head to look at Night Silver as if she was looking for someone to dash her terror to pieces. One her eyes met the smile of such a goddess, the woman couldn't help but feel more at ease. She was nervous but not so scared anymore. She felt like no matter what she would be safe. 

"Yes, Mother Nature, though I'm not very good at it… I'll give it my best shot!" 

The woman perked up, holding the palm of her hand out in front of herself. She closed her eyes and focused. The spell circle appeared, which began to slowly generate a few berries in her hand which ended the spell. The woman, having finished her spell, looked exhausted, clearly due to having a low mana pool. 

"Hmm, this seems a bit different from what we've seen you do, Nature, is there a reason for that?" 

"Of course there is a reason. She just learned the spell, while I have long since mastered it. And don't forget I undoubtedly have a much larger mana pool than probably everyone here. Brother Fire might actually have more, but I have a much faster recovery. Now then… Young lady, you should go back and get some rest." 


"As a mage you must learn the importance of keeping your mana full at all times. Oh? Did you want to see what the dragons think of your berries?"

"Yes, Mother Nature." 

Tsa sighed in his heart for a moment before reaching for one of the three berries in the woman's hands. The woman of course was trembling as he did this, so much so that the berries shook around a little. The shaking was annoying, but, Tsa ignored it, grabbing one of these berries then backing away, throwing the berry into his giant mouth. 

"Seriously? It's really the same amount of sustenance. It's far less flavorful, but it carries a richness that satisfies the belly. I could have another berry myself. So perhaps the limit is 3 or 4 berries." 

"Wait, you're serious, they produced food with nothing but magic! I get it if it's the one that dealt that blow against father, but to think even a human is capable of such magic."

"Alright, you should go and rest now." 

Night Silver smiled at the young woman, who promptly bowed reverently and was escorted away to get some rest. Then Night Silver glared at the dragon who made the idiotic comment. 

"Making such comments even now? You must be the dumb one of the bunch. Or is it because you have no eyes? No, that doesn't work either. Have you forgotten what's around you? Save for that castle, the several fortresses and magically imbued structures, the people have built all of this with their own hands. We have been giving them as little help as we can so that they may grow into a nation all on their own." 

"I see, consider it a slip of the tongue. Still, it's no less impressive that a human was able to grow this much. From our perspective this sight would have been impossible. But… It makes me worry about how we are to replicate it elsewhere. After all, we don't have the same magical prowess as you do. It's a completely different type of magic." 

"I figured that out during that battle. Your magic uses the power of the soul instead of mana. While I can see some advantages with that method… I feel it's too limited and poses many issues. Though I imagine if you got creative with it, you'd be able to pull off something akin to our versatile magic." 

"Perhaps you're right. Even so, maybe you'd be willing to come back and teach things yourselves?" 

"No, I'll only be taking my people away with me. You'll have to send people over here to learn our magic. We are these people's protectors, so we can't leave for lengthy periods of time unlike the 5 of you. We aren't numerous." 

The dragon lords sighed a collective sigh. 

"Very well, we will come up with a method for this exchange. You've already promised to provide us with a large sum of those berries. It would be wrong of us to ask much more… But, we really could use some of those masons as you call them." 

"Hmm, If you can manage to acquire their aid on your own… I'm sure none of us gods would intervene."